Legals pg 11 1-2-14

Legal Notice
Tax Collector’s
Town & Fire
District of
Legal Notice is hereby given to the taxpayers of the Town and Fire District of Pomfret that the Supplemental Motor Vehicle and Second Installment of Real Estate and Personal Property tax bills on the Grand List of October 1, 2012 are DUE AND PAYABLE January 1, 2014.  The last day to pay without penalty is February 3, 2014.  Interest will be charged at 18 percent annually (1.5. percent per month) on all delinquent payments postmarked February 4, 2014 or later.
Make all checks payable to Pomfret Tax Collector and mail to:  Pomfret Tax Collector, 5 Haven Road, Pomfret Center, CT 06259.  If a receipt is desired, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope.  For more information or to pay online, go to  
January Tax Office Hours are:  Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.  The Town Hall will be closed January 20, 2014.

Pamela S. Lewerenz,
Tax Collector

Dec. 26, 2013
Jan. 3, 2014
Jan. 30, 2014

Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
The January 2014 billing of water and / or sewer collections for the Town of Putnam WPCA is due and payable on January 1, 2014 through February 3, 2014.
Payments made after February 3, 2014, will be subject to an Interest charge of 3 percent (1.5 percent per month) or $2.00 minimum whichever is higher, according to Connecticut State Statute Sec 12-146.
   Mail must be postmarked no later than February 3, 2014 to avoid interest charges.
       Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
    Closed January  0, 2014

Dec. 26, 2013
Jan. 3, 2014
Jan. 30, 2014

Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Putnam Special
(860) 963-6806
The second installment of taxes, due to the Town of Putnam and Special Service District on the Grand List of October 1, 2012,2 is due and payable on January 1, 2014, through February 3, 2014.
Payments made after February 3, 2014, will be subject to an interest charge of 3% (1½% per month) or $2.00 minimum per Town and $2.00 minimum per Special Service District (where applicable), whichever is higher, according to Connecticut State Statute, SEC. 12-146.
 Mail must be postmarked no later than  February 3, 2014 to avoid interest charges. Current bills may be paid online at
Supplemental Motor Vehicle bills will be due in full during January. Supplemental Motor Vehicle bills are for vehicles registered between October 2, 2012 and July 31, 2013.
If anyone is having financial problems, please contact our office anytime.  We will be glad to work with you on a payment arrangement.
Have a happy and healthy holiday season.
Office hours: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Monday through Friday
The Town Hall will be closed  
 January 20th
For your convenience, the Tax Office is always open during the lunch hour

Dec. 26, 2013
Jan. 2, 2014
Jan. 30, 2014

Legal Notice
Notice of
Democratic Caucus
To enrolled members of the Democratic Party of the town of Putnam, Connecticut. pursuant to the Rules of the Democratic Party and State elections laws, you ate hereby notified that a caucus will be held on: January 9, 2014, at 7 p.m. at 126 Church Street, Town Hall, Putnam, CT 06260 to endorse candidates for Democratic Town Committee and to transact other business as may be proper to come before said caucus.
Dated at Putnam, Connecticut, on the third day of January, 2014.
Democratic Town Committee of Putnam

Cynthia Dunne,

Jan. 2, 2014

Legal Notice
Invitation to Bid
The Town of Putnam Economic and Community Development Office is seeking bids for the Design, Fabrication, Construction, Painting and Installation of “StoryWalktm” permanent kiosk stands. The purpose of the StoryWalk stands are for story books, informational materials, etc. to be displayed for pedestrians/ bicyclists to read while navigating the Putnam River Trail.
A total of 20 units are to be installed on the Putnam River Trail from the Riverview Marketplace, 18 Kennedy Drive to the intersection of CT Rt. 44 and Kennedy Drive. Construction materials will include 48” Schedule 40 post, table surface to be 15” high x 23” wide ribbed 1/8” steel plate. Each stand is to have removable Lexantm shield for protection.
Bids will be accepted by 4:00 p.m. on January 10, 2014, at which time they will publicly opened and read. Bids to be submitted to the Office of Economic and Community Development, 126 Church St., Putnam CT 06260, Attn. Delpha M. Very, Director.
The Town of Putnam reserves the right to waive any informality with any bid, and the right to enter into negotiation with the low bidder to modify the specifications if it is in the best interest of the Town.
Delpha M. Very,
Economic and
Town of Putnam

