Tourtellotte pg 9 7-10-14

1944 Baseball Team
The 13-0 Putnam High School 1944 baseball team. (Bottom Row left to right) Joe Bazinet, Waldo Chase, Red Robbins, Floyd “Nick” Loomis, Foxy Fortin, Bill Nelson. (Middle row) Jimmy Nelson, Ted Tetreault, Coach Nazarice “Spud” Dupre, Charlie Ayers, Frank Wallen.  (Top Row) Kaskela, Irv Hattin, Dick Blackmar, Donlon, Dick Alarie. Courtesy photo.
By Ron P. Coderre
This week’s RPC sporty shoutout is sent along to Jerry “With a J” Beausoleil, the former standout Putnam High School athlete.  Today Beausoleil is Putnam’s Director of Public Works.  In his spare time he plays golf at Quinnatisset Country Club, where he’s affectionately known a “Helicopter” by his close friends. 
During the years of 1950, 1951 and 1952 Tourtellotte Memorial High School basketball under the guidance of coach Jim Canty assembled teams that didn’t have the word lose in their vocabulary.  The teams, which played in the former Cluett gym, were led by a young man with schoolboy charm and the shot of a professional basketball player by the name of Tom Hession.
Hession, referred to by his teammates and opponents as “Tommy Gun” because of his ability to go on hot shooting streaks, amassed a number of personal awards but will be best remembered for the team accomplishments he was part of.  Hession and the Tigers at one point during the three-year span enjoyed a 46 game winning streak. They were also crowned CIAC State champions in 1950 and 1951.
During that “Golden Era” of high school basketball Tourtellotte was often looked upon as the state’s hotbed of hoops.  In addition to the State titles, the Tigers were Quinebaug Valley Conference champions in 1951 and 1952 and at one point in 1952 were the proud owners of a 16 game winning streak.  They finished the season ranked #1 in Connecticut.
Hession was recognized by the Worcester Telegram & Gazette as a T&G All Star in 1951.  He also finished as one of the top three CIAC Tournament scorers in 1951 and 1952.
Following his playing days Hession went on to become one of the most beloved teachers initially in the Putnam School system and then from 1969 to 1992 at his alma mater Tourtellotte Memorial High School.  In retirement Hession enjoys playing golf with family and friends.  He can often be found during the winter attending Tiger basketball games.
Putnam’s Citizen Stars
Two Putnam High School student athletes were recently recognized for their outstanding character outside of the athletic arena.  Although these two individuals are outstanding athletes, they’ve also proven that the qualities they have acquired playing sports can be carried over in other settings.
Dakota Anderson, who will enter her junior year in September, recently returned from the Rotary Youth Leadership program at Springfield College.  The program featured students from throughout Southern New England.  Anderson was sponsored by the Putnam Rotary Club.
While at the program the students participate in a variety of team building exercises aimed at preparing them for college life.  In the final stages of the program a few students were elected to attend the RYLA National program in 2015 at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.  Anderson, who is one of Putnam’s top track performers, garnered the honor and next year will attend the National RYLA Conference.
Jacob Guertin, who stars in soccer, basketball and baseball for the Clippers, was nominated by the Mayotte-Viens American Legion Post #13 of Putnam to attend Boys’ State at Eastern Connecticut State University.  Guertin, who is also a member of the TriTown American Legion Baseball program, will enter his senior year at Putnam this September.
The Boys’ State program focuses on the intricacies of how our government works and allows the young men to participate in a variety of democratic processes.  Guertin was among more than 200 young men from around the State to be selected by their local American Legion Posts to participate in this year’s program.
Jacob Guertin and Dakota Anderson are proof that good athletes aren’t only brawn but do possess intelligence and outstanding character.
Remember When
This piece will bring back memories to some and may educate others who are interested in local history.  Willie Zamagni, Putnam’s unofficial historian (sorry Bill Pearsall), did some digging in the archives of the Aspinock Historical Society files recently and came up with the following baseball anecdote.
In 1944, during the height of  WWII, the Putnam High School baseball team under coach Nazarice “Spud” Dupre went undefeated, posting a perfect 13-0 record.  The Clippers outscored their opponents by the incredible margin of 148 to 22.  
Putnam beat the likes of Killingly, Bartlett of Webster, Tourtellotte, St. Louis of Webster, Putnam Trade, Griswold and Pomfret School.  The contest against Pomfret School, a 6-0 victory, was a no-hit, no-run pitching performance by Bill Nelson.  The late Foxy Fortin and Nelson pitched all the games in 1944 with Fortin posting a 7-0 record, while striking out 80 opposing hitters.  He allowed only nine runs all season.  Nelson was 6-0 also with 80 strike outs, while allowing only 13 runs.
Fortin was the team’s leading hitter with a .518 average, followed by Red Robbins at .468 and Nelson at .445.  Charlie Ayers posted a .390 average and Floyd “Nick” Loomis batted .307.  Other members of the team included Dick Alarie, later of WINY fame, Dick Blackmar, Frank Wallen, Waldo Chase, Joe Bazinet and Donlon (first name unknown).  Youngsters on the team included Ted Tetreault, Irv Hattin, Jim Nelson and Kaskela (first name unknown).
The year 1944 may seem like a long time ago but the memories of great Putnam baseball teams still linger for many.
Golf Tournament on the Horizon
Golf enthusiast looking for a little competition, a lot of fun and a great day on the links should mark their calendars for Friday, July 11.  That’s the day that Arc of Quinebaug Valley holds its annual tournament at Foster Country Club with a 9 a.m. shotgun start for the scramble style event.  The tourney is named in memory of the late Gardner Johnson.
The entry fee is only $125 per golfer or $500 per foursome and word from Chairman Gene Michael Deary is that there are still four openings remaining.  The entry fee includes the usual, green fees and cart, continental breakfast, hot dogs at the turn, a post-tournament steak dinner and a registration gift.
Sponsorships range from $5000 as Tournament Sponsor down to tee sponsors at $125. Gold ($1000), Diamond ($1500) and Platinum ($2000) include foursome entry into the tournament.
To register or to receive more information contact Sandi Riemann at Arc 687 Cook Hill Road, Danielson, CT 06239 or call 860 774-2827.  Riemann can also be reached by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  
Members of the organizing committee include, Jeff Rawson, Susan Johnston, Pam Brown, Julie Ann Dupont, Joshua Peach, Tom Masso, Dave Stuyniski, Ron and Fay Beriau, Eric Quinn, Jeff Rizer, Earl Rosebrooks, Sue Desrosiers and Linda Lamoureux. 
RPC’s Closing Thought For The Day: Over-tip the breakfast waitress.
(If you have news worthy sports information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

