Rotary pg 6 4-25-13


Above: Winners Elizabeth, 4, and Charlie, Beauregard, 6, holding between them, the brown and brook trout that helped them win. Left: Oscar Steinbrick. Right, top: Lynzee Ritchie, 12, of Dayville and her pink boots. Right, bottom: Taylor Knupp, 12, with her winning trout.

Rotary Fishing Derby
PUTNAM — The fish might not have been biting but nearly 150 youngsters had a wonderful time in Rotary Park the Putnam Rotary Club’s annual Noe Poulin Fishing Derby April 21.
Some fish were pulled in, though. Llizabeth Beauregard, 4, won largest fish caught in the under 5 years old catagory with a 4.9 oz brown trout; Charles Beauregard, 6, won for the most fish caught and the largest for 6-9 year olds with a 6.7 oz and an 8.4 oz brook trouts; Taylor Knupp, 12, won largest fish for 10-12 year olds with a 7 oz. brook trout; Andre Bessette, 10, won for most unique fish with a crayfish.
Some 144 kids took part. Last year’s rainy fishing derby had only 70 participants. This year’s breakdown of attendees: 5 and younger = 42 children; 6-9 year olds = 47; 10-12 year olds = 37; 13-15 year olds = 18.

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