Acad pg 11 5-30-13

Acad band
to perform
WOODSTOCK — June 5 a group of Woodstock Academy band students will perform at the Westview Healthcare Center in Dayville.
The school band is part of a pilot program of the “Harmony Bridge” project founded by Michael Levine, leader of the world-renown music ensemble, Dallas Brass.  Levine’s intention behind the project is to connect generations through music and to help students learn about community service by having school band students perform at nursing homes and senior living facilities across the country on a regular basis.
The woodwind, brass and percussion students will perform in small ensembles and will play arrangements of classic American folksongs created especially for the Harmony Bridge Project by the Dallas Brass..
Though guided by their band director, Lauren Churchill, the students led the effort themselves, conducting after school rehearsals and practicing on their own time. In addition to being active members of the Woodstock Academy Music Department, these students participate in many activities within the school community including sports, student government, and various honors societies, often holding leadership positions within these organizations.  
The students participating in the project are: Gloria Knust, Angelique Cavagnet, Heather Tracy, Alex Tedeschi, Sean Falvey, Birch Brennan, Hayly Marshall, Grace Gregory, Alex Whitehead, Keenan Rivers, Austin Stone, Allison Hill, Richard Bibeault, Rachel Orlomoski, Nick Wolslegel, Michael Audet, Jessica Vernon, Angie Desjardins, Shaylin Albert, Lindsay Young, Lela Miller, Linzee Glennon, Michayla Thompson, Allison Kelleher, Paisley Gothreau, Noah Brisson, Jolisa Kirvin, Jacob Campbell, Kaitlyn Brady, Kylie Couture.

Hit pg 11 5-30-13

POMFRET —  On the weekend of June 1 and 2, Connecticut will host Connecticut Trails Day Weekend—the largest National Trails Day (NTD) celebration in the nation with 259 events scheduled in 152 towns on over 560 miles of trail throughout the state. Nearly every town in Connecticut will be taking part in this annual tradition, which will feature events for everyone, including hiking, biking, horseback riding, running, trail maintenance, kayaking, educational walks, bird watching, letterboxing, and more. These events are guided by knowledgeable volunteers from local hiking clubs, parks and recreation departments, state agencies, conservation organizations, historic groups, education programs, and land trusts.
At 11 a.m. June 2 join John Folsom and Maureen Nicholson at 147 Wolf Den Drive (The Wolf Den Campground office) for an outdoor adventure celebrating Pomfret’s 300-year history sponsored by Pomfret 300 Committee. This is one of five hikes offered in Pomfret over the weekend!
We will hike 4 miles past the historic Wolf Den and the Stephen Averill grave. The hike will involve three challenging up hills and some tricky footing. Please bring water and snacks.
Pomfret Walks:
June 1:
Sarantopoulus Property Hike. Saturday, June 1. 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM. Hike through this town-owned open space property with various terrain. Total distance will be 3 miles. Meet at Wrights Crossing Road #341 for a prompt departure. Sponsored by Pomfret Horse and Trail Association, LLC, Rain or shine. Any change notices will be posted by the leader on the CFPA Facebook wall by Saturday morning. Pre-registration is REQUIRED. Questions and to pre-register: contact leader Penny Foisey, (860) 963-7036, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..   Moderate walk, leashed dogs permitted.
 Air Line State Park Trail Educational Walk. Saturday, June 1. 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM. Tracing the Air Line State Park Trail— Come celebrate Pomfret’s Tercentennial, 300 years of interesting history, with an easy 3-mile walk along the abandoned railroad right-of-way from the Pomfret Audubon Center Barn to the site of the Abington RR Station. Learn about Needle’s Eye Road/ Bridge, the great Pomfret train wreck, Pomfret’s three RR stations, and the Mashamoquet Brook stone tunnel. Shuttling back to the Audubon Center will be worked out on the day of the walk. Meet at Connecticut Audubon Center at Pomfret, 218 Day Road (follow Audubon signs). Sponsored by Pomfret 300 ( Rain cancels. Any change notices will be posted by the leader on the CFPA Facebook wall by Saturday morning. Pre-registration is APPRECIATED. Questions and to pre-register: contact leader Walter Hinchman, (860) 928-5533, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Easy walk, leashed dogs permitted.
North Cemetery Educational Walk. Saturday, June 1. 8:30 PM to 9:30 PM. Take a nighttime walk through an 18th century graveyard by flashlight. In celebration of Pomfret’s Tercentennial, 300 fasincating years, this relaxing 0.5-mile outing will include narration about Pomfret history and colonial stone-carving. Bring a flashlight. Meet at the Pomfret Center Post Office parking lot on Route 44 near Woodstock Road (and Extra-Mart). Sponsored by Pomfret 300 ( Rain cancels. Any change notices will be posted by the leader on the CFPA Facebook wall by Saturday morning. Pre-registration is APPRECIATED. Questions and to pre-register: contact leader Leigh Grossman, (860) 208-4829. Easy walk, no dogs please.
Sunday, June 2
Mashamoquet Brook State Park Hike. Sunday, June 2. 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Come discover historic Wolf Den, recount General Israel Putnam’s exploits, and visit the Indian Chair rock formation and the grave of a Pomfret Revolutionary War Hero, Stephen Averill. This 4-mile hike will encounter three long, steep uphill climbs and uneven terrain. Please plan accordingly, and bring water and snacks. Meet at 147 Wolf Den Drive. Wolf Den Drive runs south from Route 44 near Averill Road and Route 101. Sponsored by Pomfret 300 ( Rain cancels. Any change notices will be posted by the leader on the CFPA Facebook wall by Sunday morning. Pre-registration is APPRECIATED. Questions and to pre-register: contact leader John Folsom, (860) 928-2004 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Challenging, for experienced hikers. No dogs please.
Aicher Preserve Hike. Sunday, June 2. 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Join us for a 2-mile trek on the largest Wyndham Land Trust preserve (nearly 200 acres) and a privately-owned property. The terrain will be rolling with abundant wildlife and many bird species. At the midpoint, we will stop to enjoy the “Fairy Pond” and then continue to a beautiful western vista from atop a grassy field. Most of the walk will follow a well-kept grassy path; expect some hills and possibly muddy terrain in tree covered areas. Meet at Weiss and Hale Financial, 697 Pomfret Street. Sponsored by Pomfret 300 ( Rain cancels. Any change notices will be posted by the leader on the CFPA Facebook wall by Sunday morning. Pre-registration is APPRECIATED. Questions: contact leader Karen Richmond, (860) 928-5580, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Easy hike.  No dogs please.


