because pg 2 2-2-23

Concisely stated, I have grown weary over the animosity and negativity displayed between our political parties. And to be even more candid, I cannot imagine that this is simply my opinion, but rather more of a state of affairs for most United States citizens.
I mean, our government is supposed to be there to function for the improvement and betterment of our nation. It’s why we pay taxes. And a major benefit of having more than one political party represented in our government is so that the feelings and opinions of MOST of the people are represented. The process is simple and gloriously democratic in that people elect representatives from BOTH political parties to come together and govern. But today, at least at the federal level, it feels like there is no longer a willingness for politicians to try and ever work together…
When we are young and enter school, our teachers are there to guide us into learning not only how to read, write, add and subtract, but also in how to be patient, take turns, listen to and get along with others. Most importantly, as we grow up, we learn that in order to have any kind of (healthy) social and leadership success, we must compromise. I mean, school playgrounds never had individual sand boxes for each student but rather there was one sandbox for everyone and anyone using it had to learn how to play nicely with others. And if a teacher noticed that one child threw sand at another or knocked down another’s sandcastle, they were quick to reprimand the child and (typically) did not allow the child to play in the sand again until the child could demonstrate behavior that was characterized by an attitude of sharing…
If we learned appropriate social behaviors when we were young, why then have our Senators and House Representatives forgotten how to behave as adults? Rather than reinforcing the bad behaviors and uncompromising attitudes of our politically elected representatives by censuring those who attempt to work and play nicely with others with opposing views, I believe that it would be more beneficial to our Nation if the policy makers who are UNWILLING to compromise, are actually censured. Compromise is about concessions, but the process of compromising is also about discovering and agreeing to a balance of concessions for BOTH sides.
And so, to succinctly reiterate, I am tired of listening to the hateful, accusatory words and arguments from both sides because nothing seems to ever get efficiently accomplished in terms of positive growth and development for our Country. So, unless there is news that some so-and-so Senator from the red side gave a thumbs-up emoji to something a so-and-so Senator from the blue side posted on Instagram, I am uninterested in hearing about any more political news. That is, of course, if they install an actual sandbox at the Capitol…
Kathy Naumann, possessor of NATURALLY curly hair and the understanding that you can’t control everything!


legals pg 2 2-2-23

Legal Notice
Town of Pomfret
Planning and Zoning

The Pomfret Planning & Zoning Commission will hold the following Public Hearing at its meeting on February 15, 2023, starting at 7:00 PM.

1. Aces Defense, LLC, 11 Brook Front Lane, special permit for a fitness facility, retail gun shop and training, and a storage area.  A copy of the application is on file in the office of the Planning and Zoning Commission, 5 Haven Road, Pomfret Center, Connecticut.

Town of Pomfret
Dated this 19th day
of January 2023

Lynn L. Krajewski,
Planning & Zoning Commission

Feb. 1, 2023
Feb. 8, 2023


menus pg 2 2-2-23

Woodstock Public Schools
Everyday: Fruit. Monday: Chicken patties on buns. Tuesday: Bosco cheese sticks, marinara sauce, salad. Wednesday: Chicken nuggets, brown rice, black beans. Thursday: Rigatoni, meatballs, zucchini. Friday: Pizza, corn.
Putnam Elementary/Middle
Everyday: Fruit. Monday - Breakfast for Lunch: French toast sticks, scrambled eggs, hash browns. Tuesday: Spaghetti, meatballs, carrots. Wednesday: Chicken tenders brown rice bake, broccoli. Thursday - 2-hr delay: Beef soft tacos, corn. Friday: Stuffed-crust pizza, salad.
Putnam High
Monday: New teriyaki beef or spicy chicken sandwiches. Tuesday: Mozzarella sticks, marinara sauce or bacon cheeseburgers. Wednesday: Nachos Grande or chicken Caesar wraps. Thursday - 2-hr. delay: Chicken potato bowls or calzone pizza boli. Friday: Big Daddy pizza or homemade pepperoni stromboli.
Pomfret Community
Everyday: Fresh fruits and veggies. Alt: Hamburgers Monday: Cheese ravioli, meatballs, green beans. Tuesday: Sweet & sour chicken, rice bowl with broccoli. Wednesday - Brunch for Lunch: French toast, egg or sausage patties and hash browns. Thursday: BBQ rib on rolls, baked beans. Friday: Pizza, salad.


child pg 3 2-2-23

DAYVILLE — Westview Child Care Center, LLC named Katy Holzer as director of its program.  
The newly constructed Westview Child Care Center is slated to open in June; offering multiple levels of child care to the community.
Holzer joined the Westview team in June 2019 and has been instrumental in the development, design, and construction phase of Westview Child Care Center since the initial concepts.
 “I am honored to be selected as director of Westview Child Care Center,” she said.
“It is my pleasure to work with such an extraordinary team of people to make this project a reality.
" I am so excited to work with families in our community to offer exceptional child care in a safe, secure, nurturing environment.  We look forward to utilizing this space for children to learn and grow!”
Holzer comes to the position with an MBA from the Nichols College Graduate and Professional Studies program; completing her studies at the top of the class.  
She earned her bachelor’s in psychology from UConn, and graduated magna cum laude and was inducted as a member of the Phi Beta Kappa national academic honor society while there.
During her undergraduate years, she focused on Industrial/Organizational Psychology and co-authored a research article that was published in the peer-reviewed “Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal.”
She has strong ties to northeastern Connecticut as a lifelong resident of Pomfret.  
She is the daughter of Dr. Marjorie Holzer and Dr. Neri Holzer—who had over 50 years of combined service on Day Kimball Hospital’s medical staff as a pediatrician and an ear, nose, and throat specialist, respectively.
David T. Panteleakos, executive vice president and owner of Westview Child Care Center, LLC, said: “We are so thrilled to have Katy accept the role of director for our newest corporate endeavor.  I know she will brilliantly lead this project through its next phases, and that we will benefit from her dedication and commitment to delivering the highest quality child care possible here at Westview.”
The new Westview Child Care Center is directly across the street from Westview Health Care Center and Country Living at Westview Commons.
Holzer said: “As a working mother of a preschool-age child, I have learned important lessons by being an astute observer of child care delivery and the factors of parenthood that affect my work day.  The ability to have an on-site child care center is revolutionary, I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with the wonderful people of Westview.  Our mission and values are perfectly aligned.”
Westview took this on-site child care center step to support community families and valued Westview employees.
Panteleakos said, “We are truly committed to being an employer of choice, and we work to continually enhance our wage and benefit program for our outstanding employees.  This significant $2 million investment is made with full confidence that our team at Westview can do amazing things when we support each other.  In doing so, we aim to recruit and retain our amazing employees by helping with the balance between family life and work.”


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