On pg 6 8-15-13

On dean's list
BOSTON --- Two local students were named to the Northeastern University fall semester 2012 dean's list:
Pomfret resident Michael Delpapa, a student majoring in Engineering; Putnam resident Zachary Bellerose, a student majoring in Music.

Putnam bus pg 6 8-15-13

bus routes
PUTNAM — The first day of school is Aug. 26. It is a full day.
Bus routes include:
Bus #2
Putnam Middle & High School - AM Route
6:25    Fox Rd
6:29    Five Mile River Rd
6:31    East Putnam Rd
6:34    Chase Rd & Cady Rd
6:36    Corner Blood Rd
6:37    Five Mile River Rd
6:42    Providence Pike
6:50    Hawkins Rd
Bus #2
2013- 2014
Putnam Elementary School - AM Route
7:15    Fox Rd
7:18    Five Mile River Rd
7:20    East Putnam Rd
7:21    Chase Rd
7:23    Cady Rd
7:24    Ross Hill Rd
7:25    Five Mile River Rd
7:30    Providence Pike
7:32    Tucker Hill Rd
7:40    Fox Rd
7:44    Cor. Providence St & Powhattan St
7:46    Corner Battey St & Church St
& Ballou St
7:47    Corner Smith St & VanDenNoort St
7:48    Corner Smith St & Daniels St
7:49    Corner Smith St & Marshall St
7:50    Corner Marshall St & Battey St
7:51    Corner Providence St & Maynard St
7:53    Corner Providence St & Lamothe St
Bus #2
Putnam Middle & High School - PM Route
2:20    Hawkins Rd
2:24    Fox Rd
2:27    Five Mile River Rd  
2:34    East Putnam Rd
2:35    Corner Chase Rd & Cady Rd
2:37    Corner Blood Rd
2:38    Five Mile River Rd
2:43    Providence Pike
Bus #2
Putnam Elementary School - PM Route
3:00    Corner Providence St & Lamothe St
3:02    Corner Providence St & Maynard St
3:04    Corner Marshall St & Battey St
3:06    Corner Smith St & Marshall St
3:08    Corner Smith St & Daniels St
3:10    Corner Smith St & VanDenNoort St
3:13    Hawkins Rd
3:15    Fox Rd
3:17    Five Mile River Rd
3:20    East Putnam Rd
3:22    Chase Rd
3:24    Ross Hill Rd
3:25    Cady Rd
3:27    Five Mile River Rd
3:34    Providence Pike
3:36    Tucker Hill Rd
Bus #5
Putnam Middle & High School - AM Route
6:25    Liberty Highway
6:26    Corner Liberty Highway & Aldrich
6:30    Five Mile River Rd
6:38    Liberty Highway
6:40     Hurry Hill
6:41    Bradley Rd
6:42    Killingly Ave
6:45    Park Rd
6:48    Corner Nancy Dr & Killingly Ave
6:50    Corner Farrows St & Florence St
6:51    Farrows St
6:54    Corner Walnut St & Farrows St
6:55    Corner Walnut St & Chassey St
6:56    Corner Walnut St & Frank St
7:00    School St & Franklin St
7:03    School St & Centennial St
Bus #5 - PES - AM  Route
7:15    Heritage Rd
7:15    Heritage Rd & Shepard Lane
7:18    Five Mile River Rd
7:30    Tourtellotte Rd
7:32    Walnut St
7:35    Phillips St
7:37    Corner Hanley St & Thayer St
7:40    Hampshire Heights Office
(Grades K – 2)
7:42    Corner Laconia Court (Grades Kg – 2)
7:44    Flagg St
7:45    School St
7:47    Corner School St & Franklin St
Bus #5 - Middle & High School - PM Route
