Memories pg 9 8-14-14

By Ron P. Coderre
This week’s RPC sporty shoutout is sent along to North Grosvenordale native Charlie Archambault.  Most people don’t know or remember that Archambault was an outstanding athlete in his day.  He was drafted by the former St. Louis Browns of the American League and played one season in the minor leagues.  Archambault enjoyed another birthday on Sunday, Aug. 10.
Just prior to the turn of the century in the late ‘90s a young lady by the name of Candace Spinelli dominated the high school soccer scene not only in the area but throughout the state.  Spinelli, who graduated from Tourtellotte Memorial High School in 1999 earned varsity letters from her freshman year on through the culmination of her senior season.
Spinelli, playing in the former Quinebaug Valley Conference, was selected all-conference her four years on the high school pitch and was also selected Connecticut All State.  She was selected the Lady Tigers Most Valuable Player in 1997 and 1998.  In 1998 she was honored by being named the QVC Player of the Year.  The Hartford Courant also named Spinelli to the All-State Soccer Team throughout her four years in high school.
A two-sport athlete, the versatile Spinelli also played varsity basketball for four seasons.  She was a member of two teams that played in the CIAC postseason tournament.  As a senior she was honored as the winner of the Most Improved Player award.
An honor student, Spinelli moved on to a two- year stint as a member of the Eastern Connecticut State University soccer team.  As a sophomore she was named Little East All-Conference second team.  She moved on to Central Connecticut State University for her final two years of college and continued to star on the pitch.  At Division I CCSU she helped the team to a Northeast Conference Championship and a berth in the prestigious NCAA Tournament.  In her senior year she was honored as the NEC All-Conference First Team as a defender.
Beyond the high school and college level Spinelli played in the European Dana Cup competition in Sweden in 1996 and the Gothia Cup in Denmark.  From 1995 through 1997 she was member of the World Class team and the Eagle Elite team from 1998 through 2000.
Spinelli was honored for her achievements as a scholar/athlete on Saturday, June 14 when she was inducted into the TMHS Athletic Hall of Fame.
Take Me Out To The Ballgame
Despite the fact that our beloved Red Sox are mired in last place in the American League East Division, the local faithful continue to flock to venerable Fenway Park.  The 15 games or so, out of first place and just waiting to be mathematically eliminated factor doesn’t seem to discourage people from northeastern Connecticut from taking the 60 - plus mile (more than 120 miles round trip) trek to Beantown.
Doug Cutler, Putnam town administrator, along with his son James was on hand for a rare Red Sox win in the Toronto series.  The Cutlers were seated in the upper boxes along the third base side of “Friendly Fenway.”  It was their first experience watching the game from that perspective and they said, “Great seats and tremendous place to watch the game.”
The younger Cutler recently completed his career with the TriTown American Legion Baseball Program where he was a utility infielder and relief pitcher.  He’s headed to Quinebaug Valley Community College in September.  Dad Cutler, who is really a kid at heart when it comes to baseball, loved the trip to Fenway because he loves Red Sox baseball.
Putnam residents Dick and Kathy Raymond made their annual trek to Fenway recently.  The Raymonds attended a Yankee versus Red Sox game, which the Sox won 4-2.
Maybe the Cutlers and Raymonds should have gone to Boston more often this season.  It appears that the Red sox enjoy winning when they’re present.
Amateur Golf News
The 27th Connecticut Mid-Amateur Championship is scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday, August 19 and 20 at Hop Meadow Country Club in Simsbury.  There are a number of Eastern Connecticut golfers who’ll be on hand to represent our part of the state.  The Northeastern Connecticut Corner will be represented by Will Machnicki who plays out of Mohegan Sun Country Club at Pautipaug.  Machnicki, a Putnam resident, is a familiar face around local golf courses.  In real life he can be found in the kitchen at Someplace Special Restaurant where he is a chef. 
RPC’s Closing Thought For The Day: “In every person who comes near you look for what is good and strong.” John Ruskin.
(If you have news worthy sports information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Legals pg 11 8-14-14

