Cady pg 1 8-18-22

caption, page 5:

Coming Together
Artist  Elaine Turner is working on a rendition of the Cady-Copp Cottage on the ninth and final trash can art. This is just getting started. Linda Lemmon photo.

needs some help
--- and quick
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
E. PUTNAM — The Cady-Copp Cottage needs some help and it needs it fast.
The Aspinock Historical Society’s 1700s house off Rt. 21 will be part of the Walktober celebrations in October. A tour of the cottage is set for Oct. 8, according to society member and artist Elaine Turner.
BUT a way in to the historic cottage is needed. The original wide path from Rt. 21, through a field and into the cottage site, vanished into a field of weeds.
John Miller, new president of the Aspinock Historical Society, said: “The society is working on the driveway to gain access to the cottage among other refurbishments. Cady Copp Cottage holds a unique place in our local history as the ‘school’ Manasseh Cutler attended. He wrote the section in the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 that prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory.”
Turner said, “The society is looking for the donation of excavation equipment, labor and gravel and/or stone dust to create a driveway in and a parking lot near the house. Some fill may also be needed."
"We need access for the tour.”
It’s Aug. 18 … tour is Oct. 8 — time’s a wastin’
If you might be able to help Aspinock contact Bill Pearsall, the town’s historian and the chair of the Cady-Copp Cottage Committee: 860-963-6800, ext. 301. Or: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


cruise pg 1 8-18-22

‘Cruise on
down' to the
car cruise
PUTNAM — The town of Putnam will present the Main Street Car Cruise from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 21 around downtown, a part of Kennedy Drive, the commuter lot and Rotary Park.
This is the 14th year for the car cruise after a two-year hiatus, and is the area’s fastest growing car cruise, according to Putnam Recreation Department Director Wilfred Bousquet.
More than 2,000 cars are expected to be on display in downtown Putnam.   Main Street, Union Square and a portion of Kennedy Drive will be blocked to traffic and filled with show cars.  Cars will also be on display at the municipal parking lot on Kennedy Drive and Rotary Park.
Eddie Munster and the Munster Koach will be there from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Roaming Railroad will be operating from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Ticket sales for the Pluck-A-Duck Extravaganza will continue until 3.  Mike Brunetti from WINY Radio will be there from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and the Make a Wish Foundation Monster Truck will be on display all day.


helping pg 1 8-18-22


Visiting Sawmill Pottery
Congressman Joe Courtney visited the artistic side of Putnam Aug. 15 and took part in a roundtable talk about how to help the art community. At left is Dot Burnworth, owner of Sawmill, and next to her is Nichola Johnson, owner of The Complex Performing and Creative Arts Centre. A potting wheel is in the foreground. Linda Lemmon photo.

Helping the arts survive --- and thrive

By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM — Congressman Joe Courtney, on a listening tour of Putnam’s art and culture world Aug. 15, said more can be done to help the arts.
“We have to pivot to the post-COVID world,” he said.
Delpha Very, executive director of Putnam’s Economic and Community Development Department, said: “The objective of Congressman’s Courtney’s visit was to listen to the cultural community’s message of concern regarding business objectives, especially since the COVID pandemic. Putnam is very proud of the way our business community remained solidified and supportive during these difficult times.”
Some of the local “arts folks” showed Courtney their businesses and talked about how they’ve survived, what’s right and what needs tweaking to help them survive — and thrive.
Wendy Bury of the Cultural Coalition (serving southeastern and northeastern Connecticut) called for a deeper understanding of what local arts are all about and how to help them grow. Public partnerships should be more fully explored. The discussion needs to stay on arts and culture, she said, not necessarily funding. The coalition hosted Putnam arts site visits and arts and culture roundtable with Courtney.
Very said during the roundtable discussions that followed the tours “We have learned that financial assistance is available through the Cultural Coalition in NECT, and the artisan community needs to apply. Support and guidance is available for anyone who has a project ready, especially through creative public/private partnerships.”
She added: “The roundtable discussion was a great opportunity for the arts and cultural community to sit at the table and discuss challenges and opportunities for their business or passion. The table hosted people from throughout the NECT area as members of the Cultural Coalition (not just Putnam).”
One of those business artists, Dot Burnworth, owner of Sawmill Pottery, was the first host on Courtney’s listening tour. From there the group went to the Bradley Playhouse, The Complex Performing and Creative Arts Centre, the River Trail and the MLK Mural, the art exhibit in the Municipal Complex and more. It ended with a roundtable discussion at the Putnam Municipal Complex. Very said that Putnam’s designation as a “Distressed Municipality” was part of that roundtable. She said: “Consideration of Putnam’s Distressed Community designation was showcased because of the socio- economics of our area. Many children, students and adults do not have the opportunity to partake in art programs because of cost, transportation, or knowledge that they exist. That becomes a challenge and most often, a barrier. Distressed Communities often have more opportunities to apply for funding, but it is still extremely competitive when applying.”
On Courtney’s first stop Burnworth recounted her 19 years in business, starting from a space in Belding, going to Woodstock for four years and then returning to Putnam in 2009 when she sensed “a shift in Putnam” that would welcome her growth as Putnam grew. She got through the 2008 recession and COVID.
Burnworth said she is trying to get into public art and more community work. The group noted that there is a lack of funding for for-profit and visual arts and no mechanisms for public art, for communities, such as towns.
During the tours Very credited Karen Osbrey of the Putnam Arts Council and Burnworth with opening up the world of arts and culture in Putnam. “They brought art to the community,” Very said. Art can be “intimidating” but the pair overcame that with community friendly art such as anyone at a First Fridays event, creating personal tiles that were then installed on an obelisk, plus murals and much more.
It represented public and private joining together. Arts and culture in the Quiet Corner is a multifaceted effort, she said.
Burnworth told Courtney and the group that the arts represent community. “People are drawn to the arts and creating,” she said.


into pg 1 8-18-22

Into It
The drummer for Rebel Montez, which played with Christine Olhman in the jazz and blues concerts Aug. 13, was feeling the music. Following a full day of bands was the last River Fire for the summer. More photos on page 4. Linda Lemmon photo.


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