heart pg 1 5-19-22

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A Lock on Love
Just some of the locks in Locked in Love that were installed after the ribbon cutting May 14. The custom locks raise money for Quiet Corner Cares, a sober house for women in Putnam. More photos on page 4. Linda Lemmon photo.

By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM — “This was a ‘labor of love’ no pun intended,” said Karen Osbrey, chairman of the Putnam Arts Council and the MC for the ribbon cutting for the Locked in Love fund-raiser sculpture on the River Trail.
The heart-shaped steel “tunnel” has wires running between its supports and those wishing to honor someone can purchase a lock and key for $25. The special lock is customized and then the donor can lock the lock on the sculpture’s wire grid.  All the money raised goes to Quiet Corner Cares, a sober house for women in Putnam.
Osbrey said Barbara Kenyon of New England Awards and Trophies showed her a pretty little gold lock and said it might make a good fund-raiser idea. The lock spent the next four years in Osbrey’s desk. She said to herself “It needs to be for a special project.” Along comes Karl Kuhn Jr. After speaking with Jenn Brytowski he approached Osbrey saying this was a very popular idea in Europe. Osbrey said she opened her drawer, handed him the lock from Kenyon and said “this is for you, guy”.
Originally they thought of putting the locks on a fence but then thought, “We can do something better than that,” Osbrey said.
Kuhn’s daughter Hayley Kuhn came up with the idea. Seeing the effects COVID was looking to have on the marketplace, Kuhn ordered the steel early in the process.
Osbrey called Kuhn “the visionary and driving force”
Mayor Barney Seney said “This is what community is all about.”
At the end of the ceremony Kuhn said they’ve sold about 150 locks so far and that has brought in about $3,800. The website for buying a beautiful custom lock is:  www.lockedinlove.net.
The Major Sponsor is WIN Waste Innovations. Sponsors include: Missy Desrochers, Erica and Larry Groh Jr., CR Premier Properties, WINY Radio, Bousquet’s Appliances, R&R Commercial Painting, Gerardi Insurance Services, Jessica Tuesday’s Chrome N Steel Veteran Riders CT, Bachand, Longo and Higgins, Byrne’s Agency, HJK Renovations, JCS Construction, Northeast Kitchens & Flooring, NorthStar Home Loans, Fluid Coating Technology, Hometown Bank and Putnam Area Foundation.


help pg 1 5-19-22

wanted -
times two
By Linda Lemmon
Town Editor
PUTNAM — With a second department head leaving, the town is taking the opportunity to re-evaluate the town’s needs before filling the spots.
Town Assessor Angela Sanchez resigned recently (moving) and Town Clerk Sara J. Seney recently submitted her retirement after 26 years.
Town Administrator Elaine Sistare said whether the positions continue to be full time or would become part time is under consideration.
Fortunately for the town, there is some breathing room because the assistants in both offices have been in their positions for many years and are fully capable of handling the job.
“All municipalities are financially stretched,” said Sistare, “so we’ll re-evaluate at this point.” When a position is being filled, it’s an opportune time to re-evaluate what exactly is needed. She added that residents’ needs change with time and people do business (with the town offices) differently than they did before.
“Because we’ve always done it that way,” might not necessarily be the best approach.
Seney’s retirement is effective July 8. Sistare said that gives the town some time to re-evaluate the position, get it advertised and go from there. And in the meantime the assistant town clerk, Deana Pajak, is fully certified.
In her letter to Sistare, Seney said “It is with a heavy heart that I leave this position which I have performed for the last 26 years, but I have decided the time has come for me to start my retirement and spend more time with my husband, children and beautiful grandchildren. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone most graciously for the help, support, and opportunities I have had working for the town. It has been a remarkable journey and I have enjoyed all the time spent working with you and everyone on our team. I also need to send a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to the people of Putnam and their faith in me in electing me as their Town Clerk. It has been an honor to serve them. I look forward to supporting you in a smooth transition to my successor.” Before becoming Putnam’s town clerk, Seney worked in the Thompson Town Hall, part of the time as the assistant town clerk.


furniture pg 2 5-19-22

The conference table and the new custom shelfing ends in the children's library. Linda Lemmon photos.

Furniture 'holes'
filled at complex
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM — The furnishings for the new Putnam Municipal Complex is just a couple brackets away from being done.
Last week the customized end pieces for some of the shelving units in the children’s library were installed. They take their playful cue from the mural in the children’s library, with some modern, cool tree designs.
The six or eight display cabinets for the Aspinock Historical Society came in but a couple of them are missing shelf brackets, according to Town Administrator Elaine Sistare.
And in the second-floor community room, at the top of the grand staircase, the 27-foot conference table was recently installed. It’s boat shaped and it’s made of solid wood. It’s 2.5 feet wide at the ends and 5.5 feet wide in the middle. It’s long enough to accommodate about 20 chairs.
Sistare said that room is now wired for Zoom meetings. The Board of Selectmen and the Board of Finance will continue to meet in the meeting room on the first floor, as it is larger. She said this upstairs community room can probably accommodate the majority of the rest of the boards. The town had hoped that it would be delivered in time for the big move-in last October but these items weren’t ready. Sistare said that the conference table actually was finished earlier but there was a defect in it and the town said, “Go ahead and make it perfect, we’ll wait.”


legals pg 2 5-19-22

Legal Notice
A certified list of Democratic and Republican party-endorsed candidates for the Town of Eastford for election as Registrar of Voters will be on file with the Office of the Secretary of the State, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut, and copies thereof will be available for public distribution
A Primary will be held August 9, 2022, if the required primary petition(s) for opposition candidate(s) is filed, pursuant to Sections 9-382 to 9-450 of the Connecticut General Statutes, not later than 4:00 p.m. on June 7, 2022. Petition forms, instructions and information concerning the procedure for filing of opposing candidacies, including schedules, may be obtained from: Kathleen Healey, Democratic Registrar of Voters and Toni Doubleday, Republican Registrar of Voters, at 16 Westford Road, Eastford, CT.
Johanna H, Wolfe,
Municipal Clerk of Eastford, CT

May 19, 2022


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