Academy pg 1 3-14-13

take 2nd
in New
WOODSTOCK --- The girls’ gymnastics team finished off another incredible season with a second-place finish at the New England Championships last week with a score of 145.625.
The Lady Centaurs were .25 points away from repeating as New England Champions, but with Barnstable having the meet of their season it was not in the cards for the Centaurs.
The team was disappointed, but in time they will look back on what they have accomplished and they will realize what an amazing three years they have had.
In the last three years the Academy has been State Champions three times, State Open Champions twice and New England Champions and New England Runner-Up.
And it is not over. With many key gymnasts returning next year they are poised for another run next year.
The coach congratulated seniors Shaila Segal, Emily Lipka, and Allison Rich for a great career.
There were some individual award winners as well:
 Jackie Deary won the Bronze in the Vault and she came in 5th place in the All-Around.
Shaila Segal won the Silver on the Bars with a score of 9.55.

A sea pg 1 3-14-13

caption, page 1:

Female Winner
Elizabeth Larned, 17, was the first female across the line during the second annual O'Putnam 5K Race March 10. More photos on page 6. Linda Lemmon photo.

page 6 captions:  Above: Gabriel Torrente, 6, and Kaia Torrente, 8, of Dayville. Below: Michael Stadolnik crosses first as Mayor Pete Place looks on.

By Ron P. Coderre
The community of Putnam resembled Fort Collins, Mile High City or Aspen, Colorado on Sunday as runners arrived for the 2nd running of The Courthouse O’Putnam 5k.  The snows from winter Storm David left the streets along the 3.1 mile route banked with “white stuff” that transformed the Antique City into a Christmas Wonderland setting, as temperatures topped out at over 50 degrees for the start of the race.
“This is one of Putnam’s best days.  What a way to get the St. Patrick’s Day celebration off to a fantastic start.  I’m really proud of Putnam as once again our people demonstrate what a great community we have,” said Mayor Pete Place.
The new start of the race on Canal Street was a sea of green runners as they exited the balloon arch starting point.  Officially 1,034 runners registered for the 2013 race topping last year’s initial O’Putnam, which had 643 runners.  The running conditions were near perfect and although most runners had been training indoors during the cold weather months the times were very competitive.
Michael Stadolnik a 39-year-old runner from Plainfield, led from start to finish, posting a time of 17:54.  He broke the tape at the finish line, which was held by Mayor Place and his wife Audrey, a solid 12 seconds ahead of second place finisher 17 year old Christopher Messier also of Plainfield.  Stadolnik’s time was considerably off the course record of 17:11 set in 2012 by David Lusignan of Woodstock.  Messier was a bridesmaid again this year as he also finished second last year.  His time this year was 18:06 as compared to his 17:41 in 2012.
Another Plainfield runner, Ryan Saros was third just behind Messier and Jack Houlker, 32 of Danielson was fourth.  Rounding out the top five was Rory Apperson (18:56) also of Danielson.  The top five finishers maintained their positions throughout the race.  
In the female competition a new champion was crowned as 17-year-old Elizabeth Larned of Moosup, a junior at Plainfield High School won easily in a time of 20:17.  Her time was good enough to place her 17th in the overall competition.  She won by a comfortable 43 seconds over 38-year-old second place finisher and 2012 female champion Linda Spooner (21:00) of Sturbridge, Massachusetts.  Meridith Moseley (21:13) of Dudley, Massachusetts was the third place female finisher.  A pair of Putnam runners Pauline Frascone (21:39) and Jenna Jezierski (21:54) finished fourth and fifth respectively.
“This is my first ever road race, although I run cross country and track at Plainfield.  The course was a little difficult as I’m somewhat undertrained at this point of the season.  I did get into a nice grove and just ran my race.  I’m very pleased with the results,” said Larned.
Larned, much like her male counterpart Stadolnik, led the female race from start to finish.  She came to run in Putnam at the suggestion of her boyfriend, who was also running the race, making his suggestion a winner.
 The throng of people, which consisted of more than 1000 runners, race officials and volunteers, family members, friends and interested spectators swelled the crowd to approximately more than 3000.  Despite the size of the crowd and the steady flow of traffic in and around downtown Putnam the event went off without a hitch, thanks to the 20 Putnam Police Department officers and auxiliary members, under the direction of Deputy Chief Lee Konicki, who were strategically placed at key locations.
“This was a phenomenal event.  Everyone was in a positive mood, making our job rather routine.  There was no report of incidents of any sort,” said Deputy Chief Lee Konicki.
 Once again the community of Putnam showed its true colors, which on this day was green, as it hosted what will be the first of many events to take place in the upcoming months.  The 2nd O’Putnam 5k, the brainchild of James and Sheila Frost of the Courthouse Restaurant, proved to be a winner and an event destined to continue into the future.
“This day, which was spring like far exceeded our expectations.  We are so thrilled with the turnout and the festive spirit that was spread throughout downtown.  Another great day for Putnam,” said Sheila Frost.  
 Running Shorts: The first official Putnam finisher was well known personality Scott Deslongchamps (19:18) who finished ninth…Former State Representative Shawn Johnston ran a strong race…Liam Adams (19:40) of Woodstock, a Marianapolis runner was 12th overall…One of the area’s fitness buffs, Dr. Marc Cerrone enjoyed the jog in the sunshine…Shawn Saucier, Hyde-Woodstock Director of Athletics finished 22nd…Atty. Jeff Low of Pomfret Center finished a strong 40th…Race sponsor Sheila Frost finished exactly 100th, followed by Monique Wolanin, who ran the race with her son Blake…Judge of Probate Leah Schad finished 105th…Erin Crosby (242nd) a waitress at JD Coopers Restaurant said, “running the race was easier than waiting tables.”…Putnam running guru Jimi Gothreau ran a 23:12 race good for 80th place…Brad “Fabio” Favreau (27:37) of Woodstock finished 220th…The O’Putnam day came to an end when someone snapped a pole causing a power failure in Putnam.  The race participants and volunteers celebrated in the darkness of the Courthouse Restaurant.

Then and Now pg 2 3-14-13

In 1888 a blizzard knocked a train off the tracks in northeast Connecticut. (Putnam Town Crier file photos)

& Now
Storm David was nothing like the Blizzard of 1888.

Funds pg 3 3-14-13

Funds Raised
The Day Kimball Healthcare (DKH) Employee Council recently coordinated an organization-wide promotion to help the victims of the Jan. 22 Prospect Street fire in Putnam. DKH employees participated in “Wear Your Jeans to Work” day, and also added spare change to the “Fill a Heart” collection, raising $3,400. Funds will be distributed to all affected families by Interfaith Human Services of Putnam. Some of the DKH employees who participated in the promotion are shown left to right: Denise Oles, Emily Hilton, Stefanie Bellerive, Kim Gagnon, Deb Seney, Karen LeBeau, Doreen Kenworthy and Eric Mirasol. Courtesy photo.

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