On pg 10 8-27-15

On dean’s list
WORCESTER — Daniel Murphy, a first-year student at the College of the Holy Cross, was named to the dean’s list for the second semester of the 2014-165 academic year. He is the son of Emily Jacobs Murphy of Woodstock and Raymond Murphy of Woodstock. He majors in political science and international relations. 

Legals pg 11 8-27-15

Legal Notice
SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 
The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Pomfret, Connecticut, in its capacity as the Town’s Water Pollution Control Authority, will hold a public hearing at the Pomfret Community / Senior Center, 207 Mashamoquet Road in Pomfret, Connecticut, on Tuesday, September 8, 2015, no earlier than 6:45 PM  to consider the following project:  Construction, installation and equipping of sanitary sewer facilities along Pomfret Street / State Route 44 from the Pomfret School property to the Loos & Co., Inc. property, and then along Airline North State Park Trail from the trail’s intersection with Pomfret Street / State Route 44 northeast along the trail to a connection at the inlet to the Town of Putnam’s sanitary sewerage treatment plant, and related improvements and appurtenances.  The project is contemplated to include, but is not limited to, the construction of approximately 37,000 linear feet of force main and of three pumping stations located to serve the Rectory School, the Pomfret School and the Loos & Co., Inc. properties.  The project is contemplated to be completed substantially as shown on a preliminary drawing, entitled “Sanitary Sewer Service Area, Town of Pomfret, Connecticut” dated January, 2015 and prepared by Weston & Sampson, a copy of which preliminary drawing is on file in the office of the Town Clerk.  
Affected property owners and electors and citizens qualified to vote in town meetings of the Town of Pomfret, Connecticut will be heard at the public hearing concerning the proposed sewer project.
Dated at Pomfret, 
Connecticut this 27th day 
of  August, 2015.
Maureen A. Nicholson,
Water Pollution 
Control Authority
Aug. 27, 2015
Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Zoning Board 
of Appeals
The Town of Putnam Zoning Board of Appeals held a meeting on August 19, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall located at 126 Church Street, Putnam, CT.  The following was APPROVED
Appeal # 2015-001:  Nola Parmentier  — Request for a variance according to Section 401 Schedule of Dimensional Requirements of the Town of Putnam Zoning Regulations for a side yard reduction from the required 20’ to 17’ for a proposed 16’ X 18’ addition for vehicle storage.  The applicant clarified at the meeting the request was for a 3-foot variance. Property located at 47 Edmond Street, Town Assessor’s Map 016, 166, Zoned R-10.   
Joseph Nash, 
Aug. 27, 2015
Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Zoning Commission
The Town of Putnam Zoning Commission held a meeting on August 19, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall located at 126 Church Street, Putnam, CT  06260.  The following was APPROVED
Docket # 2015-02:  Town of Putnam Zoning Commission proposed text amendment to Section 304 Schedule of Uses and District, Table III-1 listed under  Recreational and Entertainment on Page 57 of the existing regulation, the use Park, playground, or outdoor recreation facility not conducted as a private gainful business under the Zone P, to read “P” not “N”.
Patricia Hedenberg, 
Aug. 27, 201

