Revaluation pg 3 4-25-13

PUTNAM --- As the periodic revaluation of Putnam continues, data collectors are now working on the following streets:
Addison Street, Ballou Street, Battey Street, Church Street, Dufault Street, Harrison Street, Lamothe Street, Marshall Street, Maynard Street, Mill Street, Providence Street, Smith Street, Van den Noort Street and Woodside Street.
Tax Assessor Rande Chmura said that about 340 letters were mailed this week to owners of properties that will be inspected in the next few weeks. These pre-inspection letters were sent by the Assessor's office. The letters explain the revaluation process and have pictures on the reverse side of the data collectors and the make and models of their cars. Data collectors have picture ID's and have a letter of introduction with them written by the assessor.

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