Input pg 3 3-26-15

Category: Current Issue
How can Pomfret best manage residential and commercial growth in the coming years?  What changes and improvements should be considered to maintain and strengthen the character of the community?  How should the Town plan for open space, municipal facilities, schools and other important investments?
Over the next few weeks, Pomfret residents will have the opportunity to address these and other issues by taking a survey as part of the planning process of preparing an updated Plan of Conservation & Development for the town.  The survey will be available on line at (Look for Plan of Conservation and Development Survey).  This electronic online survey will assist the Commission with mapping out a future for the Town.  If residents do not have access to a computer, copies of the survey will be available in the Town Hall (Selectmen’s Office).
The Planning and Zoning Commission has been working with its Town Planner, James D. Rabbit, AICP, over the past few months to collect information, consider public comments, and develop strategies for future workshops and the current survey. 
The Plan of Conservation and Development is intended to help guide conservation, development, and infrastructure strategies in Pomfret over the next 10 years or more.  The Planning and Zoning Commission will be working with their staff over the over the next six months to identify issues, develop a vision and goals, and identify appropriate strategies for each of the basic planning themes of conservation, development, and infrastructure.
Once adopted, the Plan of Conservation & Development will be used by municipal boards and agencies to:
1. help guide land use decisions and future regulation revisions in Pomfret,
2. encourage the coordinated conservation & development of the community, 
3. promote the health, safety, and welfare of Pomfret residents, and
4. provide a policy basis for municipal improvements and investments.  
The Plan is being updated by the Planning Commission with input from Pomfret residents, other local boards and commissions as required by Connecticut General Statutes.