2:15    Corner School St & Franklin St
2:16    Corner school St & Centennial St
2:18    Corner Walnut St & Frank St
2:18    Corner Walnut St & Chassey St
2:19    Corner Walnut St & Farrows St
2:19    Farrows St
2:21    Corner Farrows St & Florence St
2:22    Farrow St & Ring St
2:24    Killingly Ave
2:24    Corner Killingly Ave & Nancy Dr
2:26    Park Rd
2:28    Hurry Hill
2:28     Hurry Hill & Bradley Rd
2:28    Pierce Rd
2:30    Liberty Highway
2:35    Five Mile River Rd
2:43    Liberty Highway
2:44    Corner Liberty Highway &
Aldrich Rd
Bus #5 - Elementary School - PM Route
3:05    Walnut St
3:05    Corner Walnut St & Chassey St
3:06    Farrows St
3:06    Corner Farrows St & Leyden St
3:07    Corner Farrows St & Flagg St
3:08    Flagg St
3:08    Phillips St
3:09    Corner Hanley St & Thayer St
3:10    Hampshire Heights Office (
Grades K – 2)
3:10    Corner Laconia Court (Grades Kg – 2)
3:12    Farrows St
3:13    Corner Farrows St Florence St
3:14    Walnut St (Upper)
3:15    Walnut St & Ash St
3:22    Tourtellotte Rd
3:25    Heritage Rd
3:26    Corner Heritage Rd & Shepard Lane
Bus #8 - Ellis Tech, Killingly High,
QVMC - AM Route:
6:05    Sayles Ave
6:07    Azud Rd
6:08    Thompson Ave
6:09    School St
6:12    Providence St
6:14    Corner Church St & Fenner St
6:15    Corner Church St & Ravine St
6:17    Quinebaug Ave
6:18    River Rd
6:30    Corner Pomfret St & Sabin St
6:30    Sabin St
6:31    Underwood Rd
6:34    Corner Underwood Rd &
Richmond Rd
6:35    Sabin St & Recreation Park Rd
6:35    Corner Keech St & Vandale St
6:36    Corner Woodstock Ave & Hurlbut St
6:36    Corner Woodstock Ave & Meyers St
6:37    Woodstock Ave Ext
6:38    Corner Woodstock Ave &
Lamothe St
6:38    Corner Woodstock Ave &
Maynard St
6:39    Corner Woodstock Ave & Mill St
6:39    Corner Woodstock Ave &
Sunnyside Ave
6:40    Church St
6:40    Corner Church St & Ballou St
6:40    Corner Church St & Riverside St
6:41    David St
6:41    Corner David Circle & St.
Peters Court
6:42    Corner Breault St & Cleveland St
6:42    Cleveland St & Dufault St
6:43    Corner Breault St & Bibeault St
6:44    Corner Latici St & Duffy St
6:44    North St
6:46    Corner Marshall St & Battey St
6:46    Corner Providence St & Marshall St
6:46    Putnam Candy
Bus #8 - Elementary School - AM Route
7:30    Ring St
7:32    Corner Farrows St & Florence St
7:33    Corner Farrows St & Flagg St
7:35    Corner Farrows St & Leyden St
7:36    Corner Farrows St & Walnut St
7:39    Corner Walnut St & Ash St
7:39    Corner Walnut St & Rowe St
7:40    Corner Walnut St & Chassey St
7:40    Corner Walnut St & Frank St
7:42    Athens Lot
7: 43    Front St
7:45    Corner Milton St & Roosevelt St
7:46    Corner Milton St & Vandale St
7:46    Vandale St & Whipple St
Bus #8 - Elementary School - PM Route
3:00    Athens Lot
3:02    Front St
3:04    Ring St
