Bringing pg 1 4-28-22

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Mission Accomplished
Cody Bennett, center (baseball cap, no sunglasses), and volunteers revived Putnam's Nature Trail as Bennett's Eagle Scout project. Courtesy photo.

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From left: Bousquet, Mayor Barney Seney and Bennett.

Bringing the nature trail back to life
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
The deciding factor for Cody Bennett, candidate for Eagle Scout, was which project would help the community the most.
Bennett, a member of the Boy Scouts of America Troop 25 of Putnam, set his sights on refurbishing the Putnam Nature Trail behind the Putnam Middle School.
Originally he had wanted to do something for veterans but then a former Eagle Scout in his Troop recommended that Bennett contact Willie Bousquet, director of Putnam’s Parks and Recreation Department.
“He (Bousquet) gave me a few options ad I picked this one because I thought it’d help the community the most,” Bennett said.
It’s quite a process for an Eagle Scout candidate.
Bennett had to plan out what had to be done, have that approved by the troop and then the council. Get the materials and volunteers, acquire donations for food (Broken Crust) and on work day, lead all the volunteers that he had. Some 17 or 18 volunteers helped Bennett. “I had to organize who would do what based on their skills,” he said.
The town donated the materials for the project including: hardware (worth $80), stair treads ($1,450), markers ($30), and processed material ($50).
First they blew all the leaves off the trail. In doing that, the group uncovered a “hidden” trail near the softball fields. They got to work on that with rakes and loppers, clearing that, too.
They put markers on the trail on the river side, cleaned off the stairs and leveled them and put treads on the stairs. They put lag bolts on the uprights on the handrails because they were loose. Bennett said they also filled in the washout at the bottom of the stairs.
Bennett now has to write up the completed project and present it to the Board of Reviews with the troop and the council, probably in June.
He said “I’d like to thank the town of Putnam for the opportunity to do this project. I hope the community will enjoy the trail. I’d also like to thank past and present Troop members and my family for their support.”
Bousquet said: “The Town of Putnam appreciates the update to the stairs at the Putnam Nature Trail along with the trail cleaning and marking that Cody Bennett accomplished as his Eagle Scout Project”.


Jeans pg 1 4-28-22

Jeans Friday Fund-raising
Donating $5 to be able to wear jeans on Fridays at the Putnam Town Hall brought in $550 for Hospice. From left: Sara Seney, Jackie Lefevre, Kristen Willis from Day Kimball, Shannon O'Shea, Sue Ramos, Delpha Very and Missy Alden. Linda Lemmon photo.

By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM — Three months’ worth of wearing jeans on Fridays translated into helping the community.
At the Putnam Municipal Complex, an idea that had started at the old Economic Development office blossomed to cover the Town Hall.
Delpha Very, Economic Development director, said she and her assistant Jackie Lefevre used to do the $5 donation to be able to wear jeans to work each Friday. At a department heads meeting they asked if they could do Jeans Friday at the new Town Hall. Barney Seney, mayor, thought it was a great idea.
Those who took part each put a charity they liked into a basket and this first quarter, Shannon O’Shea’s charity, the DKH’s Hospice and Palliative Care of Northeast Connecticut was drawn. O’Shea had chosen that in honor of her father who was helped by Hospice.
The January through March Jeans Friday pulled in $550 which was given to Kristen Willis, Day Kimball Healthcare director of Development, on April 18 which happened to be the anniversary of O’Shea’s father’s burial.
Willis was thankful, saying “This supports the services not handled by insurance. Things like equipment, chairs, therapies, A/C and social work.” She added the majority of Hospice’s care is in a patient’s home. Volunteers are helping families so they can connect with their loved one instead of worrying about medications, etc.
One participant, Missy Alden, tax collector, said “We’ll do this four times a year to give back to the community.” They will be picking their next charity from the basket for the upcoming second quarter Jeans Friday fund-raising.
Those who took part included: Alden, O’Shea, Maureen Benway, Linda French, Jackie Lefevre, Angela Sanchez, Seney, Sarah Seney, Elaine Sistare, and Very.


Because pg 2 4-28-22

I am in no way whatsoever a good singer; however, I can also make the same claim in classifying myself as a bad singer. Although I am often pitchy and out of tune, I do not stink as a singer for two reasons: First, I have had some limited musical education and second, I fully embrace the joy of singing.
Truth be told, I have always had a secret desire to stand in front of a BIG audience and belt out a tune. In my head, my listeners are moved to tearful expressions of their emotional response to my voice. In my head, I am also dressed in an amazingly cool outfit while I play a musical instrument which accompanies my song.
When I was younger, I pretended it was a guitar. Now that I am older and have never owned a guitar, I imagine myself playing the piano with the talent of the likes of Ms. Gaga. Needless to say, however, over the last few years, my singing episodes have declined. Perhaps it was the isolation and depression that was COVID? But recently, I have noticed that my singing is not only back, but louder and more joyful than ever.
Beginning in November and coinciding with my annual attempt at artistically improving myself by learning Christmas songs on the piano, I started to sing along to the songs I was playing. Perhaps it was because I was getting better at playing the songs and could focus on the lyrics? Maybe it was because I had more confidence in my voice? Or maybe it was because I had renewed fantasies about a future stage performance? Whatever the reason, it was only a few months ago that I realized I was back to singing along to my Alexa playlist. In the past, I used to turn the volume of the song way up when I sang along, and now…I leave the volume where it is and make my voice louder. In addition, I am finding that I don’t really care if my singing is good and have started to notice that I also don’t care if anyone is listening to me when I sing. Perhaps it is because, at my advancing age, it is obvious to all that I do not wish to become a professional singer. Despite what is going on in my head in terms of fantasies and singing aspirations, my joyful singing is not eliciting unwarranted critiques and so my confidence is growing…
As I’m thinking harder about the reason why I have become a joyful and publicly expressive singer, I think it may simply be because I feel more hope and happiness. Looking out my window at the blossoming magnolia tree whilst planning my next travel outing, this must be true because I am fully embracing Adele’s request to ‘Take it easy on me’. And so, it continues … I am singing…loudly and with joy for all to hear! HAPPY SPRING! HAPPY SPRING!
Kathy Naumann, possessor of NATURALLY curly hair and the understanding that you can’t control everything!


Legal pg 2 4-28-22

Legal Notice
MAY 03, 2022
The Electors and Citizens qualified to vote in the Putnam Special Services District, Town of Putnam, Connecticut are hereby notified and warned that the Annual District Meeting of said District will be held at the Putnam Middle School Auditorium, 35 Wicker Street, Putnam, CT. on the Third Day of May 2022, at 7:30 P.M. for the following purposes:
1. To choose a Moderator.
2. To Consider and Act upon the recommendations of the District Authority Board that Appropriations Be made for the Fiscal Year Budget in the total amount of $4,709,133 for the period beginning July 1, 2022, and ending June 30, 2023, and to make such Appropriations as are advisable.
3. To do any other business proper to come before such Meeting.
Dated at Putnam, Connecticutm this 11th Day of April 2022

  Normand Perron,   Brian Maynard,  Steven Gagnon,  
Sharon Stewart, Kathy Noel-Johnson

April 28, 2022


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