Legals pg 11 5-30-13

Legal Notice
West Putnam
Tax District
The Electors of the West Putnam District and those citizens qualified to vote in said District meetings, are hereby notified and warned that the Annual Meeting of said District will be held on Wednesday, June 12, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room of the Municipal Building, 126 Church Street, Putnam, Connecticut, for the following purposes:
1.  Treasurer’s Report.
2. To adopt a budget for the coming fiscal year.
3. To elect officers and directors for the coming fiscal year.
4. To do any other business proper to come before said meeting.

Kelly A. Newth,
West Putnam District
Peter G. Newth,
West Putnam District

May 30, 2013

Roseland pg 11 5-30-13

opens its
200th year
WOODSTOCK — This year Roseland Cottage celebrates the 200th birthday of its builder and Woodstock native son Henry Chandler Bowen. A season of special commemorative programing is planned, beginning on June 1, with complimentary tours of Mr. Bowen’s remarkable summer home, now a National Historic Landmark.
To insure that this special season begins on an appropriately festive note, Historic New England and Woodstock Recreation will sponsor a Twilight Concert at 6 p.m. June 1. Classic Brass will perform a free concert. Guests are encouraged to tour the house, bring a picnic dinner, relax on the grounds, and enjoy the show.
Historic New England’s Roseland Cottage once again participates in the Blue Star Museum initiative, a partnership program between the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), Blue Star Families and more than 1,300 museums across America to offer free admission to all active duty military personnel and their families Memorial Day through Labor Day 2011.
 Roseland Cottage, a Historic New England museum, is open regularly Wednesday through Sunday, June through Oct. 15. Guided tours are offered on the hour from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 1 is Open House Day at all 36 Historic New England house museums, and all 36 will offer complimentary tours on that day.

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