Bluegrass pg 3 11-18-21

Bluegrass concert
DAYVILLE — The Killingly Grange, P of H #112, 801 Hartford Tnpk., will present The Nick Anderson and Shady Creek Band at 7 p.m. Nov. 27. Doors open at 6. Refreshments available. $12 at the door.  The Bear Minimum is also scheduled to perform. 860-705-3643.


Leaf pg 3 11-18-21

Leaf pickup
PUTNAM — Leaf pickup is underway and will continue until it looks like it is complete or the snow flies.
Leaves must be at the edge of the property. Please do not rake leaves onto sidewalks. The town will not back into driveways or onto lawns. Leaves must be within reach of the leaf vacuum tubes. Bagged leaves will not be picked up.
Brush pickup is completed for the season.


PHS pg 3 11-18-21

Right: American Legion Post 13 Commander Michael Vassar is pinned by Putnam High School paraprofessional Pam Geremia. Left: Students listen to local veterans. From left: Vietnam war veteran Pierre Desilets, Vietnam war veteran and Putnam Mayor Norman “Barney” Seney, Desert Storm veteran and Commander of American Legion District 4 Antonio “Tony” Rendon, Air Force veteran Dale Werkhoven, along with social studies teacher John Allen.

More than 50 veterans turned out at Putnam High School for a special program in remembrance of Veterans Day Nov. 11.
The veterans in attendance, some parents and grandparents of students, represented the military from WWII all the way through the War on Terror.
At the meet and great students mingled with veterans, offering tours of the school and encouraging the veterans to enter classes, share their military experiences and answer questions from the students.  Then they moved to the school green for a program coordinated by the students, Principal Heather Taylor and faculty members John Allen and Matthew Amendola.
Senior Reagan Boledovic presented a brief history of Veterans Day. The day dates back to the end of WWI in 1919 when it was designated as Armistice Day. President Dwight D. Eisenhower officially changed the name to Veterans Day in 1954.
Boledovic then presented a folded American flag to American Legion Post #13 Commander Michael Vassar, VFW Post #1523 Commander Hans Lowell and Past Post #13 Commander and current Putnam Mayor Norman “Barney” Seney.  
Following a saxophone solo of America the Beautiful by PHS senior James Lazarou, Vietnam veteran and Post #13 and VFW member Albert Cormier led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Past Post #13 Commander and Past American Legion District #4 Commander Ronald P. Coderre quoted The American Legion National Commander Paul E. Dillard, whose motto for the year is, “No Veteran Left Behind.”
“It is the custom of the United States military to never leave a comrade behind,” said Coderre.  “I urge all students to take up that mantra and never leave a classmate behind. You’ll be making Putnam High School and the world a better place if you follow Commander Dillard’s motto.” said Coderre.
He closed by saying: “From all the veterans here, thank you for not leaving us behind today.” Principal Taylor thanked everyone for “making this Veterans Day very special.”


Fall pg 4 11-18-21

Above: Woodstock. Below left: Woodstock. Below right: East Woodstock.


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