DATED 12/30/13

Jan. 2, 2014

RPC pg 11 1-2-14

By Ron P. Coderre
Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and successful 2014.  May all your dreams become a reality but be careful what you wish for.
Greetings to Andy Morrison, Emily Groves, Sue and Marc Desrosiers, Linda and Mike Lamoureux, Nancy and John McGowan, Jade Flynn, Crystal DiZazzo, Glenn and Brenda Senecal, Scott and Annie Derosier, Chad and Nicky Neal, Joe Asermelly, Gregg Smith, David Austin, Andrew Vitale, Lauren Moore, Mike, Sharon and Megan Gaudreau, Jimi Gothreau, Martin and D’elia Fey, James Martin, Brian and Barry Jessurun, Dave and Christina Anderson, Sue and Brian Andersen, Joe and Jane Hanrahan, Eric and Anne Marie Gustavson, Lysa Molnar, Charlie Baron and Dickie and Bev Androlevoicz.
Alan and Carolyn Granburg, Kenny LaFleur, Mike and Michelle Vassar, Dave Landry, Erin Crosby, Chelsea Leverette, Erin Szela, Louise Law, Bill Chase, Scott and Drenie Chace, Jim and Deb St. Jean, Jennifer and Aaron Beckett, Alan and KG Guertin, Tracy Lombardi, Melissa Dakai, Dan Yargeau, Mike, Jo Ann and Jason Coderre, Saeng Phongsa, Tom and Trish Espinosa, Dan Gomes, Josh Scraba, Ryan Rumrill, Eric and Rachelle Mauer, Betty Hale, David Patenaude, Tom and Kaitlin Borner, Charlie Puffer, Chuck and Joy Bentley, Jim and Deb Dandeneau, Jim and Jenn West, Teddy Babcock, Mike and Joy Pizzetti and Gary and Karen Osbrey.  
Here are some more – Jeff and Jess Rawson, Romeo and Joy Blackmar, Ann Monteiro, Paul Toussaint, Linda Lemmon, Bob Gomes, Richard Naumann, Lara Luppi, Brad and Amy Favreau, Dick and Marianne Loomis, Brad and Dominique Rabitor, Bob and Fran Jacques, Ed and Caroline Perron, Tony and Carolyn Falzarano, Dan and Judy Rovero, Don and Maria Williams, John and Lauren Dignam, Rene and Lynne Morin, Kevin and Alison Morin, Paul Kelly, Dennis and Kathy Kelly, Dennis Snelling, Paul Carpenter, Tony Pasiokas, Mike and Heather Madden, Justin Lussier, Rick and Kathy Hayes, Lee and Annette Konicki, Bob and Nancy Beaudry, Kathy and Bill Zamagni and Willie Z.
The names go on, Pete and Dot Trama, Barney and Sara Seney, Don and Pat Steinbrick, Owen Tarr, Dan and Delpha Very, Linda Colangelo, David Panteleakos, Charley and Paula Panteleakos, Sam and Cathy Markley, Kevin Cole, Fr. David Choquette, Sr. Norma Bourdon and all the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, Fr. Richard Archambault, Marc and Mary Archambault, Emrullah and Saliya Durmaz, Pete and Audrey Place, Rick and Mary Place, Dan Goyette, Tim Campbell, Dave Pomes, Dave Coderre, Donna Coderre, Laura Crosetti, Danielle Hewitt, Bob and Donna Guillot, Sean and Holly Sullivan, Ellen Knight, Charlie and Nancy Zamagni, Moe and Pam Coderre and Alan and Joann Joslin.
There are others, John Wilbur, Paul Coutu, Kerensa Konesni, Bill Konesni, Dave and Mary Vitale, Peter Vitale, Colt Foley, Dave and Rita Conrad, John and Darlene Miller, Matt Smith, Chico and Pat Panu, Charlie Panu, Al and Marian Smat, John and Kathy Casey, Paul and Joy Nelson, Shawn Deary, Mandy Hogan, Willie and Fran Bousquet, Jeff and Kalin Bousquet, Kate Bousquet, Joe and Sylvia Bousquet, Peter Lange, Tom and Amy Archambault, Denise Archambault, Laurence and Jane Hale, Jim and Nancy Weiss, Deidre Childs, Heather O’Rourke, Murray Buttner, Biren Chokshi, David Lachance, Bob and Pauline Lachance, Ron Klare, Pam Watts, Monique and Bruce Wolanin, Carmen Cid, Pam and George Brown, Kevin and Marge Johnston, Steve and Marjolane Townsend, Shawn and Rachel Johnston, Kathleen Murphy, Eric Sarette, Jim and Linda Phaiah, Stan Sheldon, Mark and Sue Johnston, Joan Scraba, Mary Beaulac, Gerry Tetreault, Roland and Gloria Tetreault, “Smitty” and Jan Smith, Rollie and Alma Johnson, Michael Castagna and Sandi Reimann.
