Giving pg 12 5-16-13

'Giving night'
PUTNAM — The Putnam Lions celebrated its Annual Night of Giving at the Putnam Elks Lodge recently. The club donated more than $11,000 to local service groups, charities, non-profits, treatment facilities and community groups. More than 30 local organizations received a contribution from the Putnam Lions Club, including the Putnam Family Resource Center, Interfaith Human Services of Putnam, The Day Kimball Healthcare ER, The Arc of Quinebaug Valley, Camp Rising Sun, the Putnam Public Library and the Connecticut Lions Eye Research Foundation, Boy Scout Troop 25. Putnam Lions Club President Stephen Faucher said, “The Night of Giving presents the opportunity for us to meet the folks who are the driving force of community support. We, as Lions, take great pride in our efforts to support the community. As Lions, we serve.”

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