witnesses pg 8 7-7-22

PUTNAM — The Putnam Police Department is looking for any witnesses or anyone who has information about an assault that took place about 1 p.m. June 29 at 355 School St.
Police Chief Christopher D. Ferace said a male victim was assaulted with a knife and sustained a serious but non-life-threatening injury. He was treated on scene by Putnam EMS and taken to Day Kimball Hospital for further medical attention.
The suspect who fled the scene by vehicle was known to the victim and this appeared to be a directed assault. Currently, there is no indication there is any additional threat to the public, Ferace said.
Anyone who may have witnessed this incident or has any information regarding this investigation is strongly encouraged to contact Officer Mark Boulanger at the Putnam Police Department (860) 928-6565 or by email at www.putnampolice.com. All information will be kept confidential.


fourth pg 1 7-14-22

caption, page 1:

From Pipes and Shells to ...
Left: Bombs bursting in air including the red, white and blue condensed "cakes" toward the bottom. Above, Melissa Gainsley, right, and her crew preparing the fireworks display. In the background is Deputy Fire Marshal Scott Belleville. More photos on page 4. Linda Lemmon photos.

By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM — When she was 4 and living in Waterford, Melissa Gainsley’s family went to see the fireworks. Was she interested in the noises and the sprays of colors? No. She was fascinated by the people setting them off and how it all worked. At 4!
Fast forward and she was at the controls of Putnam’s Fourth of July Extravaganza July 9.
The only female in Connecticut with a certificate of competency, she works for Atlas Pyrotechnics and has been in charge of Putnam’s fireworks for many years — she started at the site in Putnam when she was 17. That was 18 years ago.
She has a special place in her heart for Putnam. She enjoys working with the fire officials including the fire marshal and “it’s such a wonderful community to work with.”
The 25-minute show, which wowed a crowd of about 10,000, according to Wilfred Bousquet, Putnam’s Parks and Recreation director, included 1,024 shells. And 16 “cakes” which are low altitude condensed explosives.
The finale included 483 3-inch shells, 180 2 ½ inch shells and 90 4-inch shells.
Gainsley said she likes to change it up. “I can’t do the same show every time,” she said. She includes "little dips here and there" for the drama.
The HDPE, high density polyethylene, pipes are carefully filled with tan paper wrapped balls that contain the color sand explosives. Gainsley said that the HDPE pipes absorb an explosion that might happen to occur before the balls leave the pipe. “If the shell happens to go off, this pipe will absorb most of it instead of it sending shrapnel everywhere,” she said.
Most of the shells are electronically fired.
Bousquet said the celebration went very well. “It was a nice night.” He added the downtown restaurants were slammed with business, in restaurant and take-out. Besides filling Rotary Park, where there was music, vendors and inflatables, crowds were spread out all over to watch the fireworks.

captions, page 4:

Whiskey Boulevard band

The shells are set off electronically.

Comfortable on the Bridge Street bridge, waiting for darkness

Some members of the Putnam Lions Club Leos Club helping out

Putnam Mayor Barney Seney and his wife, recently retired Town Clerk Sara Seney.