Can you believe it? Jim and Donna Bartolomei, Lauren Briere, Mr. Ed Briere, Diane Bates, Dee and Rick Carnahan, Paul Aldrich, Roger Franklin, Charlie and Deb Leach, Charlie Franklin, Eric and Julie Quinn, Tom and Bunny Myer, Matt and Julie Desaulnier, Ed and Mary Lou Desaulnier, Joe and Kerri Beaudreault, Jay Long, Charlie Lee, Betti Sheldon, Jim and Pat Calhoun, John Modica, Marc and Kate Cerrone, Gerry and Helen Ferguson, Laurie Wightman, Priscilla Dowd, Bryan and Kaitlin Hitchcock, Dave and Deb Hitchcock, Pam Childs, Jim Guillot, Larry and Louise Guillot, Ted and Lorraine Bazinet, Peter and Betty Aucoin, Jim Crabtree, Peter and Melissa Bonin, Gerry and Sandy Vaillant, Bob Desrosiers, James and Sheila Frost, Carly Martin, Bob and Lysa Andrews, Kim and Dave Brontzman, Dick Salvas, Bill and Joy Kelleher, Rico Petrocelli, Roger and Colleen Lafrancois, Chris and Jody Coderre, Heather Neal, Charlie and Missy Boivin and Tony Giambattista.
Some more – Christian and Rachel Sarantopoulos, Paul and Mary Pikora, Keith Aubin, Gerry Cotnoir, Peter and Chris Benoit, Doug and Charlene Cutler, Marc and Robin Coderre, Jackie LaFreniere, Bob and Barbara Gosselin, Ed and Kathy Hamill, John and Dottie McCormac, Cliff and Claire Aubin, Phil and Claire Durand, Paul, Drew and Carla Faucher, CherylAnn and Mike Carignan, Gunnar Andersen, John and Pam Foucault, Dan and Wendy Durand, Crista and Steve Durand, Joe and Sue Lindley, Stan and Barb Lesniewski, Ev and Pat Shepard, Dick and Jeannette Turcotte, Walter and Terry Larochelle, Bruce and Kerri Dexter, Dick Bianchi, Bob and Deb Darigan, Millie Greenhalgh, George and Denise Tsanjoures, Jay and Susan Byrnes, Doug Valentine, Bob Halloran, Sharon and Todd Seabold, Jim and Alma Morey, Ron and Wendy Desrochers, David Smutnick and Sarah Hamby.                
A few more…Bob and Sue Schaevitz, Charlie and Greg Kozey, Guy Lapointe, Dan Ulm, Mike and Nan Viens, Skip and Mary Popiak, Liz Zachow, Lynn and Dave Bourque, Chuck Mahoney, Roger Daigle, Norm Beaupre, Jim Mahoney, Steve Balick, Mickey Roy, Bob Garceau, Donna Duffy, Witt Larkin, Brandon Kress, Willie Davis, Mark Lowell, Lori and David Foisy, Michael “Artie’ Artiaco, Deidre Foisy, Lindsay Lussier, Andrew Zamagni, Peter and Sharon Cooper, Scott Tetreault, Jo and Joanne Vocci, Rick Ives, Eric and Laura Andersen, Bob and Adrienne Fournier and Bill Juzwic, Deb Spinelli, Bill and Todd Poirier, Chris Mayhew, Russ and Nancy Mayhew, Al Cormier, Rick Konieczny, Ryan Walsh and Bob Rovatti.
Just a few more – Steve and Leia Faucher, Jeff Howe, John Day, Jane Doyle, Nate Trythall, Don and Betty Church, Ken and Mary Lussier, Lisa Cassetari, Charlie and Jamie Pious, Snook Gardner, Nelson Larose, Scott and Jessica Jellison, Diane Harmon, Meg Popiak, Tom and Jan Auclair, Rich Preble, Ray Navarro, Walt Crabtree, Dale Smith, Bob and Estelle Girard, Meg Popiak and Shawn Tessier.
Happy New Year 2014 to everyone!

