Another pg 10 5-23-13

On  May 18, the Pomfret Senior “A” Youth Lacrosse Team hosted Burlington and finessed its way to a 9-4 victory.
The early going was all Pomfret as seven different players recorded points on their way to 8-1 halftime lead.  Attackman Peyton Duran started things off with two first quarter goals (assists to Tucker Sheehan and Max Paro); then Evan Cunningham would close out the period with an unassisted tally of his own.
To start the second quarter, Nathan Gentile would up the lead to 4-0 off a Paro assist.  Burlington would score their lone first half goal at the seven minute mark, but then Pomfret would run off four more unanswered goals to take a commanding lead.  Goal scorers were Sheehan, William Liscomb, Durand and Sam Paul.  Assists went to Sheehan, Cunningham and Liscomb.  
Though the offense often gets the ink, it was the strong play of long-stick defenders Josh Bernier, Lex Bosio, Conor Quinn, Corbin Schneider and Cam Large that really kept Burlington off-balance all afternoon.  Playing in front of goalie Carson Hadley, they created numerous turnovers and cleared the ball effectively to start transition goals up field.
In the second half, Pomfret would get a quick goal from Durand off a Sheehan assist to make the score 9-1, but that would be it in the scoring column for the Pomfret team.  Midfielders Josh McFadden, Ryan Black and Bruce Dexter would maintain solid ball control over the remaining minutes, and faceoff specialists Isaiah Price and Evan Cunningham were just about perfect on the day.
Burlington would score two goals in the third quarter and one in the fourth to make the final score 9-4, but it was too little too late as Pomfret upped its season record to 5-0-1.  

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