legals pg 4 10-10-24

NOVEMBER 5, 2024,

The Electors of the Town of  Pomfret are hereby warned to meet at their respective polling places in said town on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for the following purposes:
I. To cast their votes for Presidential and Vice-Presidential electors, United States Senator, Representative in Congress, State Senator, State Representative, and Registrar of Voters.
II. To vote on the following question for the approval or disapproval of a proposed Amendment to the Constitution of Connecticut, a vote of “Yes” being a vote for approval, and a vote of “No” being a vote for disapproval:
1. Shall the Constitution of the State be amended to permit the General Assembly to allow each voter to vote by absentee ballot?
The full text of such proposed question with explanatory text, printed in accordance with Sec. §2-30a of the General Statutes, is available at the Town Clerk’s Office for public distribution.
The vote on the proposed question is taken pursuant to the Constitution of Connecticut.
Notice is hereby given that the location of the polling place on Election Day is as follows:

Election Day Polling Place
      Pomfret Community School Auditorium, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret, CT
      Voting tabulators will be used.  The polls will be opened at six o’clock in the morning (6:00 a.m.) and will remain open until eight o’clock in the evening (8:00 p.m.).
  Absentee Ballots will be counted at the following central location:
Pomfret Town Hall, 5 Haven Road, Pomfret, CT
During the 14-day early voting period before said election, the hours and location of early voting will be as indicated below. Each early voting location will also offer Same-Day Registration (SDR).

Early Voting Day: Hours
October 21-28 & 30, 2024: 10 a.m. to  6 p.m.
October 29 & 31, 2024: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
November 1-3, 2024: 10 a.m. to  6 p.m.

Early Voting / SDR Location:
  Pomfret Town Hall, 5 Haven Road, Pomfret, CT
On Election Day, the hours and location of SDR will be as follows:
Election Day: Hours                                  SDR location:
November 5, 2024: 6 a.m. to  8 p.m.       Pomfret Town Hall, 5 Haven Road, Pomfret, CT
Dated at Pomfret, Connecticut
this 7th day of October 2024.

Cheryl A. Grist, Town Clerk
Town of Pomfret

Oct. 10, 2024

Legal Notice --- Town of Putnam
November 5, 2024, State Election
The Electors of the Town of Putnam are hereby warned to meet at their respective polling places in said town on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, for the following purposes:
I. To cast their votes for Presidential and Vice-Presidential electors, United States Senator, Representative in Congress, State Senator, State Representative, and Registrar of Voters.
II. To vote on the following question for the approval or disapproval of a proposed Amendment to the Constitution of Connecticut, a vote of “Yes” being a vote for approval, and a vote of “No” being a vote for disapproval:
1. Shall the Constitution of the State be amended to permit the General Assembly to allow each voter to vote by absentee ballot?
1. Debería enmendarse la Constitución estatal para permitir que la Asamblea General permita a cada votante votar en ausencia?
The full text of such proposed question with explanatory text, printed in accordance with Sec. §2-30a of the General Statutes, is available at the Town Clerk’s Office for public distribution.
The vote on the proposed question is taken pursuant to the Constitution of Connecticut.
Notice is hereby given that the location of the polling places on Election Day is as follows:
Election Day Voting District        Election Day Polling Place
District 1                                                   Putnam Municipal Complex,  
                                                                        200 School St., Room 112, Putnam, CT
District 2                 Putnam Municipal Complex,
                    200 School St., Room 109, Putnam, CT
Absentee Ballots will be counted at the following central location:
Districts 1 and 2, Putnam Municipal Complex, 200 School St., Room 101, Putnam, CT.
Voting tabulators will be used.  The polls will be opened at six o’clock in the morning (6:00 a.m.) and will remain open until eight o’clock in the evening (8:00 p.m.).
During the 14-day early voting period before said election, the hours and location of early voting will be as indicated below. Each early voting location will also offer Same-Day Registration (SDR).
Early Voting Day: Hours            Early Voting / SDR Location
                    (DISTRICTS 1 AND 2)
October 21-28 & 30, 2024: 10 am-6 pm      Putnam Municipal Complex,
                       200 School St., Room 101,
October 29 & 31, 2024: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.          Putnam, CT – FOR ALL DATES & TIMES
November 1-3, 2024: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
On Election Day, the hours and location of SDR will be as follows:
Election Day: Hours            SDR Location
November 5, 2024: 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.        Putnam Municipal Complex, 200 School St.,
                        Room 101, Putnam, CT
Dated at Putnam, Connecticut,
this 9th day of October, 2024.

   Christine M. Bright,
   Putnam Town Clerk
Town of Putnam
Oct. 10, 2024


Lithuanian tv pg 6 10-10-24


Photo Time
Top: From left: Edita Mildazyte, Sister Inge Marijosius, Saulius Pilinkus. Above: The show's cameraman, Mindaugas Bagdonas. Linda Lemmon photos.

