Lacrosse pg 10 5-2-13

The Connecticut Valley Youth Lacrosse League began play this past week, and the Pomfret Senior “A” team chalked up two wins to open the season.  The senior “A” squad is comprised of local 7th and 8th grade boys from the surrounding community.   In the first game April 23, the team took on Tolland and finessed its way to a 12-4 victory.  Pomfret took at 6-0 first quarter lead and never looked back.  Nathan Gentile led the way with four goals over the ten minute span with Peyton Durand chipping in two of his own.  Assists went to Tucker Sheehan with three and Evan Cunningham and Isaiah Price each with one. All but one of the six goals was assisted, accentuating the good passing and unselfish play of the team. In the second quarter, Pomfret dominated.  Cal Wilcox would score a nice goal off a Durand assist, Evan Cunningham would record an unassisted goal, and then Ryan Black would find the back of the net off a William Liscomb assist.  Tolland would finally get one goal at the end of the stanzas, and Pomfret went into the half leading 9-1. The second half saw both teams score three goals each.  Durand and Sheehan would record unassisted goals for Pomfret, and Wilcox would get the other when Tucker Sheehan found him all alone in front of the net.  Strong defensive play and good ball movement by Sam Paul, Bruce Dexter and Devon Lannan contributed to the fine overall play of the Pomfret squad. Besides the explosive offensive start to the season, a lot of credit goes to the defensive unit of Lex Bosio, Josh Bernier, Christian Santangini and Connor Quinn.  These four long-poles did a great job keeping Tolland at bay, allowing goalie Carson Hadley to record his first victory of the season.  Carson had ten saves on the day and showed a lot of composure under fire.   On April 28, the team hosted RHAM (Regional Hebron Andover Marlborough) on a fantastic, warm, sunny afternoon.  RHAM sported a strong defensive team that gave Pomfret trouble in the early going, but slowly the offense began to get on track and was able to out-gun RHAM by the score of 10-2. Pomfret took at 2-0 first quarter lead when William Liscomb notched a man-up goal off a pretty assist from Tucker Sheehan four minutes into the game.  Then later in the period, Peyton Durand would find the back of the net on a nice dodge and shoot. The second quarter was when the offence really started to click.  Evan Cunningham would make it 3-0 off an assist from Josh McFadden, but then RAHM would get that one back on a man-up goal of its own with under four minutes left on the first half clock.  In that remaining time, Pomfret would score three goals, one by Ryan Black (assist to Sheehan) and two by Sheehan (the second assisted by Sam Paul) to make the score 6-1 at the intermission. The Pomfret defense was the story of the second half.  Close defensemen Lex Bosio, Josh Bernier and Connor Quinn dominated play and held RHAM at bay until the midway point of the 4th quarter.  Meanwhile, Pomfret scored four unanswered goals: Max Paro and Sam Paul each had one, and Corbin Schneider had two.  Liscomb would get credit for the assist on Schneider’s first goal.  Standouts on the team’s transition game were attackman Nathan Gentile and midfielders Isaiah Price and Cal Wilcox.  All three played solid team lacrosse and created numerous turnovers.  First star of the game, though, goes to goalie Carson Hadley.  Carson had another tremendous outing, making a dozen saves and clearing the ball flawlessly all afternoon.
The team took its 2-0 record and host Granby on April 30 on the Pomfret School turf fields at 6:15 p.m.

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