Music pg 1 7-18-24

Music and Fireworks

page 1 from the top:

Audrey Leighton, 2, of Webster

Whiskey Boulevard singer

Navigating the bouncy obstacle course

on page 4, clockwise from top right:

Vera Wlaszkiewicz, 20 months, of Putnam

Sara Seney and Mayor Barney Seney

Whiskey Boulevard singer

It takes eight hours to put together Putnam's fireworks display. Pyrotecnico of New Castle, Penn., did the honors. They had to wait for the rain to stop Saturday morning.

Joyful Eats


Because pg 2 7-18-24

I like writing with a pencil. Further, I will admit that, in general, I just like pencils. Remember being in first grade and learning how to write? I know that I felt so big because the teacher told us to put our crayons away and handed out brand new pencils.
There was something special about being allowed to use a pencil. I mean, a pencil needs to be sharpened. This meant that we all got to, one by one, march up to the pencil sharpener and take our turn making a fine point. And then we had to be careful not to poke ourselves (or another) with the pencil because the lead we just exposed like a piercing pin could be dangerous.
Before I could even worry about how to effectively write with my new instrument, I had to first learn how to handle my new little #2 weapon with care. In addition, back when I was in grade school, our desks came with a built-in pencil holder. This only further contributed to making the pencil the king of the school supplies.
The pencil reigned supreme for many of my grade school years. The requirement of sharpening made it interactive. Whenever I was stuck on a math problem, had trouble with remembering how to spell a vocabulary word or was simply bored, I delighted in being able to raise my hand to get up and sharpen my pencil. Teachers couldn’t say no to any sharpening requests because who were they to tell us how sharp we liked to use our pencil. I mean, the pencil point was, and still is, completely tailored to its user. Some like a dull pencil. Some like an ultra-sharp, pin-point pencil. I prefer my pencil sharp but not too sharp that it breaks when I press firmly.    
Additionally, the built in eraser on a pencil allows for its user to think critically. Imagine if learning was accomplished without a backspace button? The expectation for perfection would feel overwhelming. For example, at the beginning of my math test, I may have thought that 3+4 equals 6 but by the end, I see that 4+3 equals 7. With my pencil, I can erase and change my wrong answer to the correct one. And if I didn’t erase perfectly, more than just getting the answer right, my teacher would know that I learned. What a wonderful concept.
In its essence, a simple pencil taught me how to be both creative and responsible. To this day, I can’t help but smile when I see a pack of regular pencils on the shelf. Ironically, they are still one of the least expensive school supplies you absolutely should buy. But make sure to buy the pack that needs sharpening…
Point. Point.
Kathy Naumann, possessor of NATURALLY curly hair and the understanding that you can’t control everything!


say pg 2 7-18-24

Say 'ahoy' to Putnam's ‘Yacht Rock’ al Fresco July 20
PUTNAM — The Town of Putnam is saying welcome aboard to everyone for its free Yacht Rock Al Fresco concert at 7 p.m. July 20 at the Rotary Park Bandstand on Kennedy Drive.
River Fire begins after the performance at 8:30 p.m. and stays lit until approximately 10.
Yacht Rock will fill your sails with smooth and tuneful soft rock music popular especially in the U.S. in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
The 30-piece Putnam Festival Orchestra will keep the ship running smoothly as they accompany these talented Yacht Rock performers: Ron Giorgio, John Price, Wayne Sinclair, and Elle Sherman.
Yacht Rock Al Fresco 2024 is powered by Centreville Bank, Spicer Propane & Oil, and WIN Waste Innovations.
After the Yacht Rock crooners are done, don’t abandon ship. It's time for  River Fires on the scenic Quinebaug River. Music for River Fire will be produced by WINY 1350 am & 97.1 FM while the fires are powered by the Spicer Propane and the Town of Putnam Public Works and Parks & Recreation departments.
Bring a lawn chair or blanket for a night of summer breezes, silly love songs and a lotta love!