Lithuanian TV crew films in East Putnam

By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
EAST PUTNAM — Following Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda’s historic visit to the Immaculate Conception center last week, Lithuanian TV hosts crossed the ocean, filming shows in Chicago, Boston and finally — East Putnam.
Edita Mildazyte, journalist and host, was filming segments for her Lithuania Columbus show. She strives to “collect” the stories of famous Lithuanians all around the world. She wants to make a record of them and make people aware of just how much influence Lithuanians had/have on the world.
She began her TV career 37 years ago, when the Soviets occupied Lithuania. She won an audition against 200 to 300 others but said she was “not interested in being a doll in the window” news reader. And Soviet censorship was a challenge. Becoming a reporter was much more interesting. She took a break and when the Soviets left, her show “Indian Summer” centered on how interesting and different life was. “We were hungry, angry and very poor but we were very happy” after the Soviets left. She changed again with “Market of Problems,” where someone might need an operation, for example, and “we would find people who can help you.”
The current show, Lithuania Columbus, keys in on Lithuanians, living or dead, who have made a difference. “It’s important to our heritage,” she said. Many were famous in America, Israel, India and beyond.
Her husband, Saulius Pilinkus, was also filming his own show, “History of Things.”
They both said Putnam was a very important place to Lithuanians. For those who were leaving their Soviet-oppressed country after WWI and WWII, Putnam was a destination. “A Lithuanian system was already here” thanks to the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  
They’ve found 70 year olds who remember the names of the nuns here. “We’re saying to the viewer – ‘you belong to this story. You are a part of this experience’,” Mildazyte said.
Pilinkus said the Lithuanian-American experience is a special one. The Americans never recognized the Soviets and “we remember this.”
Sister Inge Marijosius said there is a “whole sense of value and identity shown in the Lithuania-America experience.”
The pair filmed in the center and in the cultural center and —a car ride away — the Lithuanian cemetery and the King Mindaugas Castle.


stickers pg 5 10-10-24

These stickers will inspire voters

By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM — Young artists were front and center at the Oct. 7 Board of Selectmen’s meeting.
Proud family members and new PMS Principal Gregory Keith attended.
Town Clerk Christine Bright created an “I Voted Design Sticker Contest” and 13 entries came from Putnam Middle School students.
The winners were announced at the selectmen’s meeting. Winning first place was Salem Lambert. In second was Gracie Rybacki and Quinn Lucier took third.
The stickers will be a little touch of Putnam offered to voters come election day. Bright will have 5,000 printed of the winning design.
The staff at Town Hall judged all the entries and came up with three finalists for the selectmen to pick from.
“I Voted” had to appear in the design. The judging criteria included: creativity and originality, relevance to the theme and visual appeal and ability to print well on a 2” x 2” sticker.
When she launched the contest Sept. 1, Bright said she was inspired when she went into the voting booth as a kid in elementary school. She said she got to flip the switches and pull the handle to close the curtain. “I couldn’t wait until I was 18 to vote. I wanted kids to look forward to participating as well,” she said.
She wants future voters interested and involved in the democratic process.
She said “I had taken classes this summer towards my master clerk certification at Plymouth State University and during an elections roundtable I attended, mention was made of a similar contest held in Rhode Island during the pandemic. I researched similar contests around the country and came up with this event for Putnam.”


The top three "I Voted" sticker design contest winners with the Board of Selectmen. Salem Lambert (gray sweatshirt) took first. Gracie Rybacki (black sweatshirt) took second and Quinn Lucier (white shirt) took third. Back right is PMS Principal Gregory Keith and Town Clerk Christine Bright is standing next to Rybacki. Linda Lemmon photo.

Lambert's 1st-place design

Rybacki's 2nd-place design

Lucier's 3rd-place design


zombies pg 6 10-10-24

Who knew zombies could be so much fun?
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM — The 9th annual Zombie Fashion Show gave contestants and spectators the most “undead” time of their lives.
A record number of spectators watched a record number of zombies drag their “corpses” down the runway.
Jenn Brytowski, creator and producer of the Zombie Fashion Show, said there were 70 registrations which brought more than 150 zombies on the stage.
She added the crowd “was like a sea of people no matter which direction you looked from the stage.”
The winners included:
Youth: Sweet Dreams – second; Rylan Plant Monster – first.
Adult: Seraphina Spector – second; Ghouls & Tools – first.
Group: Zombie Busters- second; Recently Deceased Dunklands – first
In the Corporate Division, the Interact Disco Zombies took home the traveling trophy.
Brytowski said: “What a night. Over 150 zombies of all ages took the stage and they did not disappoint. The passion and effort each and every one puts in from their design to execution is beyond impressive. I could not be more proud of my team and the way the show has evolved. We planned for years to make it all come together seamlessly. This year was certainly the best year yet. It gave me goosebumps! It was the perfect way to kick off the fall season. Thank you to everyone for showing up and giving their all. It certainly showed.”
The Complex Performing and Creative Arts Centre opened the show with a Zombie dance routine. Music for the show was provided by Daley’s DJ Service. Sponsors included: Byrnes Agency, Lehto Design/Build, D.B.C. Construction, Lowe’s, Spicer Propane and Oil, Tom and Kyle Borner, Breezeline, Gerardi Insurance-Hilb Group, Bridge Marketing.

captions, clockwise from top left:

The Complex for Performing and Creative Arts Centre's dancers who kicked off the show.

An expanded photo array will run Wed. night on our FB page: Putnam Town Crier & Northeast Ledger.

Rylan Rioux, 6, of Woodstock who won first in the Youth division.

Interact Disco Zombies: Gianna Brinson, Sofia Thurber, Pavanny, Phav, June Ferraro, they are all seniors at THS.

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