Cuisine salsa pg 2 5-16-13

Greetings.  Pineapples and mangoes are a fabulous combination of flavors, but they are sweet, and I wanted to serve them a part of the main course.  I added avocado, cilantro, and store-bought salsa – I used Newman’s Own, medium hot.  Prepare this salsa rather close to serving time so that the avocado does not turn brown.

Pineapple, Mango
and Avocado Salsa
¼ fresh pineapple, chopped in ½-inch dice
1 mango, peeled, seeded, and chopped in ½” dice
1 avocado, peeled, seeded, and chopped in ½” dice
¼ cup chopped, fresh cilantro
2 tablespoons – ¼ cup prepared salsa, to taste
thinly-sliced scallions for garnish, optional
Gently combine all ingredients, and top with scallions if desired.

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