Academy pg 2 7-18-24

Academy Class Night scholarships and awards
WOODSTOCK — Members of the class of 2024, families, faculty, and the greater Woodstock Academy community gathered June 7 for the annual Class Night and Baccalaureate program.
Throughout the evening, soon-to-be graduates were honored with 229 awards and scholarships. Generous donors and community partners contributed to the more than $127, 845 awarded to 108 students during the event.
By a vote of the senior class, Administrative Assistant Erin Canty was chosen as the inspirational speaker for the Baccalaureate portion of the evening.
Senior class president, Piper Sabrowski of Canterbury, welcomed the families, guests, and classmates. Senior class treasurer, Kayleigh Murray of Brooklyn, presented the senior class gift.
94 seniors received the Presidential Award for Academic Excellence awarded to students with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
2024 Awards and Scholarships:
Austin Adams, High Achievement in Family Foods & Nutrition and Outstanding Achievement in Advanced Engineering Robotics; Ethan Adams, Outstanding Achievement in Symphonic Band and Tri-M Award; Jordan Aleksjuks, Kenneth Beatson Award and Outstanding Achievement in Art I; Nicole Apicelli, High Achievement in Culinary Arts; Annemarie Barrette, Outstanding Achievement in Ceramics 1 and Outstanding Achievement in Ceramics 2; Eben Beauchene, High Achievement in Family Foods & Nutrition and High Achievement in Guitar 1; Claire Beck, Hannah Green Memorial Scholarship, Beck Martha Paul Memorial Scholarship, President’s Volunteer Service Award, David & Helen Richardson Scholarship, Senexet Grange John F. Duffy Scholarship and Kathryn Robertson Essay 1st Place; Peyton Bentley, Putnam Rotary Ray & Violet Brousseau Memorial Scholarship, QVR Rotaract Scholarship, Spirol International Scholarship, TEEG Fran Roy Memorial Scholarship, Woodstock Lions Club Scholarship; Maria Bertolucci, Outstanding Achievement in AP Chemistry; Thomas Blevins, Kenneth Beatson Award, David Teed Academy Ambassador Award, High Achievement in Drawing, High Achievement in Painting; Waylon Breault, High Achievement in Music Technology 1; Madison Brown, The Town of Woodstock Fire and Life Safety Scholarship sponsored Treehouse Brewery. David Bunning, Woodstock Agricultural Society Scholarship. Danielle Cabassa, Abraham & Evelyn Rodensky Memorial Award for Excellence in Writing. Charles Caggiano, American Legion Americanism Award, Outstanding Achievement in AP Physics, Outstanding Achievement in Genocide Studies, President’s Volunteer Service Award, Woodstock Agricultural Society Scholarship. Logan Casteen, Senior Video Contest - Best Technical Execution. Casper Collette, High Achievement in Ceramics 2 and The Woodstock Academy Art Competition Finalist. Emily Cournoyer, The Alan Beck Memorial Scholarship, David H. Luppi Memorial Scholarship, The Town of Woodstock Fire and Life Safety Scholarship sponsored by Jeffco Mfg.. Julia Coyle, American Legion Americanism Award, Charter Oak Federal Credit Union Community Scholarship, Outstanding 4-Year Achievement in History, President’s Volunteer Service Award, Putnam Rotary Ray Brousseau Memorial Scholarship.
Also, Teodora Curcic. High Achievement in Architectural Design,     High Achievement in Multicultural Foods, South Campus Community Leader Award. Leah Danis, High Achievement in Latin 4 ECE, Woodstock Academy Music Parents Association Scholarship, Wesley Woronecki Scholarship. Ahir Dixon, South Campus Community Leader Award. Duy Do, Board of Trustees Academic Committee Service Award, Head of School Award - 2023/24 School Year. Riley Dupont, Kristina Noe Memorial Scholarship. Hunter Eddy, Outstanding Achievement in 3D Animation, The Academy Humanitarian Scholarship. Summer Espeseth, CR Premier Properties Entrepreneurial Award, High Achievement in Digital Photography 2. Aaron Evangelista, High Achievement in