Halloween pg 1 9-26-13

Halloween Precursor
This is the stem end of a Ghost Pumpkin. Linda Lemmon photo.

Then and Now pg 2 9-26-13

This is the Putnam Post Office before it had a parking lot. (Putnam Town Crier file photos)

& Now
This is the Putnam Post Office today.

Awards pg 3 9-26-13

Awards Night
POMFRET — The Pomfret Republican Town Committee recently held its third bi-annual Awards Night Fund-raiser and presented awards to those that have given numerous years of community service to Pomfret in varies capacities.  This year’s awards winners were Fred and Marge Sirrine, Ray Heath, and Bill Hull.  All four awardees were presented a plaque from the RTC, a citation from the Connecticut General Assembly and a proclamation signed by Governor Malloy.  
The event attendees were welcomed by Chairman Pamela Lewerenz.  This year’s guest speaker was Peter Lumaj, 2014 candidate for Secretary of the State.  Also speaking was Art Mocabee, CT GOP’s 2nd Vice Chairman at Large.  Distinguished guests included Mike Alberts, State Representative from the 50th District; Anne Dauphinais, 29th District State Central member; and Bill Jenkins, 35th District State Central member.  
The Republican 2013 municipal candidates were also formally introduced by Vice Chairman Rita Conrad to all those in attendance.  Both Pete Mann, candidate for First Selectman and Tony Emilio, candidate for Selectman, spoke on why they were running for office.  


Donation pg 3 9-26-13

Richard Naumann and Lara Luppi of the Inn at Woodstock Hill recently presented a check for $3,000 to Diane Manning, president and CEO of United Services, Inc., for donation to the agency’s Center for Autism. The funds were raised at the Inn’s 9th annual Summer Fest July 27. United Services’ Center for Autism, open for just over a year, provides comprehensive diagnosis, treatment and supportive programs for individuals of all ages with autism spectrum disorders, as well as support programs for their family members.  Courtesy photo.

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