from pg 1 6-27-24

From patriotism to awards

By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM — The pendulum swung from patriotism to awards at the Mayotte-Viens Post 13 American Legion induction of officers and awards dinner last week.
Commander Michael Rocchetti recounted the busy year the post had. “We had a big year, in addition to the patriotic observances,” he said. With pride, he noted the post’s annual golf tournament this past year raised $10,000 which went to the refurbishment project at the Veterans Park. “That’s a big thing and WE’RE NOT DONE YET.” The upcoming golf tournament will also bring donations for the Veterans Park.
This year, he said, the post awarded $6,000 in scholarships. “It’s the first time we’ve done that,” he said, “giving out four more than last year.” he said. Scholarships went to: from Putnam High School: Aysaiah Chavez, Lily Goyette, Brady Devlin, Robert Dion, Pedro Ortiz and Connor Vassar of QVCC.
Rocchetti said: “We doubled our contribution to the Tri-Town American Legion Baseball Team. We donated $10,000 to the Veterans Memorial Park Project – but there’s more to come. We’re sending two Putnam High School students to Boys State and Girls State – Justin Vukas and Whitney Pynn. And we recently recognized four PHS graduating seniors who will be going into the U.S. military: Colin Martin and Moses Ryder, USMC, and Travis Fredette and Lucas Carita U.S. Army National Guard.
Master of Ceremonies, past Post #13 Commander Brian Maynard expressed his gratitude to the members and the local community for their vital support – “which makes possible our many programs which benefit the local community.” “All of the proceeds from our upcoming golf tournament will be donated to the Town of Putnam for the completion of upgrades to the Veterans Park – so please support our golf tournament – which will be held on Monday September 16th at the Putnam National Golf Course.”
Rocchetti said: “On a low note, we transferred eight departed comrades from Post #13 to the Post Everlasting, including: Carl Eisen, Albert Cormier, Bernard Auger, Anthony Amodeo, Alan Sheldon, Robert Guillot, Raymond Williams and David Kelly. I can’t remember when we have lost so many comrades in one year – and we lost our last two remaining WWII veterans – Carl Eisen and Ray Williams.”
On the upside awards were numerous. The American Legion Bronze Service Medals were presented to Maynard, Charles MacKenzie, and Ed Morissette for their work on the successful 2023 golf tournament.
“We usually present an award to our Legionnaire of the Year, and this year it is awarded to our past Post Commander Michael Vassar – but Mike had another important commitment so he wasn’t able to attend tonight,” Rocchetti said “But rest assured, we will present it to him when he gets back. Mike is a very high-performing individual and his service to our Post and our community reflects great credit upon himself and the American Legion. We are real proud of him.”
The Post #13 officers for the 2024-2025 program year will include Post Commander Michael Rocchetti, Senior Vice Commander Christopher Steinbrick, Junior Vice Commander Tina Lajoie, Finance Officer Charles MacKenzie, Adjutant Michael Rocchetti, Chaplain Pierre Desilets, and Sergeant-at-Arms Frank Tremont. They were sworn in by officers and dignitaries from the American Legion’s NE CT District #4 including: Commander Frank Poirier, Adjutant Jeff DeClerk, and Historian Joe McIlraith.
Firefighter of the Year Award
Zach Belleville received the Mayotte-Viens Post 13American Legion Firefighter of the Year Award at the post’s induction and awards night June 20.
In his short time as a member of the Putnam Fire Department Zach Belleville “gives 110 percent,” according to Fire Chief Bob Campbell’s nomination letter to the legion.
He said Belleville, “is always helping when needed from washing hoses to training members in the department. He is at almost any function we ask of him.”
Campbell added: “Zachary started with the Putnam Fire Department on January 1 2022. Zach has helped our department in many ways in the short time he has been in the department. Zach is always right there to help in any way. He is FireFighter 1 certified which takes about 250 hours of training. He is Q Licensed to drive fire trucks and recently completed a Train the Trainer class on Blood Borne Pathogens. Zach was promoted to Lieutenant of Hose Company #2 on May 1 2023.”
Calling Belleville “the most respectful young man I know,” Campbell added: “He doesn’t need to be asked to get something done whether it’s at the station or on the trucks or at a fire scene. Zach is an excellent firefighter with a very bright future as a firefighter, which is his dream. I nominate Zachary Belleville because he is a dedicated and hard-working member of the Putnam Fire Department., and the chief officers couldn’t be more proud of the firefighter he has become.”
Police Officer of the Year Award
Putnam Police Officer Roy Hicks received the Mayotte-Viens Post 13 American Legion’s Officer of the Year award at the post’s induction and awards night June 20.
Police Chief Christopher D. Ferace said the three-year department veteran was nominated by two supervisors and a co-worker
Ferace, in his nomination of Hicks, said, “Officer Hicks brings a dedicated and compassionate work ethic with him every time he walks through the door at the Police Department. His enthusiasm for police work is infectious in the workplace and his desire to learn and improve every day is exemplified by his passion for this profession.”
That passion carries over into Hicks’ embrace of the department’s Community Policing Philosophy,” Ferace said. In fact, Hicks “excels at it. For example, it is not uncommon for him to purchase a meal for a homeless person or work extended hours in a criminal investigation to apprehend the responsible party.”
He added, “It is with great pleasure to announce Officer Roy Hicks as our Officer of the Year.”

captions, page 5:

Officers, from left: Commander Michael Rocchetti, Sr. Vice Commander Christopher Steinbrick, Jr. Vice Commander Tina Lajoie, Finance Officer Chas MacKenzie, Chaplain Pierre Desilets, Sgt. at Arms Frank Tremont. Not pictured: Service Officer Garry Brown.

