Helping pg 1 4-23-15

Category: Current Issue
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By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM --- In the role of helper, the town of Putnam, through Putnam PRIDE is applying for a federal grant to help another community set up its drug-free community.
Town Administrator Douglas M. Cutler said the town applied for a grant of about $62,000 under a drug-free communities mentoring program. It would help Griswold set up a program similar to Putnam PRIDE.
Griswold officials, Cutler said, had expressed concern with a drug problem in their town and Putnam PRIDE contacted them to offer to help.  
In order to get a federal Department of Health and Human Services grant, a program must be in existence for six months. 
Since Griswold just started in February, they could not apply.
So Putnam is applying for one of 10 grants nationwide to help Griswold set up a drug-free community. 
The grant, he said, is a two-year matching grant. 
In-kind time and services in Putnam and in Griswold count as matching.  Part of the grant would be used to hire a consultant who can do a needs assessment and help structure the program.  
A coalition including different parts of the community, as well as a student leadership program would likely be  part of the plan.
Cutler said the town should hear back on the grant by the end of August.