woodstock pg 1 7-14-22

WOODSTOCK — The Woodstock Academy Class Night Scholarships and Awards at Class Night and Baccalaureate program June 17:
By a vote of the senior class, fine arts teacher Justin DuPuis was chosen as the inspirational speaker for the Baccalaureate portion of the evening.
111 seniors received the Presidential Award for Academic Excellence awarded to students with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
2022 Awards and Scholarships
Amber Ahearn: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Frederick B, Theodore R. and James H Haddad Scholarship, Outstanding Achievement in Family & Consumer Science; Claire Anderson: CR Premier Properties Entrepreneurial Award; Parker Anderson: Outstanding Achievement in Entrepreneurship; Linsey Arends: Congressional Certificate of Merit, High Achievement in Introduction to Engineering CAD, Outstanding Achievement in Mandarin 4, David & Helen Richardson Scholarship, Williams Scholarship - Robertson Essay 2nd Place; John Armstrong: Kenneth Beatson Award; Hashim Ashour Wiltsie: Most Improved in Science Award; Annarose Avery: Susan Dorrance Gordon - Latin Prize; Samantha Bellantone: High Achievement in Family Foods & Nutrition; Morgan Bentley: DAR Good Citizen’s Award, Most Deserving Senior - Nelson Morse Memorial Award, Putnam Rotary Leon Archambault Memorial Scholarship, QVR Rotaract Scholarship, Spirol International Scholarship, The Town of Woodstock Fire and Life Safety Scholarship sponsored by Linemaster Switch and Rogers Corp., Woodstock Lions Club Scholarship; Alison Bessette: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Union School Association Scholarship, Wesley Woronecki Scholarship; Jana Bogosavljevic: Outstanding Achievement in Introduction to Computer Science; Zoe Botta: High Achievement in Introduction to Engineering CAD, Outstanding Achievement in English 4, Outstanding Achievement in History of Rock and Roll, Outstanding Achievement in Latin 4, Outstanding Instrumentalist, Woodstock Lions Club Scholarship; Jacob Boynton: Kristina Noe Memorial Scholarship; Stella Brin: National Honor Society Scholarship; Nico Burgio: High Achievement in Multicultural Foods; Paige Campbell: High Achievement in Game Design; Leah Castle: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Shirley Bradway Serafin Scholarship, David Teed Academy Ambassador Award, Douglas Foisy Memorial Scholarship, Putnam Rotary Ray & Vi Brousseau Memorial Scholarship; Murphy Chace: High Achievement in 3D Animation, Senior Video Contest - Best Technical Execution; Dylan Chamberlin: Senexet Grange Helena B. Duffy Scholarship, Woodstock Agricultural Society Scholarship; Hannah Clark: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Make Your Mark Scholarship, High Achievement in Pastry & Baking, The Academy Humanitarian Scholarship; Nicole Davidson: High Achievement in Multicultural Foods; Ella Davis: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Shirley Bradway Serafin Scholarship; Marcella DePierdomenico: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Laura Fish-Kelly Scholarship, Accounting Award; Riley Driscoll: High Achievement in The Music Biz; Emmaline-Hope Ebbeling: High Achievement in Introduction to Computer Science, High Achievement in Pastry & Baking; Margaret Ebbeling: High Achievement in Architectural Design; Julia Ezzell: High Achievement in Piano 1; River Favreau: Hannah Green Memorial Scholarship, Woodstock Agricultural Society Scholarship Fern Phaneuf Memorial; Scout Favreau: Woodstock Agricultural Society Scholarship; Atticus Finch: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Make Your Mark Scholarship; Huck Flanagan: Wakely Foundation Scholarship; Samuel Forrest: High Achievement in Game Design; Shannon Gagnon: Outstanding Achievement in Multicultural Foods; Nathan Gaug: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Jerry Baggish, Union School Association Scholarship, Outstanding Achievement in 3D Animation; Marrin Gorgone: English Teacher’s Award for Hard Work and Effort; Olivia Grant: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Scholarship, David Teed Academy Ambassador Award, Outstanding Achievement in Guitar 1, Outstanding Achievement in Piano 1, Tri-M Silas Bunnel Memorial Scholarship, Woodstock Academy Music Parents Association Scholarship; Madelyn Groves: High Achievement in Pastry & Baking, Linemaster Switch Business Scholarship, Outstanding Achievement in Family Foods & Nutrition; Liam Hagan: High Achievement in Music Technology 2, Outstanding Achievement in AP Macroeconomics, Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry, Tri-M Award, Williams Scholarship