3:05    Corner Grove St & Wilkinson St
3:07    School St
3:08    Corner School St & Franklin St
3:10    Corner Walnut St & Frank St
3:11    Providence St
3:12    Providence St & Powhattan St
3:13    Providence St & Mohegan St
Bus #10 - Ellis Tech, Killingly High, QVMC
 - AM Route
6:10    Five Mile River Rd
6:12    Corner Five Mile River Rd &
East Putnam Rd
6:19    Providence Pike
6:21    Corner East Putnam Rd & Munyan
6:24    Elvira Heights
6:28    Liberty Highway
6:29    Pitkin Rd
6:30    Corner Pitkin Rd & Walnut St
6:30    Walnut St
6:33    Hampshire Heights Office –
Laconia Ave
6:36    Walnut St
6:37    Athens Lot
6:39    Corner Grove St & Wilkinson St
6:40    Corner Grove St & Tatem St
6:41    Corner Grove St & Center St
6:41    Corner Grove St & King St
6:42    Edmond St
6:42    Corner Edmond St & James St East
6:45    King St  
6:46    Corner South Main St & King St
6:47    Park St
6:48    Park St & Sunset Ave
Bus #24 - Middle & High School
- AM Route
6:28    Pearl St
6:30    School St
6:33    Mechanics St
6:34     Corner Mechanics St & Alpha St
6:35    Corner Mechanics St & Whittemore
6:37    School St
6:39    Corner Church St & Riverside St
6:40    Corner Church St & Auburn St
6:41    Corner Church St & Cloran St
6:42    David St
6:43    corner St. Peters Court & David Circle
6:45    Cleveland St
6:45    Harrison St
6:46    Corner Bibeault St & Dufault St
6:46    Corner Bibeault St & Breault St
6:47    Corner Latici St & Duffy St
6:49    North St
6:50    Corner North St & Chase St
6:51    Emond St
Bus #24 - Elementary School - AM Route
7:20    Corner Church St & Green St
7:22    Corner Church St & Morse St
7:24    Corner Church St & Smith St
7:24    Corner Church St & Addison St
7:25    Corner Church St & Auburn St
7:25    Corner Church St & Riverside St
7:25    Corner Church St & Dudley St
7:26    Corner Church St & Cloran St
7:27    David St
7:28    Corner David Circle & St Peters Court
7:29    Corner David Circle & Pezanko Court
7:30    Cleveland St
7:31    Corner Harrison St & Daniels St
7:31    Corner Harrison St & Bibeault St
7:32    Corner Bibeault St & Dufault St
7:32    Bibeault St
7:34    Latici St
7:35    Corner Latici St & Duffy St
7:35    Duffy St
7:37    North St
7:38    Corner North St & Chase St
7:39    Emond St
7:40    Bibeault St
7:42    Harrison St
7:44    Marshall St
7:45    Corner Church St & Myrtle St
7:45    Corner Church St & Fenner St
7:46    Corner Church St & Ravine St
7:46    Corner Church St & Maple St
7:48    Recreation Park Rd
Bus #24 - Middle & High School - PM
2:13    Corner Bibeault St & Dufault St
2:14    North St
2:14    Corner North St & Chase St
2:14    Emond St
2:15    Duffy St
2:15    Corner Duffy St & Latici St
2:16     Harrison St
2:16    Cleveland St
2:17    David Circle
2:17    Corner David Circle & Pezanko Court
2:18    Corner Church St & Auburn St
2:19    Corner Church St & Cloran St

