Legals pg 10 11-5-15

Legal Notice
Town of Putnam
Zoning Commission
The Town of Putnam Zoning Commission will hold a meeting on November 18, 2015, at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall located at 126 Church Street, Putnam. CT.  A public hearing will be held on the following:
Docket # 2015-01: Town of Putnam Aquifer Protection Agency — Request for a map amendment to the Town of Putnam Zoning Map dated May 28, 2014, to reflect the revised mapping of the Aquifer Protection Area as approved by CT DEEP.
Patricia Hedenberg, 
Nov. 5, 2015
Nov. 12, 2015

Legals pg 11 11-5-15

Legal Notice
Public Hearing
Town of Pomfret
Planning and 
The Pomfret Planning & Zoning Commission will hold the following Public Hearings at a Special Meeting on Tuesday, November 17, 2015, starting at 7:00 PM at the Old Town House:
1. Christine Baird, 151 Mashamoquet Road, special permit for professional offices and living space for owner
2. LIUNA (NELTA), 37 Deerfield Road, special permit for new 10,500 sq. ft. office/training building, associated utility structures (generator, HVAC, etc.), and parking area with 25 new spaces
A copy of these applications is on file in the office of the Planning and Zoning Commission, 5 Haven Road Pomfret, Connecticut. The files are available for review during normal business hours.
Dated this 28th day 
of October 2015
Town of Pomfret
Planning & 
Zoning Commission
Lynn L. Krajewski, 
Nov. 4, 2015
Nov. 11, 2015

Town pg 11 11-5-15

PUTNAM — The Town of Putnam will have a contractor making repairs and replacements to the sidewalks along Main Street, Bundy Street, Pomfret Street and Livery Street beginning Nov. 2.  
The current handicap ramps at intersections will be replaced with ADA code ramps.  The brick inlay will be removed and replaced with concrete.  Portions of the sidewalk that are in disrepair will be replaced.
Parking spaces along these streets will be inaccessible during the project.  Town officials said the town regrets that this will create an inconvenience for pedestrians, customers and businesses.  
Workers said that the individual bricks will be replaced by concrete stamped to look like individual bricks.

Donation pg 12 11-5-15

PUTNAM — The Daughters of Penelope Asteria Chapter of Danielson recently made a donation of baby clothes, blankets, booties, and bibs, all purchased by the members of the Daughters of Penelope through member contributions and an anonymous $200 donation.
 The donation is an annual tradition for the group. Clara Angelos, Daughters of Penelope Danielson Chapter president, said, “There are many underprivileged families living in northeastern Connecticut, and our chapter wanted to help out in some way. Every baby should have nice, new warm clothes and a blanket to go home in. Unfortunately for some families even those purchases can be challenging.”
Betty Church, a longtime member of the group and supporter of Day Kimball, echoed those sentiments. “Things are difficult for many families these days. I just can’t bear to think of a young family not being able to leave the hospital with the basics needed to care for their new baby. We all have to help each other out in a community, and I’m so happy to be able to do this every year with the Daughters of Penelope.”
Rachel Katsoulis, director of Maternal Child Health at Day Kimball Hospital, and Pamela Watts, DKH director of development, accepted the donations at the hospital’s birthing center.
“We’re so thankful to the Daughters of Penelope for their generosity year after year,” said Katsoulis. “The clothes and blankets are very helpful, of course. But even just the thought that people in the community care enough about each other and our children to do this goes a long way toward young families feeling supported, and that’s very important.”
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