Art pg 7 5-16-13

POMFRET — The Northeastern Connecticut Art Guild has announced plans for a nature-based art festival from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 14 to benefit the Connecticut Audubon Society Center at Pomfret. It will be held on their Bafflin Sanctuary.
The festival, Naturally Art!, will be a family-oriented event filled with artistic activities focused on enhancing our connection to nature. The event committee is currently looking for volunteers to share their talents (visual, literary or performance arts) by conducting demonstrations or workshops with a nature theme.
For more information or to submit a proposal for an activity, visit or call  860-928-4948.

Cell pg 7 5-16-13


Phone Work
Putnam Leo Club members Jozzlynn Lewis, vice president, left; and Alysha Minaya-Torres, treasurer, package donated cell phones. Courtesy photo.

Cell phone recycle campaign a success
PUTNAM — April 19, members of the Putnam Leo Club collected 87 phones and $30 as part of their “Cell Phone Recycle Campaign” for Hope Phones, working with Medic Mobile, to use “communication technologies to improve the health of under-served and disconnected communities.”
Collection boxes were available through April 24 and the Putnam Leo Club is proud to have collected 87 phones and $30 for the non-profit organization.
Leo Club president Mikayla Van Dam said, “All donations are going to Hope Phones...a non-profit organization, whose focus is to connect the less fortunate to medical care. The phones are refurbished, wiped clean of memory and distributed to those in need.”

Lucky pg 7 5-16-13

Lucky Winner
Scott Parker accepts two free tickets to a Red Sox/Yankee game at Fenway Park from Kathy Croteau, manager of the Woodstock Office of The Citizens National Bank.  Scott’s name was picked as the grand prize winner of a drawing held during the bank’s recent one-day event promoting its checking products. Parker is the owner of New Roxbury Liquors and a Red Sox fan. Courtesy photo.

Presentation pg 7 5-16-13

The Killingly Little League recently presented a $500 check to the Regional Community YMCA. Left to right are Norm Thibeault, president of the Little League; Ron Coderre, Betty Hale and Sylvia Danenhower. Courtesy photo.

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