Legals pg 11 4-17-14

Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
APRIL 23, 2014
Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter VII, Section 5 of the Putnam Town Charter, the Board of Finance of the Town of Putnam will hold a public hearing in the auditorium of the Putnam Middle School, 33 Wicker Street, Putnam, Connecticut, on estimates of the revenues and expenditures of the Town of Putnam for fiscal year July 1, 2014, to June 30, 2015 on Wednesday, April 23, at 7:30 p.m.
All persons who wish to speak on any item in the proposed budget for fiscal year 2014-2015, or who may wish to recommend consideration by the governing officials of additional items or the rejection of items will be heard.
Copies of the detailed budgets for the General Government, Library, Board of Education, and Town Aid Road will be available in the Mayor’s Office, Town Clerk’s Office, Library, and the Board of Education on Wednesday, April 16, 2014.
Joseph Nash, Chairman
Board of Finance
April 16, 2014
Legal Notice
Town of Pomfret
Planning &
Zoning Commission
At the April 7, 2104 special meeting of the Pomfret Planning & Zoning Commission, the following application was acted upon: 
1. Rectory School, 528 Pomfret Street, construction of new two-family faculty housing; approved with conditions.
Dated at Pomfret,
April 10, 2014
Lynn L. Krajewski, 
Planning & 
Zoning Commission
April 16, 2014
Legal Notice
Town of Pomfret
Board of Finance
APRIL 22, 2014 
–   7:00 PM
The Board of Finance of the Town of Pomfret will be holding a Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 22, 2014, at 7:00 PM at the Pomfret Community School Cafeteria in accordance with Section 7-344 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
Itemized estimates of expenditures of the Town for the ensuing fiscal year of 2014-2015 will be presented and the Board of Finance will hear all persons who wish to be heard in regards to any appropriations which they are desirous the Board will recommend.  Copies of the proposed budgets are available at the Town Clerk’s Office, Town of Pomfret, Five Haven Road, Pomfret Center, Connecticut.
Dated at Pomfret, Connecticut
This 16th Day of April, 2014
Kenneth W. Kristal, 
Pomfret Board of Finance 
April 16, 2014

Officers pg 11 4-17-14

POMFRET — At the recent Pomfret Republican Caucus, the following committee members were elected to serve on the 2014-2015 Republican Town Committee: 
Robert E. Andrews Jr., Craig W. Baldwin, Joann M. Baldwin, Roderick R. Bedard, John A. Bergendahl, Elizabeth L. Cartier, Rita M. Conrad, Karyn E. DiBonaventura, Richard DiBonaventura Jr., Anthony J. Emilio, Martha B. Emilio, Nicholas A. Gardner, Carolyn A. Hopkins, Pamela S. Lewerenz, Roger J. Mauer.
At the March 12 meeting officers were elected: Pamela S. Lewerenz, chairman; Rita M. Conrad, vice chairman; Robert E. Andrews Jr., secretary; Craig W. Baldwin, treasurer.

Project pg 11 4-17-14

WOODSTOCK — Project Redemption is a bottle and can redemption business established in 2012 by Lauren Mooney and Emily Langer in Woodstock in the Windy Acres building. Its purpose was to raise money to support animal welfare and local charities in the area. They depended heavily on a volunteer work force which had proven to be the most challenging aspect of the business. They ended up having to work long hours to make up for the time not covered by volunteers, sometimes even seven days per week. As the business grew help came from the work crews of The Arc of Quinebaug Valley. For about two years they processed the donations received from the community and learned the business inside and out. A decision was made to turn the business over to The Arc which had the manpower and the resources needed to grow the business even more. 
Project Redemption now provides a paid vocational opportunity for the individuals with disabilities supported by The Arc. “The social and work related skills that this business will provide are invaluable,” said Susan M. Desrosiers, executive director. “We are very proud to be able to help those we support increase their independence as well as help the community reduce waste and litter.”  By using a network of outdoor collection bins located throughout six towns Project Redemption received donations of cans and bottles from the community. The Arc serves all of Windham County and has begun to partner with local businesses as well. Frito Lay, Rogers Corporation, the Griswold Corporation and Amtec Corporation have all signed on as collection sites. Restaurants as well including The Courthouse, Bella’s and Mike’s Stand in Putnam have also signed on as partners. We have also enlisted the support of schools in the area including Brooklyn and the Quinebaug Valley Community College. “We are offering the community the chance to prevent litter, promote recycling and reduce waste. We provide companies with receptacles for collection and develop a schedule for picking up the donations based on the needs and convenience of the business. The Ellis Technical School has also built special collection bins for use at area outdoor events throughout the year.”
Items that may be redeemed include water bottles and soda and beer cans and bottles that carry the CT 5 cent Deposit mark. Everyone can help The Arc provide this “real work for real pay” opportunity for individuals with disabilities in our community. You can deposit your bottles and cans in a local collection bin, call for a pick-up at your home or host interior collection boxes at your school, business or church. Partner with The Arc for support of your next bottle/can drive fund-raiser. You can also volunteer to help in many capacities related to the project.
For more information please contact Linda Lamoureux at The Arc at 860-774-2827 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

QVCC pg 11 4-17-14

caption, page 12:
Tech Update
Left to right: QVCC Interim President Dr. Carmen Cid; State Representative Danny Rovero; Training and Human Resources Manager, Putnam Plastics, Ken Long; Tracy Ariel, CSCU Director of Advanced Manufacturing Centers; Steve LaPointe, QVCC AMTC Director; Betty Hale; Tom Harney, QVCC Foundation President; State Representative Mae Flexer; Gail Coppage, CSCU Director of Innovation and Outreach. Courtesy photo.
DANIELSON — March 27, Quinebaug Valley Community College (QVCC) hosted more than 40 local manufacturers, members of the Connecticut legislature, donors and representatives from the Connecticut State Colleges and University (CSCU) system for an update on the QVCC Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center (AMTC).
The agenda included an update on the success of the basic and advanced manufacturing certificate programs from QVCC AMTC Director Steve LaPointe. Current student Donna Franco provided a moving testimonial about her journey and how this program has impacted her life. A Dean’s List student, Franco had a paid internship at Kocheck Co., Inc., Putnam, CT during the fall semester and continued this spring in their apprenticeship program. Franco stated, “Everybody has wanted to help me succeed. It feels like home every time I step into the college.” Franco will graduate this May with the basic and advanced manufacturing certificates.
The QVCC Foundation recognized the generosity of two new donors: Betty Hale, Pomfret, and Foster Corporation, Putnam, / Putnam Plastics, Dayville,  for their recent donation. The Advanced Manufacturing Center Endowment Fund was created in August 2012. Interest earned from this permanently restricted fund will be used to support both student and program needs. As of March 27, 2014, the fund balance (pledges and/or payments received) totals $348,000. The QVCC Foundation also thanked the following Manufacturing Partners who have previously been recognized for their support of this fund: Linemaster Switch Corporation, Woodstock; Quinebaug Manufacturing Institute; Spirol International Charitable Foundation, Dayville; Westminster Tool, Plainfield and Whitcraft LLC, Eastford.
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