American 1 pg 11 5-9-13


Putnam Elementary fifth grader class winners in the American Legion Post 13 Americanism program pose with their awards. Guests include, left to right: Legion Dept. Vice Commander Manny Rodrigues; Post 13 Chaplain Don Steinbrick; Post 13 Americanism teacher Pat Steinbrick; Post 13 Adjutant Barney Seney; AL Honor Color Guard Alan Joslin; DAR Registrar Mary Brown. Courtesy photo.

American Legion
Post 13 awards
PUTNAM --- The American Legion Post 13 recently held its Americanism Awards Ceremony for fifth graders at Putnam Elementary School. Pat Steinbrick, the Post 13 Children and Youth chairman,  said for an hour each Friday for six weeks, fifth graders learned about the Legion's Americanism Program. The program "promotes understanding and appreciation about our nation's fundamental documents. This includes the flag: folding it, meanings, displaying it, and flag history; our patriotic institutions and the basic principles of government." Classes included : Courage, Honor, Leadership, Patriotism, Scholarship and Service.
Class winners included Justin St. Martin and Hayley Kuhn of Mrs. Harris's class; Jacob Tatro and Kayleigh Lyons of Mrs. Whiteley's class; Mirabelle Bates and Jaden Garcia of Mrs. Snelling's class and Zoe Hetrick and Michael Ionkin of Mrs. Prochowski's class.
The overall winners were Hannah Smith and Noah Tomkins.

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