Legion pg 1 5-23-16

baseball calls
for players
By Ron P. Coderre
As the local high school baseball season winds to an end players interested in continuing in summer baseball will have that opportunity as the TriTown American Legion Baseball team is preparing to greet prospective candidates.  The team is jointly sponsored by American Legion Post #13 in Putnam, #67 in Thompson and #111 in Woodstock and is operated by an Executive Committee composed of U.S. military veterans.
The TriTown program, which supports teams on the Senior and Junior level, has been preparing for the upcoming season with meeting throughout the winter months.  Joe Lindley, chief operating officer of the team, announced that Paul Faucher is returning as the coach of the Senior team.  He’ll be assisted by Andrew Faucher, Charlie Darras and John Donovan.
Last season due to a small turnout of candidates the Junior program was suspended for one season.  Executive Committee members are hoping to reinstate the program this season.  Players from Putnam, Thompson, Woodstock and Eastford are eligible for the team, regardless of what high school they played for in the spring.
“We’ve seen great improvement in the play of our team and in our program overall.  This year we’re encouraging interested candidates to tryout out for the program.  American Legion baseball is the finest summer baseball program of its type in the country and a great opportunity for young men to enjoy the game,” said Lindley.
Tryouts for the two teams are at 5 p.m., May 30 and 31 at the Tourtellotte Memorial High School Field in Thompson.  The team is part of Zone VI of the Connecticut American Legion.  The official start of the season June 8 for the Senior unit and June 15 for the Junior squad.  The official schedule for the five-week program is due to be released shortly.
Connecticut American Legion Adjutant Everett Shepard is once again returning as the TriTown team treasurer and general manager, and will be assisted by Barry Shead and Mike Santerre.  Assisting with the operations of the team are Dan Durand, Mike Carignan and John Foucault.  American Legion veterans Stan Lesniewski and Barney Seney serve as representatives for Posts #67 and #13 respectively. Cheryl Anne Carignan is serving as “team mother” for the 2013 season.
Following tryouts the team will convene with the Executive Committee for its annual player/parent/coach meeting at 7 p.m. June 6 at Post #67 in Thompson.  The postseason awards banquet is July 26.  Among the plans for the Senior team this season is a game at Eastern Connecticut State University and also at Dodd Stadium in Norwich.

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