Rectory pg 11 8-27-15

POMFRET — The Rectory School recently honored five employees.
Established in 1993 by Rectory alumnus Peter Kellogg ’57 in honor of his mother, Mrs. James Crane Kellogg III, to recognize Rectory employees for their dedication and commitment to the School. Each year, two employees are selected to be recipients of this prestigious award because of their many years of service to the School and their special help to the school and students. This year’s recipients are Dawn Chmura and Donna Bessette.
Dawn Chmura has been at Rectory since 2001. She began her career at Rectory in the Alumni & Development Office and is currently the School’s director of Marketing and Communications, where she manages Rectory’s social media presence; handles communications to parents; produces School magazines, newsletters, and brochures; maintains the School’s website; and develops Rectory’s advertising material. Headmaster Fred Williams said, “The work is time-consuming, yet Mrs. Chmura’s creativity never wavers, nor does her indefatigable work effort. Expert with her skills, joyful in her outlook, eager to try new things, and always willing to support the School and her colleagues however possible, Chmura embodies all the Kellogg Award seeks to recognize. Shelives in Pomfret with her husband, Peter.
In 2004, Donna Bessette joined the Rectory community and made a significant impact on the lives of all Rectory students.  Bessette is the School’s director Chorus and Drama and also serves as the Related Arts Department Team Leader. With her expertise in music therapy, she provides an uplifting effect on her student performances. Whether she is in the classroom or on the stage, she is constantly teaching and changing the lives of the children at Rectory. Williams said, “Because of Mrs. Bessette’s many talents, she will always be tapped to participate in a plethora of Rectory initiatives. Her involvement will always be a source of pride for the School, pride in the fact that she is one of our own, and pride in the school improvement she helps to bring about.” Mrs. Bessette is a singer and also plays the flute, piano, guitar, and drums. She continues to be an active performer in the Northeastern CT area as the keyboardist/vocalist for the band, NineSixteen, as well as the group, VOICES. Bessette lives in Woodstock with her husband Andre and their three children Nathalie, Yvonne, and Henri.
Established in 2004 by the Rosbottom family, the Rosbottom Scholarship recipient is selected by the Headmaster in recognition of excellence in teaching and the pursuit of professional development. The recipient models and embraces characteristics of outstanding teaching and learning. This year’s recipient is Melissa Zahansky.
Zahansky has worked at Rectory since 2011 as the fourth-grade teacher in the elementary school. Williams said, “Upon walking into this honoree’s classroom, I see that the breadth of learning is immediately evident. A scale model of the solar system hangs from the ceiling, engaged students huddle in clusters or sit as a full group discussing math concepts and literature, and a very well-behaved chocolate lab lies curled on the floor taking it all in. To top it all off, stages of the moon are presented using Oreo cookies, which are consumed once the lesson is over. For all of these reasons and many more, I am pleased to name Mrs. Zahansky as this year’s Rosbottom Scholar. I am sure the Rosbottom family would be pleased with your efforts.” Zahansky lives in Pomfret with her husband James and their three children Blake, Brooke, and Brody.
The Freeman Graduate School Award, established in 2006 by Louis and Judy Freeman in honor of their grandchildren McDaniel ’06 and Pierce ’08, is presented to the member of The Rectory School faculty who demonstrates keen scholarly interest and who is working on an advanced degree or who is pursuing studies directly related to their teaching and intellectual pursuits. This year’s recipient is Samantha D’Angelo. 
D’Angelo joined Rectory in 2012 as the director of Instrumental Music. Williams said, “How does one so new to teaching present such impressive skills? This is the wonderful question I ask myself when thinking of this year’s recipient. She has the energy of a rock and roll drummer, the poise of a classical pianist, the whimsy of a jazz musician, and the uplifting demeanor of a pop diva. Now she wants to learn even more about her trade. In acknowledgment of her depth of expertise in her field and her pursuit of increased knowledge and skill, I am pleased to provide this professional development funding and award to Samantha D’Angelo.” Originally from N. Stonington, D’Angelo lives in Pomfret.
The Army Family Award, established by Tom and Virginia Army in honor of their daughters, Hannah ’97, Rachel ’00, Priscilla ’03, Catherine ’05, and Elizabeth ’05, is presented to the member of the faculty who, in the opinion of the Rectory girls, has done the most to support, guide, nurture, inspire, and encourage young women at The Rectory School. By their votes, the female students recognize and appreciate this person’s dedication and hard work on their behalf. This year’s recipient is Brad Seaward.
Seaward has made Rectory his home and career since 1975. As a teacher, coach, dorm parent, and senior administrator at Rectory, Seaward has guided generations of students through the challenging middle school years. The award was presented by Mary Hong ’15, who said, “On behalf of the middle school girls at Rectory, we are pleased to acknowledge Mr. Seaward for all he had done for us. He is always friendly and makes you feel at home here at Rectory. When you need to talk to someone, he is always there, ready to listen and give advice. Thank you for motivating us to be the best we can be.” Mr. Seaward lives in Pomfret with his wife Mary Lou (a Rectory faculty member since 1980). They have two children, Kendra Sumner ’00 and John Seaward ’02.

United pg 11 8-27-15

DAYVILLE — United Natural Foods Incorporated’s Helping Hands Committee recently donated $25,000 to the Day Kimball Healthcare Deary Memorial Cancer Fund.
The gift represents proceeds of the Helping Hands Committee’s 10th Annual Charity Golf Tournament.
The Helping Hands Committee is comprised of UNFI associates who volunteer their time to organize fund-raising events to benefit the local community.
“Helping Hands Committee is thrilled to be donating the proceeds from this year’s golf tournament to a local charity. We chose the Deary Fund because the money will be used to help our friends and neighbors right here in northeast Connecticut.” said Joanne Fagan, Helping Hands Chair.
“We’re just so thankful for all the time, talents and effort that everyone involved in the Helping Hands Committee at UNFI put in to making this golf tournament happen to benefit the Deary Fund,” said Peter Deary. “This money will help many people across northeast Connecticut just when they need it most. Since the Deary Fund was established, it has always been about the community coming together to support our neighbors in a time of need. Clearly, the Helping Hands Committee shares that vision, and they are such an asset to our community.”
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