legals pg 2 9-29-22

Legal Notice
Town of Pomfret
Inland Wetlands
and Watercourses
The Inland Wetland and Watercourses Commission enforcement agent issued a declaratory ruling for the following application:

1. Zuvic for Eversource, 553 Wrights Crossing Rd, demolition of existing house, remediations of contaminated soil, limits of excavation, E&S measures, and restoration.  Approved with the following condition.  E&S controls are to be in place prior to soil disturbance.
Town of Pomfret
Dated this 26th day
of September 2022

Lynn L. Krajewski,
Inland Wetlands and
Watercourses Commission

Sept. 28, 2022

Legal Notice
Town of Pomfret
Planning &
Zoning Commission
At the September 21, 2022, meeting of the Pomfret Planning & Zoning Commission, the following legal actions were taken:

1. Town of Pomfret, 5 Haven Road, Zone and Text change regarding property across the street from existing Town Hall.  APPROVED Text change as submitted, with an effective date of October 10, 2022.  APPROVED Zone
change creating the Rural Commercial District with an effective date of
October 10, 2022.
2. Isaac Ignacio, 73 Fox Hill Road, special permit application for a 44’x52’ garage with porch.  APPROVED.

Dated at Pomfret,
Sept. 26, 2022

Lynn L. Krajewski,
Planning &
Zoning Commission

Sept. 28, 2022


menus pg 2 9-29-22

Woodstock Public Schools
Everyday: Fruit. Monday: Cheeseburgers, baked beans. Tuesday: French toast sticks, breakfast sausages, hash browns. Wednesday: Popcorn chicken, mashed potatoes, carrots. Thursday: American Chop Suey, green beans. Friday: Pizza, broccoli.
Putnam Elementary/Middle
Monday - Breakfast for Lunch: French toast sticks, scrambled eggs, hash browns, fruit. Tuesday: Spaghetti, meatballs, broccoli, fruit. Wednesday: Sloppy Joes, carrots, fruit. Thursday: Popcorn chicken potato bowls, corn. Friday: No school - Professional Development Day.
Putnam High
Monday: Beef taco pasta or spicy chicken sandwiches. Tuesday: Chicken Caesar wraps or bacon cheeseburgers. Wednesday: Tuscan grilled cheese mozzarella, American, pesto herb butter or buffalo chicken wraps. Thursday: Chicken potato bowls or blazin' chicken wings. Friday: No school - Professional Development Day.
Pomfret Community
Menus unavailable at press time.


grand pg 3 9-29-22

Grand marshals
PUTNAM — The Putnam Rotary Club, celebrating 100 years, and Rawson Materials, celebrating 75 years, will be the Grand Marshals of the 21st annual Holiday Dazzle Light Parade.
The parade will be held Nov. 27, leaving the Grove Street staging area at 5 and running through downtown.
Organizers Gary Osbrey, owner of WINY Radio, and Putnam Recreation Director Willie Bousquet made the announcement and introduced Riley Prather, lead pastor at Green Valley Crossing whose church will be taking a lead role in the planning and presentation of the annual event.
Green Valley Crossing has been helping the parade committee for several years and will now serve as co-chairs of the event with the Town of Putnam and WINY Radio.


ih pg 3 9-29-22

IHSP-Daily Bread
squashes hunger
PUTNAM — September is Hunger Awareness Month and to help fight hunger in the Greater Putnam area, donations are welcome to the Squash Hunger Competition between Sept. 25 and Oct. 23.
The faith communities will be collecting macaroni and cheese. The participating congregations are: B’nai Shalom Synagogue, St. Mary’s Church and Daughters of Isabella, Living Faith United Methodist Church and the Congregational Church of Putnam.
The insurance agencies will be collecting canned chicken. The participating agencies are: Archambault Insurance Associates, Gerardi Insurance and Byrnes Insurance.
The financial institutions will be collecting soup. Participating are: Centreville Bank, Hometown Bank & Jewett City Savings Bank.
To donate, look for the Squash Hunger poster outside the institutions.


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