TLGV offers 2022 cleanup
and 'greenup' funds
It’s almost time to cleanup and green up The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor. The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) has committed cleanup and green up funds for 2022 to help organizations and municipalities organize events.
The program is funded, in part, thanks to the support of bankHometown. bankHometown has been a supporter of TLGV since 2008 and has sponsored the cleanup program since 2019.
Submit at least four weeks before your event.
In the last 10 years, 11,498 volunteers have collected 504,003 pounds of trash from parks, rivers and roadways throughout The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor thanks to the program.
TLGV is expanding the program this year to include efforts to plant pollinator gardens or eradicate invasive species harming the region’s ecosystem.
Organizations and municipalities working in The Last Green Valley National Heritage Corridor can request up to $500 in funding. Those with projects outside the corridor, but still in the Thames River watershed, can request up to $250 in funding.
Funding recipients will be reimbursed for expenses such as publicity, cleanup supplies such as trash bags, work gloves, small gardening tools, native seeds and plantings, and food for your volunteers. TLGV will also help publicize the event and recruit more volunteers. Application details can be found at under “Grant Opportunities” in the “Learn & Protect” menu.