Senator pg 10 11-26-14

The Working Lands Alliance, a project of American Farmland Trust, recently honored State Senator Donald E. Williams Jr. with its Legislative Leadership Award for his dedication to preserving Connecticutís farmland and agricultural heritage.
At their annual meeting at the State Capitol, WLA also honored George Hindinger, Wintonbury Land Trust, and the UConn Extension Agriculture Team with Pathfinder Awards for their work in advancing farmland preservation through leadership, advocacy, planning, and education.
ìIn Sen. Williams, Connecticut has benefitted from a staunch advocate who has helped provide millions of dollars for farmland preservation and a variety of other agricultural programs,î said Andrew McElwaine, president of American Farmland Trust. ìWith his retirement Connecticut loses a committed leader in the fight to protect farmland. It is my honor to congratulate him for this award.î
WLA presented its 2014 Farmland Preservation Pathfinder Awards to UConn Extensionís Agriculture Team for consistently providing outreach, expertise, and knowledge to agricultural producers, giving them tools to enhance their agricultural operations. †Their many important programs ensure that our working lands remain vibrant.

Legals pg 11 11-26-14

Legal Notice
Important Information 
About Your Drinking Water
Maximum Contaminant  Level Violation- 
Date:   November 25, 2014
To the Customers of:  
Putnam Water Pollution Control Authority
Drinking Water Div.  ó PWS ID: CT1160011
Compliance Period: November I, 2014 
thru November 30,2014
Our public water system recently violated a drinking water standard. Although this incident was not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened and what we did to correct this situation. We routinely monitor for drinking water contaminants. The results of required water quality tests during the period indicated above indicated the presence of total coliform bacteria. The standard is that no more than 1 sample per month or 5 percent of all samples may show the presence of total coliform bacteria.
What does this mean?
The  United States Environmental  Protection  Agency (EPA)  sets drinking  water standards  and has determined  that the presence  of  total  coliform  is  a  possible  health  concern.  Coliforms  are  bacteria  that  are  naturally  present  in  the environment and are used as an indicator that other, potentially harmful, bacteria may be present. Coliforms were found in more samples than allowed and this is a warning of potential problems.
What should I do?
This is not an emergency. If it had been, you would have been notified immediately. Total coliform bacteria are generally considered harmless but indicate the potential for contamination.  Although total coliform bacteria are present there is no immediate health risk to those ingesting the water. However, if you have specific health concerns, consult your doctor.
What is being done?
Repeat sampling on 1117/14 at the original distribution sites as well as upstream and downstream sites all came back clean with no Coliform.  No additional action is needed.
We expect to return to compliance or resolve the situation by  11/09/2014
If you have any questions please contact the Putnam Water Department by phone by phone at (860) 963-6819 or at the 126 Church Street, Putnam CT,  06260.
Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice  directly  (for example, people in apartments,  nursing  homes,  schools,  and  businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail. 
Nov. 26, 2014
Legal Notice   --  Town of Putnam
December 1, 2014
The Electors and Citizens qualified to vote in Town Meeting of the Town of Putnam, Connecticut, are hereby notified and warned that the Special Meeting of said Town will be held at The Daniel S. Rovero Selectmenís Chambers, Putnam Town Hall, 126 Church Street, Putnam, Connecticut, on the 1st day of December, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the evening for the following purposes:
1.  To choose a moderator for said meeting.
2. To determine the wishes of those present and eligible to vote at Town Meeting of the Town of Putnam to authorize the Mayor and Board of Selectmen to sign Interlocal Agreements with Brooklyn and Pomfret and to revise the existing agreement with the Town of Scotland all substantially in accord with the draft agreement on file in the Offices of the Mayor and the Town Clerk and available for public inspection during normal business hours. 
Dated at Putnam, Connecticut, 
this 25th  day  of November, 2014.
Town of Putnam
Anthony P. Falzarano, Mayor
Renee C. Lasko
J. Scott Pempek
Alma D. Morey
Owen A. Tarr
Peter E. Benoit
Douglas Cutler Jr. 
Its Board of Selectmen
Attest:  Sara J. Seney, Town Clerk 
Nov. 26, 2014
Legal Notice  --  Town of Putnam
The following AMENDED ORDINANCE was approved at the Special Town Meeting held on November 17, 2014 and shall become effective twenty-one (21) days after date of publication.  
Dated at Putnam, Connecticut 
this 18th day  of November, 2014.
Sara J. Seney, Town Clerk
Nov. 26, 2014
The Bidding Ordinance  found in the Town of Putnam  Code of Ordinances, Chapter 101, Article II, Sections 101-9 to 101-14 is hereby amended and restated in its entirety.
ARTICLE  II Purchasing
ß 101-9. Authority and adoption.
The Town of Putnam Bidding Ordinance adopted  May 20, 1970, was amended in Town Meeting on July 11, 1989 and as amended  in its entirety at a Town  Meeting of November  20, 2006 is further amended and restated as follows:
ß101-10. Purchase under $2,500.00
