Work p 1 6-6-13

on water
pipe rehab
PUTNAM — The Town of Putnam Water Pollution Control Authority will begin field work for the Pipe Relining and Replacement project for its water distribution system.  Initially, surveying, wetland flagging and soil boring work will start in June in the Mechanic Street and Thompson Avenue area.  The remainder of the service area will be surveyed during the spring and the summer months.  All personnel will be from private companies and will have road vests and identification.  Individuals having questions should call Public Works Director Jerry Beausoleil at 860 963-6819.
The initial phase of the project calls from replacing or relining approximately 32,000 linear feet of water pipe that is currently 100 years old or older.  These water pipes currently have reduced flow capacities, reduced pressures, a history of breaks, lengthy flushing schedules or more frequent water quality complaints.  
Beausoleil said  the relining project should begin in the fall of 2013 and continue in the 2014 construction season when the pipe replacement project is scheduled to start.  Interruptions in water service will occur once the relining and replacement project begins but will be kept to a minimum.  Areas affected by the relining and/or replacement of pipes will be notified in advance of the construction.  
The $7 million pricetag is  funded with a grant and loan by the State of Connecticut Department of Health.  Repayment of the loans was included in the water rate increase approved by Town meeting in March of 2012.

Then and Now p 2 6-6-13

This is St. Mary of the Visitation in Putnam around 1900. Putnam file photo.

& Now
Last week John K. Leecock Church Renovation of Palmer, Mass., stabilized and re-secured the cross atop the St. Mary steeple. John Leecock said he believes that the cross was struck by lightning at some time, causing it to lean. The two steeple workers were Frank Allard and Joe Zollner. Photo and coverage courtesy of Paul Aldrich.

Donation pg 3 6-6-13

Thomas A. Borner, president and CEO of Putnam Bank, left, presents Putnam’s Mayor Peter Place, center,  and Recreation Director Willie Bousquet with a check for its co-sponsorship, along with Wheelabrator of Putnam, for the Town of Putnam’s two community events of the 4th of July Fireworks and July 13th “Linda Eder Al Fresco" concert. Courtesy photo.

Honored pg 3 6-6-13

The Putnam Rotary Club recently received a Presidential Citation from Rotary International President Sakuji Tanaka.  The Presidential Citation recognizes the Putnam Rotary Club for achieving an array of accomplishments that help them become stronger, deliver more effective service, and enhance their public image. By qualifying for the Presidential Citation, the Putnam Rotary Club contributes to Rotary’s organizational goals and has multiplied the impact of their good work through the collective focus of 34,000 Rotary clubs worldwide. Linda Lemmon photo.

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