Lacrosse pg 9 5-16-13

Lacrosse team
The Pomfret Senior “A” Youth Lacrosse team played two games this past week and came away with a hard fought tie and win.
In the May 7 game, Pomfret traveled to West Hartford where they came back from a deficit five different times to earn a 7-7 tie.  The first quarter saw West Hartford score first, but Pomfret came right back with an unassisted goal by Evan Cunningham and then a second goal by Peyton Durand off a Tucker Sheehan assist.  This was the only time in the game that Pomfret would hold a lead.  Just before the quarter ended, West Hartford would knot the score at two.
Foe the next two quarters, Hartford would take one goal leads only to have Pomfret come right back.  Down 2-3, Cunningham would knot it at 3-3 off a Sheehan assist.  Down 3-4, Sheehan would get the equalizer, and then down 4-5, Cunningham would even it up with one quarter left to play.
In the fourth quarter, West Hartford would take a two goal lead with only four minutes left on the clock.  It was at that point that Pomfret played its best lacrosse of the afternoon.  The defense of Josh Bernier, Lex Bosio, Corbin Schneider and Conor Quinn created multiple turnovers that resulted in good scoring opportunities for Pomfret.  It was Ryan Black who took advantage of one of these turnovers and found Josh McFadden alone in front of the net.  Josh’s goal brought the score to 6-7 with two minutes to play.  Cunningham would win the ensuing faceoff and bring the ball down the field to Peyton Durand.  Durand would beat his man and find Tucker Sheehan cutting to the goal.  Sheehan buried his shot to tie the game with seconds left.  West Hartford would have the last opportunity to score, but the final horn would sound a split second before their shot skipped by Pomfret goalie Carson Hadley.
The May 10 game at Suffield was a much different game.  Pomfret would jump out to a 3-0 lead and never look back on their way to a 13-3 victory.  
Nine different players recorded points in the game where all but three goals were assisted.  First quarter goals were scored by Evan Cunningham and two by Peyton Durand (assists to Isaiah Price and Nathan Gentile).  Suffield would counter with two goals of their own to make the score 3-2 after one period.
In the second quarter, Pomfret would run off five unanswered goals: two by Gentile and one each by Durand, Ryan Black and Devon Lannan.  All goals were assisted: Cunningham had two and one each went to Max Paro, William Liscomb and Gentile.  
Leading 8-2 going into the second half, Suffield would record an early goal, but Pomfret would again run off five unanswered goals before the final horn sounded.  Goals went to Christian Santangini, Cunningham (2), Durand and Lannan.  Assists went to Durand and Paro.
Strong goaltending by Carson Hadley led a tireless defensive unit of Conor Quinn, Lex Bosio and Josh Bernier to the 13-3 victory.  The team’s record now stands at 4-0-1.   

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