2:20    Corner Church St & Oak St; 2:22 Corner Church St & Riverside St; 2:23    Corner Church St & Addison St ; 2:27School St ; 2:31    Pearl St ; 2:35Mechanics St ; 2:36 Mechanics St & Whittemore St.
Bus #24 - Elementary School - PM Route: 3:00Corner Church St & Green St ; 3:02    Corner Church St & Morse St; 3:04    Corner Church St & Battey St & Ballou St ; 3:05    Corner Church St & Smith St ; 3:06    Corner Church St & Addison St; 3:07    Corner Church St & Riverside St ; 3:08Corner Church St & Auburn St; 3:09    Corner Church St & Dudley St ; 3:12    Corner Church St & Oak Hill Dr; 3:13    David St ; 3:14Corner David Circle & St Peters Court; 3:15    Corner David Circle & Pezanko Court; 3:16Corner Cleveland St & Dufault St; 3:17    Corner Harrison St & Daniels St; 3:17Corner Harrison St & Bibeault St; 3:18Corner Bibeault St & Dufault St; 3:19    Corner Bibeault St & Breault St; 3:22    Corner Latici St & Duffy St; 3:23Duffy St; 3:27    North St ; 3:29Corner North St & Chase St; 3:30Corner Emond St & Breault St; 3:31     Harrison St; 3:33    Marshall St; 3:35    Corner Church St & Myrtle St; 3:35    Corner Church St & Fenner St ; 3:36Corner Church St & Ravine St ; 3:36    Corner Church St & Maple St ; 3:39    Recreation Park Rd.
Bus #25 - Middle & High School - AM Route: 6:43    Sunset Ave; 6:44    Corner Sunset Ave & Park St; 6:45Park St ; 6:47South Main St; 6:48Corner South Main St & Center St; 6:50    Vine St; 6:51Corner Burnham St & South Main St ; 6:52    Corner South Main St & King St; 6:53    Corner South Main St & Chapman St; 6:55Corner Grove St & Bradley St; 6:55Corner Grove St & Pleasant St; 6:56Corner Grove St & Seward St; 6:57    Corner Grove St & Center St; 6:57    Corner Grove St & King St; 6:58Edmond St ; 6:58Corner Edmond St & James St East; 6:59    Corner James St East & Perry St; 7:00    Corner Grove St & Eden St ; 7:01Corner Grove St & Tatem St; 7:02    South Main St .
Bus #25 - Elementary School - AM Route: 7:20Sunset Ave; 7:21 Corner Sunset Ave & Park St; 7:22Park St; 7:25South Main St ; 7:26South Main St & Center St; 7:27    VineSt; 7:27Burnham St; 7:28Burnham St & South Main St; 7:29    Corner South Main St & King St; 7:30Corner South Main St & Chapman St ; 7:32Corner Grove St & Bradley St; 7:33    Corner Grove St & Pleasant St ; 7:34Corner Grove St & Seward St ; 7:35    Corner Grove St & Center St; 7:36    Edmond St; 7:36    Corner Edmond St & James St East ; 7:37Corner James St East & Perry St ; 7:38Corner Grove St & Eden St; 7:39    Corner Grove St & Tatem St; 7:40    Corner Grove St & Wilkinson StBus #25 - Middle & High School - PM Route: 2:22    Corner Grove St & Bradley St; 2:23 Corner Grove St & Bradley St; 2:23    Corner Grove St & Pleasant St ; 2:24Corner Grove St & Seward St ; 2:25Corner Grove St & Center St; 2:25    Corner Grove St & King St; 2:26    Edmond St; 2:27Corner Edmond St & James St East ; 2:27Corner James St East & Perry St ; 2:28Corner Grove St & Eden St; 2:29Corner Grove St & Tatem St; 2:30    Corner Grove St & Wilkinson St; 2:33South Main St ; 2:34South Main St & Chapman St; 2:35    Corner South Main St & Center St; 2:36Corner South Main St & King St; 2:37Vine St; 2:38Corner Burnham St & South Main St; 2:39    Park St ; 2:40Park St & Sunset Ave; 2:41Sunset Ave
