Menus pg 5 11-19-15

Thursday and Friday: No school - Thanksgiving vacation.
Woodstock public schools
Monday: Fish nuggets, cole slaw, Goldfish crackers, fruit. Tuesday: French toast sticks, turkey sausages, fruit. Wednesday - no school.
Pomfret Community
Monday: Beef tacos, refried beans, pineapple cups. Tuesday: Baked chicken, mashed potatoes, carrots, pears, cookies. Wednesday - 12:30 dismissal: Mr. Fox's stromboli, spinach salad, frozen dessert treat.
Putnam Elementary/Middle
Monday: Hot dogs, cole slaw. Tuesday: Chicken Parmigiana, penne pasta, broccoli. Wednesday: Sloppy Joes, cole slaw. 
Putnam High
Monday: Clipper burgers, sherbet. Tuesday: Crispy chicken sandwiches. Wednesday: Pizza, mixed greens salad with grape tomatoes.

Rt pg 6 11-19-15

Nov. 13 crews put the sides of the bridge on Rt. 44 into place. The upstream side was done first and the downstream side followed. Officials said the lamp posts that were part of the original bridge will also be replicated. The bridge is on track to reopen Nov. 30. 

American pg 7 11-19-15

Ron Coderre, commander of American Legion Post #13, left, with Korean Conflict vet Charles L. “Chuck” Mahoney and Vietnam vet Victor Kratz who were honored on Veterans Day. Courtesy photo.
Legion Post #13 
honors veterans 
Kratz, Mahoney
Special to the Putnam Town Crier
The Mayotte-Viens American Legion Post #13 of Putnam honored two local veterans on Veterans Day in a program that was both reverent and celebratory.  This was the fifth consecutive time the Post has put on the Veteran’s Remembrance Night and Celebrity Bartender program.
In an emotional ceremony Post Commander Ronald P. Coderre along with the members honored Vietnam veteran Victor J. Kratz and Korean Conflict veteran Charles L. “Chuck” Mahoney for their service in the U.S. Army.
Kratz, who joined the Army in August 1965, was sent to Vietnam in January of 1966 a short 16 weeks following basic training at Fort Knox, Ky., and advanced training in Missouri at Fort Leonard Wood.  He spent his time in Vietnam at Cam Rahn Bay where he unloaded cargo ships of agent orange and ammunition for F-104 fighter jets and helicopter gunships.
He was honored for his service with the National Defense Service Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal, the Vietnam Commendation Medal and the Good Conduct Medal.  Kratz, who qualified as a Marksman with the M-14 rifle, received an Honorable Discharge with the rank Sgt. (T) E-5.
Upon departing Vietnam Kratz received a Letter of Commendation from his commanding officer citing him for “the contribution you have made to the war effort in Vietnam.”  The letter further stated, “You have done a difficult and thankless job in the fine tradition of other brave and strong men in earlier wars.”
Mahoney served in the Korean Conflict, recalled by many as “The Forgotten War.”  He joined the Army in 1952 and was honorably discharged in 1954 at the rank of Sgt. (T) E-5.  After completing his training, Mahoney landed at Inchon Harbor, Korea where he was part of the 8th Army.  He also served in Yongdungpo, Wonju and Pusan.
He received an 8th Army Commendation Ribbon with Metal Pendant.  In the Citation it states, “(Mahoney) is cited for meritorious service in Korea.  As Personnel Sergeant Major, Mahoney diligently applied himself to the many problems attendant to his key position.”  It further states, “He added immeasurably to his unit’s fine record of accomplishment and served as an inspiration to his associates.”
“It’s an honor to conduct this program every year as we recognize those veterans who served our country so honorably without ever questioning or doubting the mission of their service.  This program brings us all back to the reality that our veterans deserve all the thanks and recognition we can accord them not only on Veterans Day but every day,” said Post Commander Ronald P. Coderre.  
The evening’s program began with the singing of our National Anthem by Air Force veteran Maurice “Moe” Coderre and closed with a resounding tribute to the five branches of the military by Linda Colangelo.  She also awed the audience of approximately 150 with a stirring rendition of God Bless The USA and God Bless America.
Among the many guests on hand was Ret. Colonel Michael Rocchetti of Putnam, who was presented a Bronze Star for meritorious service in a combat situation.  The U.S. Air Force veteran was recognized for his service in Baghdad, Iraq.
The evening raised more than $6,000 thanks to the presence of Kevin Hogan of WFSB Channel 3, former Red Sox catcher Roger LaFrancois and former New England Patriots cheerleader Brittany Bonchuk.  Local celebrities who gave their time for this worthy cause included Gary “O” of WINY, Kevin Shaw, Eric and Julie Quinn, Roger Franklin, Laura Crosetti, Donna Coderre, Killingly Town Manager Sean Hendricks, Liz Zachow, and QVCC President Carlee Drummer.   
The proceeds from the evening will benefit the youth programs of the Post and other local charities.  Post #13 is a sponsor of the TriTown Baseball program, Boys State, State Police Youth Academy Americanism programs in the local schools, an annual scholarship for a local high school graduate and the American Legion oratorical contest. 

Blumenthal pg 7 11-19-15

KILLINGLY — U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal will visit the RSVP Veterans Coffeehouse on Nov. 24 to present WWIII medals to WWII veteran Fred Carlage of Woodstock.
Carlage, who turns 99 this week, served in the Army-Air Corps from 1941-45 and flew 47 combat missions as a First Lieutenant/Navigator on B-24 Liberators in the Pacific Theatre. Based in Australia, Carlage navigated bombing runs throughout the southwest Pacific to disrupt Japanese shipping and destroy land-based military facilities. As flight navigator, he was in charge of bombing runs (3-6 planes) that generally lasted 15 hours or longer.
He was part of the battles and campaigns for New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago and led a bombing of Borneo that demoralized Japan at the time.  The two medals being awarded by Sen. Blumenthal are the WWII Victory Medal and the WWII Lapel Button.  Carlage previously received the Asiatic Pacific Service Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters.
This will be Sen. Blumenthal’s first visit to the Veterans Coffeehouse.  The ceremony is scheduled to get underway shortly after 9 a.m.  The public is invited.
A native of Union, Carlage was discharged from the Army-Air Corps in July 1945. 
He attended Rhode Island College of Education, studying mathematics.  He then worked for the State of Connecticut and retired as an OSHA inspector.  He was married for 50 years, and reared two sons and a daughter.
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