Multicultural Foods. Aiden Finch, Bethany T. Dauray Memorial Scholarship, President’s Volunteer Service Award. Joaquin Fraga, Outstanding Instrumentalist, Natalie & Robert W. Randall Memorial Award, Tri-M Award, Woodstock Academy Music Parents Association Scholarship. Campbell Fraser, High Achievement in Chorale, Outstanding Achievement in Multicultural Foods, Outstanding Achievement in Piano 1, William L. Parkerton Music Award, Woodstock Academy Music Parents Association Scholarship. Benjamin Gagnon, High Achievement in Stop Motion Animation, Outstanding Achievement in Electronic Design, Senior Video Contest - Best Technical Execution. Sean Gasperini, John Conover Memorial Scholarship, Donald & Hope Williams Scholarship. Alexander Gessner, Outstanding Achievement in Engineering CAD. Nicholas Gohn, High Achievement in Game Design. Victoria Gonzalez, Outstanding Achievement in Forensics, Outstanding Achievement in Strings 1, Gerry Suprenant Memorial Scholarship. Gavin Grant, Head of School Award - 2023/24 School Year. Kathryn Guillot, Outstanding Achievement in The Developing Child. Hannah Hart, High Achievement in Introduction to Manufacturing. Angelos Haveles, Accounting Award , Linemaster Switch Business Scholarship. Amelia Haynes, Laskey Memorial Scholarship. Jada Hernandez, Dylan Goulet Memorial Scholarship, Helen Plassmann Memorial Scholarship, Wiltsie Most Improved in Science Award. Sophia Hernandez, High Achievement in Forensics. Thi Tuyet Mai Ho, High Achievement in 3D Animation, High Achievement in Art 1, High Achievement in Multicultural Foods, Outstanding Achievement in Exploring Multimedia, Senior Video Contest - Best Script. Ava Hovestadt, Congressional Certificate of Merit, Putnam Rotary John O’Brien Memorial Scholarship, Michael Wlaskiewicz Memorial Award.
Also, Tyler Hudson, Outstanding Achievement in Aerospace Engineering. Cade Jones, Charles, Millicent & Richard Noren Memorial Scholarship, Outstanding Achievement in Law. Emma Kerr, David Teed Academy Ambassador Award, Outstanding Achievement in AP European History, Outstanding Achievement in ECE Statistics. Kobe Khounvichith, Outstanding Achievement in Stop Motion Animation. Christopher Kirkconnell, Head of School Award - 2023/24 School Year. Madyson Knox, Dylan Goulet Memorial Scholarship. James Koproski, High Achievement in Forensics. Corinne LaMontagne, High Achievement in Electronic Design, Outstanding Achievement in Anatomy & Physiology, Outstanding Achievement in Biology, Outstanding Achievement in Digital Photography 2, Outstanding Achievement in Painting, Outstanding Artist of the Year, The Woodstock Academy Art Competition Finalist, Yale Honor Cup. Taylor Lamothe, Outstanding Achievement in Digital Photography 1. Hunter Larson, High Achievement in Entrepreneurship, High Achievement in Forensics. Vincent Laurens, Outstanding Achievement in ECE Music Fundamentals.
Also, Ethan LeBoeuf, Outstanding Achievement in Introduction to Manufacturing. Sten Lehmann, Outstanding Achievement in Entrepreneurship. Samuel Lescault, National Honor Society Scholarship. Jacob Lizotte, High Achievement in Culinary Arts. Phoenix MacRae, Nancy Brush Memorial Award. Eric Mathewson, O’Brien Group Scholarship. Samantha McDowell, David & Helen Richardson Scholarship. Cameron McNally, Charles Couture Memorial Award, President’s Volunteer Service Award. Kayleigh Murray, Arlene Bradley Memorial Scholarship, High Achievement in ECE Calculus, Outstanding Achievement in Psychology, Outstanding Instrumentalist, Donald & Hope Williams Scholarship. Rebecca Nazar, David Teed Academy Ambassador Award. Cang Nguyen, Board of Trustees Student Life Committee Service Award, Woodstock Agricultural Society Scholarship. Jared Nielsen, National Honor Society Scholarship, Outstanding Achievement in Environmental Science, President’s Volunteer Service Award, Woodstock Agricultural Society Scholarship. Rayne Norman-Fitte, Outstanding