WWII pg 10 7-10-14

By Ron P. Coderre
Putnam lost another member of its “Greatest Generation” with the passing of Nelson J. LaRose on the eve of the 4th of July.  LaRose, who was 93, serve in WWWII with the U.S. Army 43rd Infantry Division and fought in the Korean Conflict.
Memories of Nelson LaRose go back to the booming North End of Putnam during the 1950s shortly after the Korean Conflict.  At the time, LaRose and his family lived on Cleveland StreeR.  LaRose was a familiar face, along with his brother Lolly, wherever and whenever sports were involved.  Whether it was the Putnam Hawks softball team or the Putnam Bears semipro football team, LaRose was part of the action.  A faithful supporter of Putnam High School athletics, he was always proud of the Clipper teams.
He was an avid University of Notre Dame football fan, a love that started after WWII when the Irish football team rose to prominence and was the darling of college football fans throughout the naRion.  LaRose’s love for the Irish never waned and in 2013 he fulfilled a lifelong dream of attending at game at Notre Dame Stadium in South Bend, Indiana.  He was also a New York Yankee fan and could reminisce with the best of them on the virtues of Joe DiMaggio, Phil Rizzuto, Yogi Berra and all of the Bronx Bombers.
LaRose was a proud man and community servant.  He served on the Putnam Fire Department for 40 years, many as the assistant fire chief.  Marching in Putnam parades, LaRose was the picture of pride and leadership, always with a friendly smile for those he encountered.
In his later years, LaRose enjoyed mornings spent over coffee at Bill’s Bread and Breakfast in the North End kibitzing with the regulars about all things sports, politics or the good old days.  It was there that he reacquainted with his pal and travelling companion Roland “Snook” Gardner.  Many of his stories related to his dancing exploits, as he was known as one of the area’s best when it came to “cutting a rug.”
LaRose’s death leaves a void in the history of Putnam.  He was an unofficial local historian who could remember even the minutest details of events that occurred many years ago.  This man, who was vital to his last year, will be missed by his family but most of all by those who enjoyed his company and tales of the past.  A raconteur and bon vivant, Nelson LaRose leaves a lasting imprint on the Putnam community.