Hicks with Rocchetti

Belleville with Rocchetti

Scholarship Winners: Aysaiah Chavez, right, Lily Goyette


psa pg 1 6-27-24

PSA team takes national crown
Putnam Science Academy’s esports team kept the receipts.
After falling in the championship game of last year’s High School Esports League national tournament, the Mustangs were crowned HSEL national champions earlier this month. Playing Rocket League, PSA made its way to the final by knocking off its first four opponents with sweeps of the best-of-five sets.
In the final, PSA – featuring a lineup of Gavin Lo Vasco, Carson Sward, Kohen Yates, Jonathan Galdamez, and substitute Ryan Staite – faced old foe Westwood High School, which beat the Mustangs at their most recent LAN event, the Nutmeg State Esports Games.
The teams split the first four games, setting up a winner-take-all fifth game, which PSA won in convincing fashion to win the title at the event held in Kansas City, Mo.
“I am beyond proud,” coach Devon Nedoroscik said. “The students played their hearts out, and not only secured the championship title and collegiate scholarships, but the team realized how serious they want to take this career in their lives.”
Each team member took home nearly $1,500 in college scholarships (plus a pair of $750 sunglasses from event sponsor Oakley) for the win.
That was all on top of the winnings from earlier that week, when PSA placed second in another national tournament (this time the PlayVS Cup) and earned $3,000 in scholarship money.
Stephen Nalbandian
Sports Information Director
Putnam Science Academy

From left: R. Jonathan Galdamez, Kohen Yates, Gavin Lo Vasco, Carson Sward, coach Devon Nedoroscik.


seuss pg 1 6-27-24

'Seuss-esque' Birdhouse
The annual Putnam Fine Arts & Crafts Festival went off beautifully with 70 vendors, food, music and more. More photos on page 4 and expanded photo array on Wed. night on our FB page: Putnam Town Crier & Northeast Ledger. Linda Lemmon photo.


legals pg 2 6-27-24

Legal Notice
Be it ordained by the Town Meeting of the Town of Putnam:
Section 1. Authority
Pursuant to Chapter Six, Section Two of the Charter of the Town of Putnam and Section 8-4a of the Connecticut General Statutes, the Zoning Commission is hereby designated to be the combined Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Putnam.
Section 2. Purpose
The purpose of the Planning and Zoning Commission is to discharge the duties specified in Chapters 124 and 126 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
Section 3.
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Putnam shall consist of five (5) regular members and three (3) alternate members who shall be electors of the Town of Putnam and shall hold no salaried municipal office. Members shall commence to serve their terms immediately upon appointment and shall serve until their successor has qualified or they have been reappointed or removed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Board of Selectmen. Following the expiration of the terms of the initial members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, members and alternates shall be appointed for terms of five (5) years.
Regular members and alternate members of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall not be regular or alternate members of the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Appointment and removal of any regular member or alternate member of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be as provided for in Chapter Six, Section Three of the Charter of the Town of Putnam.
Section 4. Alternate Members
Such alternate members shall, when seated as herein provided, have all of the powers and duties set forth in the Connecticut General Statutes or any special act relating to the Planning and Zoning Commission and its members.
If a regular member of the Planning and Zoning Commission is absent or disqualified, the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall designate an alternate to so act, choosing alternates in rotation so that they shall act as nearly equal a number of times as possible. If any alternate member is not available in accordance with such rotation, such fact shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
Section 5.
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have all of the duties as specified in Chapter Six, Section Two of the Charter of the Town of Putnam for the Planning Commission and the Zoning Commission, in addition to any powers previously granted by resolution or ordinance to either the Planning Commission or the Zoning Commission of the Town.
Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall also be empowered to act as the Aquifer Protection Agency of the Town of Putnam upon the effective date of this Ordinance.
The Zoning Regulations of the Town of Putnam, as adopted and made effective January 1, 1957 and as thereafter amended, shall remain in full force and effect except as they may be further amended by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Putnam by procedures established in the Connecticut General Statutes.
The Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Putnam, as adopted and made effective June 15, 1956 and as thereafter amended, shall remain in full force and effect except as they may be further amended by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Town of Putnam by procedures established in the Connecticut General Statutes.
Section 6.
If any section, or part of a section, of this Ordinance shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such holding shall not be deemed to invalidate the remaining provisions hereof.
Section 7.
Effective Date
In accordance with the Charter of the Town of Putnam, this ordinance shall be effective twenty-one (21) days after publication.

June 27, 2024

Legal Notice
Town of Pomfret
Planning &
Zoning Commission
At the June 12, 2024, meeting of the Pomfret Planning & Zoning Commission, the following legal action(s) was taken:
1. H. Doug Porter for Plan Well, LLC, 697 Pomfret Street, application for a proposed addition to an existing building containing a non-conforming commercial/office use along with the associated site plan alterations to the site located at same address.  DENIED for non-compliance with the Town’s Zoning Regulations.
Dated at Pomfret, Connecticut
June 24, 2024
Lynn L. Krajewski, Clerk, Planning & Zoning Commission
June 27, 2024

Town of Putnam
Zoning Commission
Legal Notice
The Town of Putnam Zoning Commission held a hybrid meeting on June 19, 2024 at 7:00 P. M. in Room 201 at the Putnam Municipal Complex, located at 200 School Street, Putnam, CT.  The following action was taken:

Docket # 2024-03 Town of Putnam request for text amendments to Sections 301,304,305,407,412, and 714 of the Town of Putnam Zoning Regulations. APPROVED

Docket # 2024-04 Lisa M. Audette request for a special permit to operate a day care center in accordance with Section 304 “Schedule of Uses and Districts” Table 111-1.  Property located at 17B Kennedy Drive, Building 1, Town Assessors Map 019, Lot 076, Zoned M/OD.  APPROVED

Patricia Hedenberg, Chairperson
June 27, 2024


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