Bus #25 - Elementary School - PM Route: 3:10Corner Grove St & Bradley St; 3:11Corner Grove St & Pleasant St ; 3;12Corner Grove St & Seward St ; 3:13    Corner Grove St & Center St; 3:14Corner Edmond St & Grove St; 3:14    Edmond St; 3:15    Corner Edmond St & James St East ; 3:15    Corner James St East & Perry St ; 3:16    Corner Grove St & Eden St; 3:17Corner Grove St & Tatem St; 3:20    Corner South Main St & Chapman St; 3:21 South Main St & Center St; 3:22 Corner South Main St & King St; 3:23    Vine St; 3:23    Burnham St ; 3:24    Burnham St & South Main St; 3:25    South Main St ; 3:26Park St; 3:27 Corner Sunset Ave & Park St; 3:28    Sunset Ave;.
Bus #26 - Elementary School - AM Route: 7:10Quinebaug Ave; 7:11 River Rd; 7:12    Mantup Rd; 7:13    Corner Mantup Rd & St James Place; 7:15Town Farm Rd; 7:17River Rd ; 7:22    Modock Rd; 7:27    Gary School Rd; 7:32    Pomfret St ; 7:34    Corner Pomfret St & Kelsie Way; 7:35    Corner Pomfret St & Sabin St; 7:35Sabin St; 7:37    Underwood Rd; 7:39    Corner Underwood Rd & Richmond Rd; 7:40    Sabin St; 7:44Imagination Station; 7:45    Woodstoock Ave West; 7:48    West Thompson Rd; 7:49    Corner Poulin St & Meyers St; 7:50Corner Meyers St Woodstock Ave; 7:51Corner Woodstock Ave & Hurlbut St; 7:51    Woodstock Ave.
Bus #26 - Elementary School - PM Route: 2:57    Woodstock Ave; 2:58Corner Woodstock Ave & Hurlbut St; 2:59Corner Poulin St & Meyers St; 3:01    West Thompson Rd; 3:03    Imagination Station; 3:05 Woodstock Ave West; 3:08Sabin St ; 3:10Underwood Rd; 3:12    Corner Underwood Rd & Richmond Rd; 3:13Sabin St; 3:15Corner Sabin St & Pomfret St; 3:16Pomfret St; 3:16    Corner Pomfret St & Kelsie Way ; 3:18Gary School Rd; 3:24    Mantup Rd; 3:25    Corner Mantup Rd & St James Place; 3:27Modock Rd; 3:32    River Rd (Upper); 3:34    Quinebaug Ave.
Bus #27 - Middle & High School - AM Route: 6:30    East Putnam Rd ; 6:38 Elmwood Rd; 6:45    Munyon Rd; 6:49    Mary Crest Dr; 6:52    Sayles Ave; 6:54    Azud Rd; 6:55 Thompson Ave; 6:56    Corner Thompson Ave & Smith Field St; 6:57    Corner Thompson Ave & Dewey St.
Bus #27 - Elementary School - AM Route: 7:26    Providence Pike; 7:29 East Putnam Rd; 7:31 Munyon Rd; 7:37    Elvira Heights ; 7:40 Mary Crest Dr; 7:42 Sayles Ave; 7:44Azud Rd; 7:46 Thompson Ave; 7:47Corner Thompson Ave & Smith Field Rd; 7:50    Corner Providence St & Mohegan St ; 7:51    Kennedy Dr; 7:52    Corner Woodstock Ave & Laurel St ; 7:53 Corner Woodstock Ave & Mill St; 7:54 Corner Woodstock Ave & Marshall St; 7:55    Corner Woodstock Ave & Maynard St.
Bus #27 - Middle & High School - PM Route: 2:17    Thompson Ave; 2:18Corner Thompson Ave & Dewey St; 2:19 Corner Thompson Ave & Smithfield St; 2:23    Azud Rd; 2:24Sayles Ave; 2:25    Providence Pike; 2:27    Munyon Rd; 2:31    East Putnam Rd; 2:37Elmwood Hill Rd; 2:41East Putnam Rd ; 2:45    Providence Pike.
Bus #27 - Elementary School - AM Route: 3:00Vandale St ; 3:00 Corner Vandale St & Milton St ; 3:00 Corner Milton St & Roosevelt St; 3:02    Corner Woodstock Ave & Maynard St; 3:02Corner Woodstock Ave & Marshall St ; 3:03Corner Woodstock Ave & Mill St; 3:04corner Woodstock Ave & Laurel St ; 3:06    Kennedy Dr; 3:09    Thompson Ave; 3:09Corner Thompson Ave & Dewey St; 3:09    Corner Thompson Ave & Smithfield Ave ; 3:13Azud Rd; 3:14 Sayles Ave; 3:15Corner Sayles Ave & Mary Crest Dr; 3:16Mary Crest Dr; 3:18Elvira Heights ; 3:21Munyon Rd; 3:28East Putnam Rd.