Achievement in Drawing. Timothy O’Sullivan, High Achievement in Latin 3 ECE. Mia Pannone, High Achievement in Pastry & Baking, Outstanding Achievement in Family & Consumer Science. Dominic Pascale, Outstanding Achievement in Music Technology 1, Outstanding Senior Artist, The Woodstock Academy Art Competition Finalist. Kyle Pazienza, English Teacher’s Award for Hard Work and Effort, German Language Scholarship, High Achievement in Field Ecology, August Walter “Gus” Loos Memorial Scholarship, Kathryn Robertson Essay 2nd Place. Amber Pepper, Head of School Award - 2023/24 School Year, Outstanding Achievement in Concert Band.
Also, Brynn Perry, Charles Cournoyer Memorial Scholarship, The Town of Woodstock Fire and Life Safety Scholarship sponsored by Linemaster Switch & Rogers Corp. Margaux Reck, WAEA Scholarship. Elizabeth Reynolds, High Achievement in Pastry & Baking, Dr. David Bates/Dr. Rudolf Klare Memorial Scholarship, Judy Nilan Foundation Scholarship, President’s Volunteer Service Award. Evan Rhault, Most Deserving Senior, Outstanding 4-Year Achievement in History & Social Sciences, Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry, Outstanding Achievement in History of Rock and Roll, Outstanding Achievement in International Relations, Kathryn Robertson Essay 2nd Place, Yale Honor Cup, Woodstock Agricultural Society Scholarship, Woodstock Education Foundation Director’s Award. Ryan Rivera-Cabrera, Senexet Grange John F. Duffy Scholarship. Apollo Ruoppo, Louise P. Jordan Memorial Outstanding Vocalist Award, Outstanding Achievement in Chorale. Piper Sabrowski, Outstanding Achievement in Physics. Carla Sagues Laguna, High Achievement in Forensics. Noah Sampson, David Teed Academy Ambassador Award, National Honor Society Scholarship. Jordan Sands, Woodstock Academy Music Parents Association Scholarship.
Also, Olivia Saraidarian, Outstanding Achievement in Guitar 1. Nicholas Saunders, High Achievement in History of Rock & Roll. Ava Simoes, Most Deserving Senior - Lucy Ingraham Parkerton Award, Outstanding Achievement in Family Foods and Nutrition. Isabella Siwko, Douglas Foisy Memorial Scholarship, Eleanor Peterson Lawton Memorial Scholarship, Quinnatisset Country Club Ladies League Scholarship, Woodstock Academy Music Parents Association Scholarship. Megan Smith, Charter Oak Federal Credit Union Community Scholarship, Outstanding Achievement in Latin 3 ECE. Nox Smith, High Achievement in Exploring Multimedia. Don Sousa, Christopher Bradley Memorial Scholarship. Sawyer Stewart, High Achievement in Family Foods & Nutrition. Boyuan Su, Outstanding Achievement in English 4. Antonio Therrien, Outstanding Achievement in Game Design. Lucas Travinski, Kenneth Beatson Award. Talia Tremblay, Elias Farquhar Jr. Memorial Scholarship, Talia Tremblay, Putnam Rotary Leon Archambault Memorial Scholarship, QVR Rotaract Scholarship, Marvin N. & Susan Weed Sherman Memorial Scholarship, Woodstock Agricultural Society Scholarship, Woodstock Lions Club Scholarship. Addison Tyimok, David W. Marsland Memorial Scholarship, President’s Volunteer Service Award. Lilly Verraneault, Woodstock Agricultural Society Scholarship. Shaun Wall, High Achievement in Aerospace Engineering. Zoe Wiggin    Dylan Goulet Memorial Scholarship. Zoe Wiggin, The Woodstock Academy Art Competition Finalist. Madison Williams, Woodstock Academy Music Parents Association Scholarship. Eric Wilson, High Achievement in Engineering CAD, Edward “Bud” Rondeau Memorial Scholarship. Songxuan Wu, Susan Dorrance Gordon Scholarship – Math, Outstanding Achievement in AP Calculus BC, Outstanding Achievement in AP Macroeconomics ACC, Outstanding Achievement in Biotechnology. Christian Zellweger, Susan Dorrance Gordon Scholarship – Latin, High Achievement in Engineering CAD, High Achievement in Music Technology 1. Mathew Zheng, Outstanding Achievement in Latin 4 ECE.


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