Church pg 1 5-2-13

The South Woodstock Baptist Church congregation dedicates the space for its addition. Pastor Bob Beckwith is at far right. Courtesy photo.

S. WOODSTOCK --- Faced with the large growth of the church community, the South Woodstock Baptist Church will kick off construction of an addition May 6.
Pastor Bob Beckwith, who dedicated the space, marked out with orange paint and stakes, said the addition will be two floors and will be constructed at the back of the church building. The first floor will house a Fellowship Hall and office space and the second floor will contain a Youth Room and two new bathrooms, plus two new code compliant stairwells.
The footprint is about 25 feet by 60 feet.  The architect is Peter Argiros. The building project manager is  Dave Navarro .
Pastor Beckwith said the framing and roofing and siding are projected to be done by mid-summer. The interior first floor should be finished by the fall. The second floor will be finished as money and volunteer labor allow.
"The expansion was needed because of the large growth of the church community, especially families with kids," he said.
The congregation has been working on a solution to the space problem since 2008. Last fall the church held a Capital Campaign which reached the target goal of $325,000, pledged of which we have received in 45 percent. The projected cost is about $517,000. The church is still accepting donations. Checks should be made out to the South Woodstock Baptist Church Building Fund and would be mailed to the church on Roseland Park Road, South Woodstock, CT.
Pastor Beckwith said the main section of the building was built in 1840 and the back room two-story addition was put on in the mid-1960s.
At the dedication of the project, held April 28, Pastor Beckwith said, "Recognizing that the Almighty God does not dwell in houses made with hands, that heaven is His throne and the earth His footstool, and that He cannot be contained even in the heavens, much less this house of worship, we follow the pattern that Moses set who built a Tabernacle in which God’s Name and Honor would dwell as we now consecrate the work on this building addition to God’s glory. We look forward to seeing the work commence on this project that will provide space for us to gather together for worship and praise, for thanksgiving and prayer, for learning and growing, for fellowshipping and celebrating."

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