Bus #28 - Middle & High School - AM Route: 6:30Heritage Rd; 6:37Tourtellotte Rd; 6:38Walnut St ; 6:41Corner Walnut St & Shippee Woods Dr; 6:42Corner Walnut St & Ash St ; 6:45 Laconia Ave ; 6:45 Hampshire Heights Office; 6:48Corner Laconia Ave & Laconia Court; 6:50 Corner Grove St & Wilkinson St.
 Bus #28 - Elementary School - AM Route: 7:20 School St ; 7:23 Pearl St ; 7:26    Dewey St ; 7:27 Corner Dewey St & Bates Ave; 7:27Corner Alpha St & Groveland Ave; 7:28    Mechanics St ; 7:33 School St ; 7:33    Corner Barber St & Market St; 7:35    Laconia Ave; 7:35    Hampshire Heights Office (Grades 3-5); 7:37    Corner Laconia Ave & Laconia Court; 7:40    Corner Providence St & Mill St ; 7:42    Corner Providence St &  VanDenNoort St
Bus #28 - Middle & High School - PM Route: 2:19Walnut St ; 2:19    Corner Walnut St & Rowe St ; 2:20    Corner Walnut St & Ash St ; 2:21Corner Walnut St & Davis St; 2:23    Laconia Ave; 2:23    Hampshire Heights office ; 2:25Corner Laconia Ave & Laconia Court; 2:27Corner Walnut St & Shippee Woods Dr; 2:32 Heritage Rd
Bus #28 - Elementary School - PM Route: 3:00Corner Providence St & VanDenNoort St ; 3:01Corner Providence St & Mill St ; 3:03Corner Barber St & Market St; 3:05 Laconia Ave ; 3:05 Hampshire Heights Office (Grades 3-5); 3:07 Corner Laconia Ave & Laconia Court; 3:15    School St ; 3:20 Pearl St ; 3:22    Mechaincs St; 3:24Alpha St ; 3:24 Corner Alpha St & Groveland Ave; 3:25 Bates Ave ; 3:25Corner Bates Ave & Dewey St.
Bus #29 - Middle & High School - AM Route: 6:30 Quinebaug Ave ; 6:32    Mantup Rd; 6:32 Corner Mantup Rd & St James Place; 6:34 River Rd; 6:38    Modock Rd; 6:42Corner Modock Rd & Mantup Rd; 6:45Pomfret St ; 6:50 Sabin St ; 6:51    Underwood Rd; 6:52Corner Underwood Rd & Richmond Rd; 6:53 Sabin St; 6:53 Corner Sabin St & Recreation Park Rd; 7:00 Imagination Station; 7:00Woodstock Ave West; 7:03Woodstock Ave; 7:03Corner Woodstock Ave & Cottage St; 7:04Woodstock Ave & Labossiere Lane; 7:04Woodstock Ave & Myers St
Bus #29 - Elementary School - AM Route: 7:20Country Kids; 7:25Killingly Ave ; 7:25Park Rd; 7:30    Hurry Hill Rd ; 7:33 Liberty Highway (#40-#271); 7:38 Corner Liberty Highway & Aldrich Rd; 7:40 Liberty Highway (#399-#468)
Bus #29 - Middle & High School - PM Route: 2:15Woodstock Ave ; 2:15 Corner Woodstock Ave & Hurlbut St ; 2:16 Corner Woodstock Ave & Bonosconi St ; 2:16 Corner Woodstock Ave & Meyers St; 2:17 Corner Woodstock Ave & Labossiere Lane; 2:18Corner Woodstock Ave & Cottage Ave; 2:19Imagination Station; 2:20Woodstock Ave West; 2:22Sabin St; 2:24    Corner Sabin St & Recreation Park Rd; 2:24Underwood Rd ; 2:25Corner Underwood Rd & Richmond Rd; 2:26    Sabin St ; 2:26 Corner Sabin St & Pomfret St ; 2:27    Quinebaug Ave; 2:28River Rd; 2:29    Mantup Rd; 2:29Corner Mantup Rd & St James Place; 2:30River Rd ; 2:34 Modock Rd ; 2:40    Pomfret St
Bus #29 - Elementary School - PM Route: 3:00 Country Kids; 3:08 Killingly Ave ; 3:10 Park Rd; 3:16 Hurry Hill Rd ; 3:18 Liberty Highway (#40-#271); 3:23    Five Mile River Rd – to Fox Rd; 3:29 Corner Liberty Highway & Aldrich Rd; 3:30     Liberty Highway (#399-#468).