Police pg 12 1-2-14

The following charges were listed in the Putnam Police Department logs.  The people charged are innocent until proven guilty in court. The Town Crier will publish dispositions of cases at the request of the accused. The dispositions must be accompanied by the proper documentation. The Putnam Police Department confidential Tip Line is 963-0000.
Dec. 27
William Stolicker, 27, Chassey Street, Putnam; breach of peace, third-degree threatening, second-degree harassment.
Dec. 28
Melissa Peabody, 34, Roosevelt Street, Putnam; operating under the influence, operating an unregistered motor vehicle, failure to drive right.
Nicolas Kindler, 26, Bolles Street, Putnam; creating a public disturbance.
Dec. 29
Craig Barrett, 25, Brandy Hill Road, Thompson; operating under the influence, red light violation, illegal u-turn.
Christopher Collette, 21, Dewey Street, Putnam; failure to drive in proper lane, distracted driving.
Joseph Dufresne, 49, W. Main Street, Baltic; violation of protective order, sixth-degree larceny, interfering with police. His arrest happened after Putnam police were called with a report of a protective order violation. The victim told police he may have had a knife and had barricaded himself in the garage. K-9 Officer Brian Castle and his K-9 Partner Ammo searched the garage and found Dufresne hiding in a crawl space, according to Putnam Police.

Snowballs pg 1 1-9-14

take the
center court
By Ron P, Coderre
The order of the week was snow balls rather than basketballs as the weatherman played havoc with the hoop schedule creating a number of postponements.  A couple of teams, Woodstock and Plainfield boys and girls, managed to squeak in games on Saturday.
The highlight of the abbreviated schedule was the Woodstock Academy girls posting their first victory under new head coach Willie Bousquet.  The elation of the victory didn’t last too long as the team was beaten the next time it stepped on to the court.  
The Plainfield girls two games mirrored the week Woodstock had, as the Lady Panthers split a pair of contests.
On the boys side of the ledger the Centaurs and Panthers both posted impressive victories.
‘Bousqueteers’ Finally Make the W Column
The Woodstock Academy girls picked up their first win of the season besting Griswold 41-30.  Though the victory was very special to the young ladies and their fans, the way the contest started didn’t bode well for the winners.
The Lady Centaurs scored only one point in the first quarter as the Lady Wolverines took a 4-1 lead after eight minutes.  Trailing 14-10 at halftime, Woodstock regrouped in the second half and rode a big fourth quarter, where it scored 21 points, to emerge with the 11 point victory.
Taylor Littell with 13 points and Galina Gruder with 11 paced a balanced attack for Woodstock as seven players made it into the scorebook.
On Saturday, after the snow was cleared from the roadways, the Acads hosted East Lyme but walked off the court disappointed as the Vikings handed them a 45-28 home court defeat.  The “Bousqueteers” fell behind 11-3 in the initial stanza and never recouped as they couldn’t seem to get the offense in gear.  Moving into 2014 Woodstock is 1-6 on the season.
Plainfield girls opened the week with a solid 58-50 win over Old Saybrook as four players were in double digits for the balanced Lady Panther offense.  Julie Jordan with 13 points was the top point producer, followed by the Lorange sisters, Madeline and Adrienne with 12 points apiece and Alicia Cournoyer who had 10 markers.
A trip to Montville proved disastrous as the Panthers were beaten 38-25, dropping them to 5-2 overall and 1-2 in the Eastern Connecticut Conference Medium Division.
Woodstock Boys Continue Solid Play
Itching to get back on the hardwood, the Woodstock Academy boys proved that the erratic schedule caused by the weather wasn’t a deterrent to posting a victory.  The hungry Centaurs pounced on the East Lyme Vikings early, jumping out to a 23-5 advantage after one period and carried a 33-12 lead into the locker room at intermission.  The second half was all academic for coach Greg Smith’s charges as they rolled to a 54-32 victory.
Woodstock was paced by last season’s ECC Player of the Year Chris Lowry who posted a game high 15 points.  Big John McGinn, who’s been a monster on the backboards all season, went on the offensive as he tallied 13 points.  Woodstock is 5-1 early in the season and 1-1 in the rugged ECC Large Division as it approaches the meat of the L Division schedule in the next five weeks.
Plainfield “put it all together” as the Panthers put on a show for the home folks beating Montville 81-61.  After a close first half in which the Panthers took a slim five-point margin to the locker room they put the game away in the final stanza, outscoring the Indians 23-9 in the last eight minutes.
Plainfield’s scoring machine Ryan Pambuku led the way for coach Bob Arremony’s team with 28 points including 12 from the charity stripe.  Three other Plainfield players reached double figures as Teaque Carrigan had 13, Will Robinson 10 and Corey Anderson 12.  The win leveled Plainfield’s record at 2-2 and 1-1 in the ECC Medium Division.

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