4-H pg 5 7-2-15

Category: Current Issue
Ribbon Cutting
The Windham-Tolland 4-H Camp in Pomfret celebrated the completion of renovations to the Lodge building recently. Left to right:  Jane Rider, Louise Pempek, Heather Logee (camp director), Mike Alperts and Warren Scholl. Photo courtesy of Jim Goodwin.
POMFRET — A happy crowd of former campers, counselors, donors and 4-H Foundation members gathered recently at the Windham-Tolland 4-H Camp in Pomfret for a ribbon cutting  ceremony to celebrate the completion of the renovations to the  Lodge building.  
Jane Rider, Foundation president, welcomed all with remarks about the legacy of generosity that began with the original founding members and continued through the support of many to make the current lodge renovation dream a reality.  Other speakers included Warren Scholl, President of the Putnam Chamber of Commerce, and Representative Mike Alberts, who presented an official citation offering congratulations to the Windham Tolland 4-H Camp from the Connecticut General Assembly on the opening of the newly renovated lodge.   
Foundation member and major donor Louise Pempek spoke about the vision of the 12  original  foundation members, among them her father, Loid C. Cutler,  that built a camp in less than a year in 1954.  The new Loid C. Cutler Science classroom was dedicated to serve as a  base for hands-on environmental science studies in his memory, with all three of his daughters present, and represents a continuation of the legacy of the vision of the original founders.  The theme moved on to one of celebration as the ribbon was cut and everyone enjoyed tours of the lodge, food prepared by the camp cook in the wonderful new kitchen, and time to connect with old friends and meet this year’s camp staff.