Scoopers pg 6 8-15-13


Costumed characters including a pirate and Cinderella took part in last week's Celebrity Scoop fund-raiser. Courtesy photo.

PUTNAM --- The recent Putnam Bank Celebrity Scoop fund-raiser raised  $1361 toward the Deary Memorial Race and Walk.
The event, held Aug. 8 at Deary Brothers/Mike's Stand, included "celebrity scoopers" from Habitat for Humanity of Eastern Connecticut, Linemaster Switch, Bradley Playhouse and Putnam Bank:     Joyce McCosker, Peggy Breckel, Barbara Lund & Barbara Phaneuf,   Joe Carlone Sr., Tim Carlone, Mal Mancini & Tammy Flores, Tonya Brock, Dave Panteleakos, Linda Colangelo &  Laura Crosetti,  Lynn Bourque, Rockie Alix, Nick Mainville & Ryan     Plummer.
The funds raised included a generous donation from Linemaster Switch, all tips and donations as well. Face painting was provided by Ali Copeland of Putnam Bank.

Obituaries pg 8 8-15-13

Suzanne Franklin
WOODSTOCK — Suzanne (Vaillant) Franklin, 66, of Stone Hill Road, died Aug. 8, 2013, in St. Francis Hospital in Hartford after a short battle with lung cancer.  She was the wife of the late Richard W. Franklin.  
She was born in 1946 in Putnam, the daughter of the late Eugene and Gabriel (Bardier) Vaillant.
She attended St. Mary’s School and graduated from Putnam High School in 1964.  It was here that she met her future husband, Richard.  Together they raised four beautiful daughters, who were the center of her universe.  
Suzanne was a well known member of the community.  As an active member of the Putnam Rotary Club for many years, she enjoyed serving as president from 2002-2003, receiving the Paul Harris Fellow Award.  She also served as secretary for the Putnam Rotary Foundation.  She was a “champion” for the Northeast Chamber of Commerce.  She served for 11 years on the Board of Directors and in 2006 she served as the president of the organization.  In 1996, Sue was the recipient of the last Athena Award presented from the Chamber.  In 2008, she was recognized with the Chamber’s coveted Gold Key Award, an award presented for outstanding service.  Suzanne was co-owner of Franklin Pharmacy and Home Health, Inc., and The Healthy Lady both formerly located in Woodstock.   
Of the many accomplishments Suzanne has had, being a mother and Nana to 10 has been her greatest. She also enjoyed traveling to Aruba and Maine with friends and family.
She leaves her daughters, Amy Ponte (Rick) of Woodstock, Melissa Duncan (Jeffrey) of Woodstock, Rebecca Anderson (Otto) of Woodstock, and Allison Dumas (Justin) of Putnam; grandchildren; Jessica, Cody, Chase, Parker, Garrett, Dominic, Olivia, R.J., and Avery; one great-grandson, Aiden; brother, Gerry Vaillant (Sandy) of Putnam; aunt Jeanne Lavallee; her special friend, Patty Breault and her goddaughter Susan Byrnes who helped Suzanne greatly during this difficult time; her dog, Zoe.  She is predeceased by two “sons” Erik Kohler of Germany, Ricardo Zulli of Brazil, and a son-in-law Joshua Peterson.
The Funeral was Aug. 14 in the East Woodstock Congregational Church. Donations: Richard W. Franklin Memorial Fund, c/o Citizens National Bank, 182 Main St., Putnam, CT 06260;  or St. Francis Hospital Cancer Center, 114 Woodland St., Hartford, CT 06105-1299. Gilman Funeral Home, 104 Church St., Putnam.

David C. Lewis Sr.,
Air Force  vet
EASTFORD — David Clark Lewis Sr., 68, of Eastford died Aug. 6, 2013, at home. Born March 18, 1945, in Willimantic, to George Aldrich Lewis and Catherine Margaret Earnest Lewis.
Known to family and friends as “Pops”. David attended Woodstock Academy before entering the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam era. After leaving the Air Force, David worked at Pratt and Whitney and for the State of CT, retiring in 1997.  David was one of the most honest and sincere people you could ever meet. If he loved you and if he didn’t love you, you were the first to know.
He leaves his son, David Clark Lewis Jr.; daughter-in-law Kate Heckler-Lewis; granddaughter Salena Lewis; brother Richard Lewis; best friend Marty Dalbeck. He was predeceased by his parents, a brother Jeff and the love of his life Holly Magee, she died in 2004.
A Graveside Service with military honors will be at 10 a.m. Aug. 17 in the Grove Cemetery, Eastford. Donations: Hospice of NE CT, PO Box 632, Putnam, CT 06260. Smith & Walker Funeral Home, 148 Grove St., Putnam