Legal Notice
Communities Served:
Ashford, CT; Brooklyn, CT; Canterbury, CT; Chaplin, CT; Columbia, CT; Coventry, CT; E. CT College; Eastford, CT; Hampton, CT; Lebanon, CT; Mansfield, CT; Pomfret, CT; Scotland, CT; Thompson, CT; UConn, CT; Willimantic/Windham, CT; Willington, CT; Woodstock, CT
On or after September 23, 2014, Charter will start encrypting the Basic Service Tier offering on your cable system. If you have a set-top box, digital transport adapter (DTA), or a retail CableCARD device connected to each of your TVs, you will be unaffected by this change. However, if you are currently receiving the Basic Service Tier offering on any TV without equipment supplied by Charter, you will lose the ability to view any channels on that TV.  If you are affected, you should contact Charter to arrange for the equipment you need to continue receiving your services. In such case, you are entitled to receive equipment at no additional charge or service fee for a limited period of time. The number and type of devices you are entitled to receive and for how long will vary depending on your situation. If you are a Basic Service Tier offering customer and receive the service on your TV without Charter-supplied equipment, you are entitled to up to two devices for two years (five years if you also receive Medicaid). If you subscribe to a higher level of service and receive the Basic Service Tier offering on a secondary TV without Charter-supplied equipment, you are entitled to one device for one year.  You can learn more about this equipment offer and eligibility at or by calling 1-866-954-3019. To qualify for any equipment at no additional charge or service fee, you must request the equipment within 120 days after the date your service is encrypted, which began September 23, 2014 and will continue through January 21, 2015 and satisfy all other eligibility requirements.
Aug. 14, 2014
Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Zoning Commission
The Town of Putnam Zoning Commission will hold a meeting on August 20, 2014, at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall located at 126 Church Street, Putnam, CT.  A public hearing will be held one each of the following:
 Docket # 2014-04: Putnam Taxi, LLC — Request for text amendments to the Town of Putnam Zoning Regulations Article III, Section 304, Table III-1 Schedule of Uses and Districts to amend the Transportation Table. Article VIII, Definitions to add under M - Motor Vehicle in Livery Service under T -Taxicab or Taxi. Article IV,  Section 601 Table VI-1 Parking Schedule. The proposed text amendment may be viewed in it entirety at the Zoning/Land Use Office at the Putnam Town Hall, 126 Church Street, Putnam, CT, during regular Town Hall business hours.
Docket # 2014-05:  Putnam Taxi, LLC — Request for a Special Permit of Exception to operate a taxi/livery dispatch office at 119 School Street, Town Assessor’s Map 015, Lot 013., Zoned R-7.
Patricia Hedenberg,
Aug. 7, 2014
Aug. 14, 2014
Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Zoning Board 
of Appeals
The Town of Putnam Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a meeting on August 19, 2014, at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall located at 126 Church Street, Putnam, CT.  A public hearing will be held on each of the following:
Appeal # 2014-005; Round The Clock Repair Services LLC — Request for a Certificate of Approval of Location. The applicant is also appealing the decision of the Zoning Enforcement Officer for the sale of vehicles.  Property located at 33 Industrial Park Road, Town Assessor’s Map 038, Lot 036. Zoned Industrial.  
Appeal # 2014-006:  Round The Clock Auto Centre, LLC — Request for a Certificate of Approval of Location. The applicant is also appealing the decision of the Zoning Enforcement Officer for the sale of vehicles.  Property located at 33 Industrial Park Road, Town Assessor’s Map 038, Lot 036. Zoned Industrial.  
Joseph Nash,
Aug. 7, 2014
Aug. 14, 2014
Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Planning Commission
The Town of Putnam Planning Commission held a Special Meeting on August 6, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. at the Putnam Town Hall, located at 126 Church Street, Putnam, CT.  The following action was taken:
Approval was granted for the stipulation for judgment, Unistar Properties, LLC vs. The Town of Putnam Planning Commission, on a 33-lot subdivision to include the construction of a roadway and cul-de-sac to provide access from Five Mile River Road to the proposed lots.  The property, described as Assessor’s Map 39, Lots 45 and 54, is located at 71 Five Mile River Road (Lot 45) and 59 Old Moffitt Road (Lot 54).  The subject property consists of 62.13 acres, be the same more or less.   
Gerard Cotnoir, 
Aug. 14, 2014
Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
The Town of Putnam, CT proposes to file an Application for Federal Financial Assistance with the USDA, Rural Development.  This application for financial assistance will be for funding under the Rural Utilities Service, Part 1780, Water and Environmental Programs Loans and Grants (CFDA 10.760) and is anticipated to be submitted by August 14th, 2014.  The specific elements of the project include construction of a sanitary sewer pump station, gravity sewer, sewer force main and water main. The purpose of the project is to provide utilities to a 267± acre site that is targeted for economic development. The first phase of development within the Site would be a new regional YMCA facility, surface parking, athletic fields, roads, water main, drainage and sewage pump station. The cost of this phase of the Project is anticipated to be $1,121,200.00 ($504,000 Water Project and $617,200 Sewer Project).
Any comments regarding this application should be submitted to the Town of Putnam within fifteen days of publication.
Aug. 14, 2014

Awarded pg 12 8-14-14

Awarded degrees
WILLIMANTIC --- At Eastern Connecticut State University’s 124th Commencement May 13, 2014, the following local students received degrees: Holly Bennett received a Master of Science degree in Early Childhood Education. Bennett is a resident of Danielson. Matthew Lanzoni received a Master of Science degree in Educational Technology. Lanzoni is a resident of Danielson. Rebecca Wainacht received a Master of Science degree in Elementary Education. Wainacht is a resident of Dayville. Amy Kacerik received a Master of Science degree in Organizational Management. Kacerik is a resident of Pomfret Center. Sarah Brockmeyer received a Master of Science degree in Reading/Language Arts. Brockmeyer is a resident of Pomfret Center.

Police pg 12 8-14-14

The following charges were listed in the Putnam Police Department logs.  The people charged are innocent until proven guilty in court. The Town Crier will publish dispositions of cases at the request of the accused. The dispositions must be accompanied by the proper documentation. The Putnam Police Department confidential Tip Line is 963-0000.
Aug. 5
Brad Vargas, 35, Quaboag Avenue, Oxford, Mass.; reckless driving.
Aug. 7
Jill Mulligan, 34, Mill Street, Putnam; sixth-degree larceny.
Ezarick Key, 46, Grove Street, Putnam; third-degree criminal mischief, disorderly conduct.
Aug. 10
Philip Dimatteo, 26, Kozey Road, Eastford; operating under the influence, failure to drive right.
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