Purchases  for items with a value in excess of $100 and less than $2,500 must  have documented verbal quotes or written quotes, whenever possible, from at least three vendors.   Items with a value of $100 or less are exempt from this process.
ß101-11. Purchases between $2,500 and $10,000.
Items costing between $2,500 and $10,000 shall require the department  head to solicit at least three quotes  and  to  provide  the  three  quotes  together  with  the  name and  telephone  number  of  each person who supplied a quote to the Mayor for his approval. If the item is such that three quotes are unobtainable,  that  fact shall be documented  to  the  Mayor in  writing and  the Mayor shall sign a written waiver of the requirement of three quotes.
ß101-12. Purchases in excess of $10,000.
A. Any item purchased by the Town of Putnam  costing in excess of $10,000. shall be subject to a  formal  bid  procedure.  All bids  shall be  in  writing and  shall be  submitted  in  a  sealed envelope to the Mayorís office at a date and time specified in the invitation to bid.  All such bids shall be  published  at least once  at  least seven  days before  the  due  date in  either  a newspaper or other publication, delivered generally to the residents of Putnam. All such bids shall be opened  at the Selectmenís meeting and formally awarded to the lowest responsible qualified bidder based upon:
(1) Price;
(2) Recommendation  of the department  head;
(3) Compliance with bid requirements and specifications;
(4) Ability of the vendor to provide services, if applicable; and
(5) Vendorsí references, if applicable.
B.  The Town  of Putnam  reserves the right to waive any informality with any bid and if all the bids exceed  the amount  in the opinion  of the Board  of Selectmen  readily available for  the specific project, the Town reserves the right to enter into negotiation with the low bidder to modify the specifications.
ß 101-13. Exceptions.
The following items shall be exempt from the bidding ordinance:
A.  The  purchase  of any item certified by the department head as an emergency purchase  and countersigned  by the Mayor. Any such waiver shall be immediately reported  to the Board of Selectmen and shall, in a formal report  to the Board of Selectman, be made at the next Selectmenís meeting indicating the nature of the emergency and the basis for the award;
B. All professional  services; formal bidding procedures  shall not be required for  the award of standard   professional   services  such  as  architects,   engineers,  legal  counsel,  professional consultants  in the areas of personnel, insurance  and the like, although  the Town  should  use an RFP process in appropriate circumstances; and
C.  Any item covered by an existing state or regional bid such as those obtained  by the State of Connecticut  or  the Council of Governments. Any time an existing bid is used for a town project,  the Department Head or other  individual  responsible  for  the specific project  shall certify in  writing  to  the Board  of  Selectmen  that  he  or  she  has reviewed  other  relevant options  and in their opinion  the acceptance  of the existing bid is in the best interest  of the Town of Putnam.
D.   Exemption by Board or Commission.
Whereas,  the Board of Education,  the Putnam  WPCA, Putnam  Housing Authority  and the Putnam  Redevelopment  Agency have traditionally awarded their own bids independently  of the  Board  of  Selectmen.   Upon  certification  by the  respective  agency that  they  have  the ability to implement  this ordinance  internally  and  for  reasons  of efficiency feel that  their specific board should award their respective  bids the Board of Selectmen shall exempt such Board or Commission from the provisions of this ordinance  that require action by the Board of Selectmen and  their  respective agencies shall  implement the  ordinance pursuant to  their own bylaws rules of procedure.
ß 101-14. Annual bids.
The Town  shall solicit bids on  an annual  basis for supplemental  or additional equipment  and that bid shall remain valid for the calendar year.
ß 101-15. Lump sum bids.
Any  project  costing in excess of $10,000 shall be bid as a lump  sum unless the department  head certifies in writing to the Board of Selectmen  that in excess of fifty percent of the labor cost of the project is provided by town forces.
ß 101-16. Additional provisions.
The Board of Selectmen is hereby authorized  to adopt  by resolution supplements  and regulations further implementing  this article, but nothing contained in such resolution shall lower the standards herein set forth.
Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Zoning Commission
The Town of Putnam Zoning Commission held a meeting on November 19, 2014, at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall located at 126 Church Street, Putnam, CT.  The following action was APPROVED
Docket # 2014-07: Town of Putnam Zoning Commission ó Request for an amendment to the Town of Putnam Zoning Regulations Article VI-Town Wide Requirements ñ Section 601-Parking and Loading, D. Parking Spaces Required, Table VI-I ñ Parking Schedule by changing the minimum number of parking spaces per 1,000 square feet (sf) of Gross Leaseable Area (GLA) under Land Use, Industrial Plant, from 2 minimum, to the words ì1Ω parking spaces for every employee (on the largest shift for which the building is designed) plus one for each vehicle maintained on the premises (minimum of four spaces); or, as determined by the Commission on a case by case basis determined by the site plan, based on a parking demand studyî.
Patricia Hedenberg, Chairman
Nov. 26, 2014

