Winter pg 6 1-9-14

Clockwise from top left: Horse off Rt. 169. Birdhouse off Rt. 169. Fence at Pink House. Garden seat off Rt. 169. Snowy hill off Joy Road.

First pg 7 1-9-14

First Baby
Born to Putnam residents Alicia Holmes and Ramone Garcia baby boy Xavier Garcia was the first baby delivered in the new year at Day Kimball Hospital. He was delivered at 1:59AM on Jan. 1, 2014. Courtesy photo.

QVCC pg 7 1-9-14


Some honors at Quinebaug Valley Community College Foundation. Above: Emeritus Brouillard:  left to right Karen Osbrey, Faith Brouillard, Rheo Brouillard, Monique Wolanin, Tom Harney. Right, Emeritus Postemski: left to right: Robert Miller, Tom Harney, Frank Postemski, Monique Wolanin. Courtesy photos.

DANIELSON — The QVCC Foundation recognized its emeritus distinction of select individuals and their extraordinary contribution to the Foundation’s mission. Inducted in 2012 were Dr. Robert E. Miller, Donald R. St. Onge, Steven H. Townsend, and Dianne E. Williams. Most recently, in 2013: Rheo Brouillard and Frank Postemski.
Rheo Brouillard, president of Savings Institute Bank and Trust, led the Foundation as president for three terms. Brouillard’s vision increased expansion of the Foundation’s Board, improved its marketing and increased outreach to larger industries, realtors, and service clubs. Brouillard also developed and served as chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, resulting in the Foundation’s first strategic plan. “I am proud that I was able to play a part in the Foundation’s years and remain amazed at the level of success the Foundation continues to achieve based on the commitment of many,” stated Brouillard. Broulliard, his wife Faith and their granddaughter Jasmine live in Hampton.
Frank Postemski was one of the original members of the Citizens Planning Committee, a group of residents of Windham County who were designated by local boards of education, to advocate for a community college to serve northeastern Connecticut in the late 1960s. Postemski was not only a major force on the Citizens Planning Committee, but became a strong supporter through his service on the QVCC Foundation, which was established only a month after the College opened in 1971. One of his early initiatives on the Foundation was to arrange for the acquisition of a used school bus, repainted in the College’s colors, providing transportation for students to college-related activities.

Shadow pg 7 1-9-14

Shadow Play
Tree trunk and tree trunk shadow merge seamlessly at this snow-filled field on Joy Road, Woodstock. Linda Lemmon photo.

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