Academic Scholarship; Samuel Hagan: Kenneth Beatson Award, David Teed Academy Ambassador Award, High Achievement in Family Foods & Nutrition, Outstanding Achievement in Chorale; Ryan Hanlon: Outstanding Achievement in Introduction to Engineering, Outstanding Achievement in Spanish 3 Honors, Senior Video Contest - Best Script; Sydney Haskins: American Legion Americanism Award, Charles Couture Memorial Award, Outstanding 4-Year Achievement in History & Social Sciences, Wesley Woronecki Scholarship; Emma Heimgartner: High Achievement in Family Foods & Nutrition, Outstanding Achievement in Anatomy & Physiology, Outstanding Achievement in Environmental Science; Gwenith Hendrickson: Outstanding Achievement in Architectural Design; Grace Herindeen: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Smith Library Scholarship, German Honor Society Scholarship, Karen’s Cause Memorial Scholarship, David H. Luppi Memorial Scholarship, Martha Paul Memorial Scholarship; Sergio Herrera Moreno de Acevedo: High Achievement in Latin 1; Ian Hoffman: Outstanding Achievement in Music Technology 2; Joseph Jimenez: Outstanding Achievement in Introduction to Manufacturing; Anna Kellermann: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Dennis S. Barlow Scholarship, Charles Cournoyer Memorial Scholarship, Outstanding Achievement in Ecology, Woodstock Academy Music Parents Association Scholarship; Hannah Kim: Head of School Award - 2021/22 School Year; Cassandra Klingensmith: High Achievement in Chorale, High Achievement in Exploring Multimedia, Outstanding Achievement in Introduction to Musical Theatre; Summer Ko-Szych: Community Foundation of Eastern CT John Geissler, Union School Association Scholarship, Wesley Woronecki Scholarship; Mia Krzic    : Laskey Memorial Scholarship; Keenan LaMontagne: John Conover Memorial Scholarship, David Teed Academy Ambassador Award, High Achievement in Advanced Engineering, High Achievement in AP Calculus BC, Outstanding Achievement in Accounting; Ashton Lanning: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Frederick B, Theodore R. and James H Haddad Scholarship; Thai Le: English Teacher’s Award for Hard Work and Effort, Outstanding Achievement in Mixed Chorus, South Campus Community Leader Award; Kanxu Lin: Christopher Bradley Memorial Scholarship; Seamus Lippy: Outstanding Achievement in Spanish 4 Honors; Aiden Lisee: High Achievement in Digital Media Production; Stephanie Lizotte: Edward “Bud” Rondeau Memorial Scholarship; Elizabeth Lovrien: Outstanding Achievement in German 4; Sarah Lucas: Woodstock Academy Music Parents Association Scholarship; Megan Lucier: High Achievement in Pastry & Baking;  Collin Manuilow: National Honor Society Scholarship, Natalie & Robert W. Randall Memorial Award; Jillian Marcotte: Head of School Award - 2021/22 School Year, Outstanding Achievement in Culinary Arts, Utility Contractors Association of CT, Woodstock Agricultural Society Scholarship, 4-Year Perfect Attendance Award; Ksenija Martinovic: English Teacher’s Award for Hard Work and Effort, South Campus Community Leader Award; Everett Michalski: Outstanding Achievement in Guitar 2; Isabella Miller: Charles, Millicent & Richard Noren Memorial Scholarship, Outstanding Achievement in International Relations, Helen Plassmann Memorial Scholarship; Sofia Murray: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Bernard and Alice Chalecki Scholarship, Dr. David Bates & Dr. Rudolph Klare Memorial Scholarship, Outstanding Achievement in Forensics, Putnam Rotary Maurice Beaulac Memorial Scholarship; Thomas Musumeci: William L. Parkerton Memorial Award, Marvin N. & Susan Weed Sherman Memorial Scholarship, WAEA Scholarship, Woodstock Academy Music Parents Association Scholarship, Woodstock Agricultural Society Fran Stevens Award; Gianna Nichols: Louise P. Jordan Memorial Outstanding Vocalist Award, Outstanding Achievement in ECE Music Fundamentals; Bethany Noe: Nancy Brush Memorial; Ryan Odorski: Outstanding Achievement in Introduction to Careers; Savannah Olson: High Achievement in History of Rock and Roll, High Achievement in Latin 4, Outstanding Instrumentalist; Chaneek Park: Outstanding Achievement in Spanish 1 Honors; Dhruvi Patel: Outstanding Achievement in Exploring Multimedia, Putnam Masonic Lodge #46 Marvin A. Barrett Educational Award,  The Town of Woodstock Fire and Life Safety Scholarship sponsored Treehouse Brewery; Ognjen Pavlovic: High Achievement in Entrepreneurship; Tegan Perry: Charter Oak Federal Credit Union Community  Scholarship, Putnam #46 Ancient Free Accepted Masons Dean E. Bunnell Community Service Award, Putnam Masonic Lodge #46 Community Service Award; John