sign pg 2 11-23-22

Sign up to give
blood Nov. 30
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
The drive to see family for the holidays, long pent up during COVID-19, is released and that means accidents and that means an urgent need for blood donations.
Joe Olzacki of the American Red Cross said given that blood only lasts 33 days and the dismal blood collection in September and October, blood drives, including the one from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 30 is vital.
The Putnam Rotary Club, the Putnam Business Association and the Hale YMCA Youth and Family Center are co-sponsoring the blood drive at the Y and are looking for people to sign up to donate at .
“Thank God for the people in Putnam,” Olzacki said. “This is a very critical time of year that we have to worry about.”
At the head of the line will be the drive’s ambassador Normand Perron who, in 44-plus years of donating, has given 28 gallons of blood.
His role model, years ago, was his brother former police Chief Ed Perron. When Norm Perron’s first wife got leukemia, a blood cancer, there was a time when she had to go to the hospital and needed blood urgently and they his O-negative (universal).
Perron decided this was something he needed to continue. He tries to give every 56 days.
Over the years, he’s seen the need keep increasing. “The Red Cross is highly highly in need.”
Over the years, he’s seen the process streamlined and made easy and efficient. “They’ve accelerated the process online,” he said.
Sign up are simple at The donor fills out a questionnaire online, prints it, and brings it with them to the donation site.
Also at the website are recommendations for making a good donor. Starting a week or more before the drive, take in water and foods high in protein and iron so the blood is built up enough to be donated.
With much of the work done online, Perron said often he’s at the blood drive site less than 30 minutes. Years ago there might have been 12 people in front of him, now there’s perhaps three or four.
One time, he said, he went to the head of the line. When he came to a blood drive at the VFW Hall a helper overhead him say he was O-negative. “Come with us — now,” the worker said. There was a little girl at Hartford Hospital in desperate need. Within minutes, Perron’s blood was on its way to Hartford “and the little girl did OK.”
Olzacki recounted his first experiences at the American Red Cross.
They sent him to some blood drives so he could see what they were like. There was a gentleman who had a blood cancer and had already taken 100 pints. “Consider that the typical drive only gets 22 to 30 pints,” Olzacki said, “and you can see how urgent drives are.”
Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s are crucial times and “it was scary how low September and October collections were.” The Red Cross needs to make up for the days where only 14 people came and not all of them could give. Holidays like Columbus Day were the busiest they’ve been in years and that means accidents. Add surgeries and blood cancers … Olzacki said common sense says we need to be more prepared.
“Blood donors are very special people. They support humanity,” Olzacki said.


lab pg 3 11-23-22

By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM — Why did Quest Diagnostics choose Putnam?
According to Mike Varone, strategic account executive, the company was looking to expand and the northeast corner of Connecticut filled the bill. “We expanded our footprint. Our clients requested we be a bit closer.”
 The company has 105  patient services in the state.
The lab opened  in the Putnam Parkade in East Putnam. Varone said the lab has phlebotomists to draw blood and the samples are analyzed on site. The national company is one of the largest labs in the country and can perform more than 3,500 tests.
The company can draw blood for a wide variety of tests and often results are back to the doctor that same day, depending on the test.


monument pg 3 11-23-22

Monument to
get new flagpole
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM — A new flagpole for the Grove Street Civil War Monument will be coming soon after the Putnam Veterans Advisory Committee’s successful fund-raisers.
A chicken BBQ and a fund-raiser at WINY Radio raised a total of $5,078 and the committee is coordinating with a vendor on the project, according to committee Chairman Robert B. Challinor Jr. “We hope to get the concrete base in before the ground freezes,” he said. If the concrete goes in within the next month, it will cure over the winter and the new flagpole will be installed in the spring.
The flagpole is more than 100 years old, having been installed in 1912. Some refurbishing has done but Challinor said it’s old, rusted and in need of constant painting. The new flagpole will have all its working inside the pole.
“We hope this new one will last another 100 years,” he said.
Committee members thanked community members and local businesses for their “overwhelming support,” said Challinor.
The committee is made up of veteran members from: Putnam VFW Post 1523, American Legion Post 13, Knights of Columbus Council 64, and the Putnam Elks Lodge 574. The state instructed each town to create a veterans advisory committee and Putnam is one of only three or four towns in the state to have one up and running, according to Recreation Director Willie Bousquet. Challinor said the committee is created to assist veterans in the area and to fund-raise to fill local veterans’ needs. It is pursuing a 501(c) 3 non-profit designation which will make the committee eligible for grants and allow donations to be tax deductible.


santapg 3 11-23-22

Santa’s bringing a surprise!
PUTNAM — Santa has notified the Aspinock Historical Society that he is bringing a special “present” for Putnam at 3:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 26 at Rotary Park. The surprise is a piece of art depicting Putnam’s industrial history and will be on display in Rotary Park for all to enjoy for years to come. Come be part of this “history in the making event!”


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