Lions pg 1 5-23-13

award and dog park
PUTNAM — Putnam Parks and Recreation Director Willie Bousquet was invited to the May 16 meeting of the Putnam Lions Club for two reasons - and both of those reasons brought a smile to his face.
Last year, Bousquet was chosen by the Putnam Lions to receive the L. Gerald Lapointe Community Service Award - an award set aside for non-members who stand out because of their dedication to their community.
May 16 Putnam Lions Club President Steve Faucher presented Bousquet with his 2012 L. Gerald Lapointe Community Service Award plaque.
Upon receiving the award, Bousquet thanked the Lions for choosing him as a recipient and said that he appreciated being chosen. “A lot of people work very hard to get these awards,” he said.
Other recipients of the Putnam Lions L. Gerald Lapointe Community Service Award include Gary Osbrey and Linda J. Colangelo. The 2013 recipient has not yet been chosen.
In addition to being presented with his award, Bousquet was also presented with a $5,000 check - a contribution from the Putnam Lions Club in support of the Putnam Dog Park.
The Lions support many local endeavors and organizations. Faucher said that the Lions believe that the Putnam Dog Park is a worthy cause.
Bousquet said that it was an honor and a pleasure to receive the contribution from the Lions and thanked the many people involved in the challenging process of bringing the dog park to fruition. Bousquet said that the Lions have shown strong support of the Putnam Dog Park and offered that the funds might be used to assist with resurfacing or with bringing water to the site.

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