Pokorny: High Achievement in Guitar 2, Outstanding Achievement in Italian 5 AP/ACC, ROTC Navy Scholarship, Williams Scholarship Yale Honor Cup ; David Ramos: High Achievement in Accounting, Senexet Grange Helena B. Duffy Scholarship; Hans Rhynhart: American Legion Americanism Award, Senexet Grange Helena B. Duffy Scholarship, Michael Wlaskiewicz Memorial Award; Zachary Roethlein: August Walter “Gus” Loos Memorial Scholarship, QVR Rotaract Scholarship, Spirol International Scholarship; Mia Ruggeri: Most Deserving Senior - Lucy Ingraham Parkerton Award, Woodstock Education Foundation Director’s Award; Aidan Russell: High Achievement in Multicultural Foods; Andrea Sanders: Community Foundation of Eastern CT DePratti Meaningful Initiatives Scholarship, High Achievement in Spanish 4 ECC/ACC; Tavian Santos: Outstanding Achievement in Game Design; Robert Saraidarian: Outstanding Achievement in The Music Biz; Sydney Schuler: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Frederick B, Theodore R. and James H Haddad Scholarship, High Achievement in Personal Finance, David W. Marsland Memorial Scholarship, Senexet Grange Helena B. Duffy Scholarship, The Town of Woodstock Fire and Life Safety Scholarship sponsored by Jeffco Mfg., Woodstock Agricultural Society Scholarship; Graham Scribner: Louise P. Jordan Memorial Outstanding Vocalist Award, Tri-M Award; Kadin Shepherd: High Achievement in ECE Calculus; Jordan Sienna: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Shirley Bradway Serafin Scholarship, Community Foundation of Eastern CT Union School Association Scholarship, Eleanor Peterson Lawton Memorial Scholarship, Outstanding Achievement in Latin 1; Adeline Smith: High Achievement in Introduction to Engineering CAD, Outstanding Achievement in Biology, Abraham & Evelyn Rodensky Memorial Award for Excellence in Writing, Williams Scholarship - Robertson Essay 1st Place, Williams Scholarship Yale Honor Cup; Conor Stewart: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Armelde Pitre STEM Leadership, Elias Farquhar Jr. Memorial Scholarship, Susan Dorrance Gordon Scholarship-Outstanding Math Student, National Merit Scholarship Finalist, Outstanding Achievement in Spanish 4 ECE/ACC, Williams Scholarship Academic Scholarship; Jonathan Surowaniec: Outstanding Achievement in Personal Finance; Amanda Tamaki : Outstanding Achievement in Piano 2; Vincent Tocci: Bethany T. Dauray Memorial Scholarship, Outstanding 4-Year Achievement in History; Daniel Torres: Arlene Bradley Memorial Scholarship - Science Award; Jacqueline Trudeau: High Achievement in Game Design, High Achievement in Personal Finance; Ainslie Tschamler: Outstanding Senior Artist; Warren Tyler: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Armelde Pitre STEM Leadership; Ainsley Viano: Outstanding Achievement in German 5, Outstanding Achievement in Psychology; Sandra Vujovic: Outstanding Achievement in AP Psychology, Outstanding Achievement in German 1, Outstanding Achievement in Modern US History; Kylie Wallace: High Achievement in Pastry & Baking; Norman Warcholik: High Achievement in Introduction to Careers; Tyler Warren: High Achievement in Guitar 1, Outstanding Achievement in Advanced Engineering, Outstanding Achievement in AP Calculus BC, Outstanding Achievement in ECE Statistics, Outstanding Achievement in Physics; Zachary White: QRS Compassion Scholarship; Kamila Wysocki: Gerry Suprenant Memorial Scholarship;  Chase Young: Community Foundation of Eastern CT Frederick B, Theodore R. and James H Haddad Scholarship, David & Helen Richardson Scholarship, Senexet Grange John F. Duffy Scholarship, Woodstock Agricultural Society Preston T. Roberts Memorial Scholarship; Zhixuan Agnes Zhang: Outstanding Achievement in AP Statistics, Outstanding Achievement in Law; Han Zheng: Artist of the Year, High Achievement in Music Technology 2; Wenhao Zheng: Outstanding Achievement in ECE Calculus; Logan Zulli: Outstanding Achievement in Digital Media Production.


legal pg 2 7-14-22

Legal Notice
Planning and
Zoning Commission
The Pomfret Planning & Zoning Commission will hold the following Public Hearing at its in-person meeting on July 20, 2022, starting at 7:00 PM.
1.  Town of Pomfret Planning & Zoning Commission, Five Haven Road, proposed text amendment regarding setback reductions for municipal accessory uses/structures.

A copy of the application is on file in the office of the Planning and Zoning Commission, 5 Haven Road, Pomfret Center, Connecticut.

Dated this 20th day
 of June 2022
Town of Pomfret

Lynn L. Krajewski,
Planning & Zoning

July 6, 2022
July 13, 2022


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