Roma M. Billington
DANIELSON — Roma Marguerite Billington, 72, of Hampton, Va., formerly of Danielson, died July 9, 2013.  She was born in 1941, daughter of the late Edmond & Marguerite (Barrette) Billington.  
Roma’s kind heart and wonderful sense of humor will be missed by many. She had a very adventurous life growing up in Danielson, CT, raising three children, and eventually living a good portion of her retirement on the Island of Kauai before moving to Virginia to live near her sisters.
She leaves her daughter Leslie Atsales;  son Michael Baranski; sisters; Laura Briggs, Carol Smith, Donna Dinquel; brothers; Edmond Billington, Rene Billington, Leo Billington, Steven Billington and Joseph Billington; granddaughters; Shayna Atsales, Oceanna Baranski and Rochelle Baranski. Roma is predeceased by her son Edward Baranski III and grandson Edward Baranski IV.
Visitation is from 10 a.m. to noon Aug. 16 in Gilman Funeral Home, 104 Church St., Putnam, followed by her Funeral Service at noon in the funeral home.  Burial is in Holy Cross Cemetery in Danielson.

David M. Szafarowicz
AUBURN —  David M. Szafarowicz, 33, of Oxford St., died Aug. 3, 2013 in Leominster, Mass.  He was the husband of Justina (Chickering) Szafarowicz.  
Born in 1980 in Worcester, he is the son of Michael Szafarowicz and the late Stephanie (Nedoroscik) Szafarowicz.
Mr. Szafarowicz worked as an auto mechanic for Jim & Sons in Worcester. He enjoyed riding his Harley Davidson motorcycle and could fix anything with a motor.
In addition to his wife and his father, he leaves his children; Joshua Szafarowicz of Webster, Damion and Alysha Szafarowicz of Auburn, Raya and Teagan Boudreau of Sudbury, Mass., and Austin Pittman of Eastford; his sister, Kathryn Shead (Benjamin) of Thompson; nieces and nephews Isabelle, Zachary, and Samuel Shead all of Thompson; and his maternal grandfather Stephen Nedoroscik of Douglas, Mass.He was predeceased by his maternal grandmother Jane (Chojnacki) Nedoroscik, and his paternal grandparents, Eugene and Regina Szafarowicz.
Visitation was Aug. 9 in Valade Funeral Home, 23 Main St., N. Grosvenordale.

Frederick J. Daigle
PUTNAM — Frederick J. Daigle, 76, of Putnam, died Aug. 6, 2013, in Day Kimball Hospital.  Born in 1936 in Putnam, he was the son of the late Joseph and Gertrude (Hoffman) Daigle.
Mr. Daigle worked as a mill hand at Hale Manufacturing.
Mr. Daigle enjoyed talking with his friends on his CB radio with his handle being “Snowman”. He also was able to repair CB radios on his own. But, he was most passionate about the love that he showed to his pet dogs.
He leaves a brother Roger Daigle (Johanna) of Pomfret and Punta Gorda, Fla.,, and a sister Rosalie Andrews of Seminole, Fla.; nieces and nephews.
The Service was Aug. 13 in West Thompson Cemetery. Gilman and Valade Funeral Homes.

David Flath
POMFRET CENTER — David (Dave) Edward Flath, 74, son of the late Ruth Stiles and Elmer A. Flath, born March 3, 1939, in White Plains, N.Y., and long-time resident of Pomfret Center, died Aug. 7, 2013, after a three-year battle with lung cancer.
David was active in the Pomfret Lions Club, the Republican Town Committee, the Pomfret Economic Development Commission, the Red Cross, and was the chair of the Pomfret Board of Finance.
He was a graduate of East Hartford High School, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and earned his MBA at Nichols College, Dudley. He also served in the Coast Guard.  He loved and supported girls’ softball, as a fan and coach, was an avid golfer, an active parishioner of Christ Church, Pomfret, and was a sports enthusiast, who loved the Cleveland Indians and UConn women’s basketball.
He was an accomplished artist and founder of Common Sense Payroll, LLC.
He leaves his wife, Sandy; children Dayna Flath  (Mike Fineran), and Leslie Flath Ganz (Mark);  grandchildren Hannah and Paloma Flath and Clara and David Ganz; brother Robert Flath; nieces Jen Cague, Rebecca Cague, husband Glenn Greenstein and son Liam, Karen Hunter and husband Larry, and nephew Bobby Flath.
A Celebration of his life will be held at 5 p.m. Aug. 16 at Christ Church, 521 Pomfret St. Donations: Community Kitchens, PO Box 502, Danielson, CT 06239. Smith & Walker Funeral Home, 148 Grove St., Putnam.


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