PHS pg 11 11-26-14

PUTNAM ó The Putnam High School honor roll for the first quarter includes:
High Honors
Cole Andersen, Taylor Bocash, Angelique DeFevers, Mariela Kridzelis,
Mikayla Van Dam 
First Honors
Eric Bembenek, Kristian Burke, Caitlyn Cousineau, Denise Inthirathvongsy,
Abigail Labonte, Daniel Lowell, Nathaniel Lowell, Daniel Pannekeet, Dustin Rodio,
Milica Sari, Brittany Stott, Nicole Surprenant, Christina Verraneault
Joshua Allard, Jon Bennett, Roger Brodeur, Ethan Bruso, Mitchell Cristofori, 
Steven Dakai, Lynsay Dashnaw, Rylah Gould, Jacob Guertin, Brendan Hebert, 
Kayla Klingensmith, Vladimir Krivosheev, Cody LaScola, Alexis Macha, 
Haley Maddalena, Noah Mailloux, Samantha Mayo, Ryan Renshaw, Danteí Riddick,
Jordan Rodriguez, Thalia Ruiz, Jordon Tetreault, Nathan Tozzi
High Honors
Hannah Desrosiers, Ashley Lafortune, Mykeala Taylor
First Honors
Dakota Anderson, Madison Bates, Elyse Bergeron, Eleana England, Nicholas Foucault,
Joseph Ionkin, Kassandra Kania, Mackenzie Livingston, Caitlyn Reed, Alyssa Saxton
Lilly Allen, Stacey Belliveau, Jennifer Benoir, Damony Crowell, Shannon Fagan,
Shelby Grilo, Brevon Harmon, Austin Holman, James Morowski, Damien Morris, 
Kristen Moseley, Jennifer Nichols, Savanah Nichols, Jeremee Perez, Samuel Schwend,
Gabrielle Simpson, Samantha Stone
High Honors
Amanda Janos, Alysha Minaya-Torres, Andrew Simmons, Heather Terron
First Honors
Zachary Cutler, Austin Harmon, Sebastian Harris, Kionna Hazzard, Michael LaFreniere, Saige Morin, Angelica Vanzile-Perez
Andrew Barylski, Hannah Bowen, Olivia Braithwaite, Jacob Brule, Terese Bunkley, CoriAnne Crandall, Mathew DeCosta, Angelica Desrosiers, Alyssa Espinosa,
Alyssa Frederick, Maria Fredette, Kayla Harmon, Jozzlynn Lewis, Nathaniel MacDowell,
Alyssa Peterson, Lindsay Roberts, Adam Saucier, Angel Tanner, Ali Zadziejko
High Honors
Lauren Carita, Doria Daviau, Victor Krivosheev, Sophia LeDuc, Monique Lefebvre,
Brenden Picard
First Honors
Mitchel Barylski, Jason Becker, Aidan Ciquera, Kira Clinkscale, Tristin Courteau,
Scott Davagian, Morgan Foucault, Allison Lafortune, Brianna Long, Alyson Morris,
Benjamin Smith, Nicole Steinbrick, Courtney Stott
Tara Auger, Hayden Belliveau, Angela Bichard, Devin Bisson, Hailey Bocash, 
Ashley Burke, Matthew Careau, Aidan Desilets, Tyler Fitts, Kaylee Fowler, 
Jaidyn Gillette, Hayley Haapala, Justin Haynes, Tyler Hayward, Connor Holloman, Natalie Ionkin, Destanie Johnson, Aliceya Labonte, Colin LaCasse, Megan Lewis, Rebecca Lopez, Stephanie Penrod, Christopher Plante, Daniel Porcic, Nathan Sarachick, Isiah Sarsfield, Jason Scott, Samantha Tilley, Kayla Vanasse.

GoodShop pg 12 11-26-14

'GoodShop' is open
DAYVILLE ó United Services is calling on residents of the Quiet Corner to ìGoodShopî for their neighbors in need.  Simply go to the United Services website at and click on the ìGoodShopî logo on the right side of the page.  The online shopping portal will then offer users discounts to hundreds of popular online retailers, with each retailer donating a percentage of the purchase price back to United Services at no cost to the purchaser.
By using GoodShop through United Services, consumers can help their neighbors in need. Proceeds from GoodShop sales through United Services will help to support critical programs including the only Domestic Violence shelters and services in Windham County, the Center for Autism, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren support groups and other programs.
GoodShop offers access to hundreds of well known retailers including Amazon, Toys R Us, Apple, Gap, Target, Macyís, Best Buy, Orbitz, Staples and others.†  The shopping experience and the prices are exactly the same as going to the online retailer directly, but by going through GoodShop, up to 37% of the purchase price will be donated back to United Services.  And, GoodShop will provide links to valuable coupons and discounts for each retailer.
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