Legals pg 11 6-4-15

Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Zoning Commission
The Town of Putnam Zoning Commission held a meeting at 7:00 P.M. on May 20, 2015, at the Town Hall located at 126 Church Street, Putnam, CT.   The following action was taken:
Docket # 2015-01:  123 Park Road, LLC request for a Special Permit consisting of General Warehousing and Storage in accordance with the Town of Putnam Zoning Regulations Section 304, Table III-1, Schedule of Uses and Districts.  Property located at 123 Park Road, Town Assessor’s Map 44, Lot 11, Zoned Industrial.  PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED TO JUNE 17, 2015.
Patricia Hedenberg, 
June 3, 2015
Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Inland Wetland
The Town of Putnam Inland Wetland Commission held a meeting on May 16, 2015, at the Putnam Town Hall located at 126 Church Street, Putnam, CT.   The following action was taken:
Application 2014-06:  Cargill Realty Lessee – 117 Providence Pike – Filling, Excavation, Land Clearing, Activity Buffer/Set Back Area, Commercial/Industrial Uses, Wetland Creation/Restoration — APPROVED.
Application 2015-01:   Ledle Inc. – 123 Park Road – Construction of Storage Facility in upland area outside of 100’ wetland buffer — APPROVED
Bruce Fitzback, 
June 3, 2015

QVCC pg 11 6-4-15

DANIELSON — Stephen Diamond, an English lecturer at Quinebaug Valley Community College, is this year’s recipient of the Michael Phelan Award for Teaching Excellence.
The Phelan Award is given to a member of the adjunct faculty who demonstrates skill in teaching, interest in and concern for students, and enhancement of student intellect.
According to Jayne Battye, interim dean of academic affairs, “Steve is a highly skilled instructor who is genuinely dedicated to the institution and to teaching and learning. He’s a wonderful colleague and was the first adjunct instructor to teach a new 6-credit supported version of English composition.”
One student described Diamond as making him feel at home in class by acknowledging that everyone thinks differently. The student goes on to say, “Not only is [this person’s] knowledge of the subject area impressive, but his enthusiasm and happiness are contagious.”
Diamond, a Mansfield resident, had a 30 year career as an English teacher at E.O. Smith High School in Storrs. In addition to teaching at QVCC for the past five years, he performs as a standup comedian and storyteller.

Takes pg 11 6-4-15

Takes part
WILLIMANTIC —  Eastern Connecticut State University’s Performing Arts Department recently staged “Johnsonville,” an original multi-media production. The performance was presented by David Pelligrini’s Experimental Theatre class, with Pellegrini directing. Taking part were: Ty Collige ’14 of Woodstock Valley, a communications major; and Lisa Marie Dahle ’16 of Dayville, a theater major.

Woodstock pg 11 6-4-15

WOODSTOCK —  Woodstock Academy was recognized by HealthQuest Northeast Connecticut for their continued work to make Northeast Connecticut a healthier place to live, work, learn, and play.
HealthQuest Northeast Connecticut, coordinated by the Northeast District Department of Health, is a regional collaborative health and wellness partnership that works to promote healthier lifestyles, important health and nutrition facts, useful medical resources, and much more. Woodstock Academy  is an educational advocate on the HealthQuest Leadership Team, working  with HealthQuest to focus on reducing chronic diseases by increasing physical activity, improving access to better nutrition, connecting providers and patients to community resources, and much more.
Woodstock Academy’s Health Teacher, Michelle Rawcliffe, has been serving as the Academy’s  representative on the Leadership Team for the past two and a half years. She has worked with HealthQuest on completing several grant applications and administration as well as implementing numerous health initiatives.
“The healthier a person lives, the better quality of life that person will have,” Rawcliffe said. “I hope that Woodstock Academy can serve as an agent of change for the people of Northeast Connecticut to empower them to live healthier lives.”
The Academy  hopes to create change by making health more accessible, available, and achievable throughout awareness, policy change, and community mobilization. “Woodstock Academy’s motto is ‘Look to Your Future,’ our partnership with HealthQuest allows us to empower not just our students, but also our community members, to look to a healthier, happier future,” Headmaster Chris Sandford said. “We are honored to receive this award and hope to be able to continue our work with HealthQuest and our local community partners for many years to come.”
Aligned with their work with HealthQuest, Woodstock Academy is dedicated  to promoting clean eating by supporting local farmers that provide fresh produce for all to enjoy. The Academy  is hosting a mini-farmers market and informational fair to promote local farms and land trust organizations  June 12. Immediately following the fair, the school will welcome Film Director Nate Simms to campus to screen his documentary Brunswick, a film about landscape change and preservation. This event will be free and open to the public. For more information  please contact  Sara Kennedy, Director of Communications, at (860) 928 –6575 ext. 111 or visit
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