Legals pg 11 7-10-14

Public Hearing
Legal Notice
Town of Pomfret
Planning and 
Zoning Commission
The Pomfret Planning & Zoning Commission will hold the following Public Hearing on Monday, July 14, 2014, starting at 7:00 PM at the Pomfret Town Hall, 5 Haven Road, Pomfret Center, Connecticut:
1. An application from Hull Forest Products, 101 Hampton Road, special permit for a 12’ by 26’ office addition to an existing office building
Dated this 30th day 
of June 2014
Town of Pomfret
Planning & Zoning Commission
Lynn L. Krajewski, 
July 2, 2014
July 9, 2014

Woodstock pg 11 7-10-14

Woodstock Middle
School honor roll
WOODSTOCK — The fourth-quarter honor roll for the Woodstock Middle school includes: 
Jordyn Brousseau, Corinne Child, Jonathan Conover, Reagan Couture, Hannah Cowdell, Chandler Creedon, Hannah Dean, Emma Durand, Allison Faist, Christine Faist, Anya Farutin, Megan Gohn, Tessa Houlihan, Rachel Lambert, Vivien Mark, Tristan Monahan, Sophia Randolph, Emma Redfield, Hallie Saracina, Ashley Smith, Caitlyn Sroczenski, Aleya Wesler, Evan Wood
Nicholas Bedard, Sarah Blake, Cai Bohanan, Elise Boisvert, Nathan Craig, Shawna Cudworth, Tarryn Desrosiers, Jessica Farrell, David Fleck, Joshua Lavitt, Madelyn Lecuyer, Justin Marcotte, Justin McGroary, Teagan O’Hara, Emma Rhynhart, Lauren Shutts, Daniel Suitum, Julia Theriaque, Choloe Veilleux, Grayson Walley, Brian Woz
Sabrina Bastien, Alison Blair, Kylie Casey, Zachary Collins, Josephine Dlugosz, Zia Donais, Karina Errichetti, Evan Gianfriddo, Basia Gotsis, Rebecca Jarvis, Azalei LaBonte, Abigail Leblanc, Audrey Ledbetter, Tanner Littmann, Jacob Longe, Jack Lotter, Nicholas Majewski, Victor Maldonado, Jocelyn Mayotte, Kaleb Morin, Heather Morse, Natalie Paul, Luke Prouty, Lily Quinn, Sean Rearden, Emily Ross, Christopher Rossi, James Silvestri, Jacob Starr, Jared Tetreault, Gregory Weber, Harold Wotton 
Killian Braegelmann, Heather Converse, Olivia Duncan, Jack Hovestadt, Liam McDermott, Emily Menard, Mariangela Ruggeri
Owen Borski, Summer Chaponis, Rachel Durand, Erika Helmetag, Ethan Holcomb, Nathan John, Justin MacCormack, Samantha Mowry, Amanda Nowak, Samantha Orlowski, Nathan Price, Rebekah Wesler, Hannah Wotton
Renee Auger, Kathleen Boshka, Dominic Bove, Jasmine Charland, Caleb Feen, Ivy Gelhaus, Madeline Gronski, Sofia Jendrewski, Emma Kelleher, Jarod Martin, Samuel Plummer, Eric Preston, Codi Staveski, Ethan Thorpe
Brendan Chapuis, Eleonora Chervenkova, Denali Johns, Eden Law, Heidi Lotter, Hannah Matsas, Ciri Miller, Kiara Monahan, Naomi Rivard, Janel Syriac
Julia Bibeault, Caitlin Cannon, Christopher Cheney, Kennedy Davignon, Jake Farrell, Katherine Frankhouser, Jared MacDonald, Lillian Mandeville, Natalie O’Connell, Lindsey O’Dea, Olivia Perry, Joshua Resnick, Jillian Savoie, Hailey Schofield, Samantha Sheldon, Ian Sohan, Maeve Stevenson, Sophia Stoll, Hannah Walley, Ethan Werstler
Tristan Anderson, Haley Armstrong, Graham Arthur, Aaron Blanchflower, Kennady Brown, Haley Carr, Trinity Clark, Jordan Couture, Harrison Frost, Jared Law, Jacob Mainhart, Joshua Nowak, Harrison Pare, Steven Rainville, Julia Reilly, Scott Selmecki, Jared Sroczenski, Benjamin Thibodeau
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