Directors pg 3 5-30-13

Director elected
POMFRET — At the recent Pomfret Fire District annual meeting the budget for the fiscal year was set at 1 mil, which is the same as this year. The Board of Directors elected include: Dennis Morissette, Tim McNally, Marcia Williams, John Dinsdale, John Folsom, Derek May, Stanley Sheldon, Robert Wood and Scott Davis. Alternates elected are: Lesa Landry, James Fernstrom and Brett Sheldon.
Davis is the current chief of the Pomfret Fire Department, May is an assistant chief, Wood is a member of the Fire Police, and Dinsdale is the assistant chief of the Pomfret Ambulance, Fernstrom and Brett Sheldon are captains of the Pomfret Fire Department.
The Pomfret Fire District meets at 7 p.m. on the third Wednesday of the month at the fire station on Hampton Road. All welcome.

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