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The legal voters and citizens qualified to vote in Town Meeting of the Town of Pomfret are hereby warned to meet at the Pomfret Community School Cafeteria, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret, Connecticut, on Thursday, May 19, 2022, at 7:00 P.M. to act upon the following articles:
Opening remarks by First Selectman Maureen Nicholson
and presentation of Municipal Service Awards to staff and volunteers.
Article 1: To choose a Moderator for said meeting.
Article 2: To see if the Town will consider and act upon the following resolution:  “Resolved” that the Board of Selectmen is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into an agreement with the Commissioner of Transportation and the Office of Policy and Management, State of Connecticut, for the expenditure of all Highway funds under the provisions of Chapter 240 and the expenditure of all Local Capital Improvement Funds under the provisions of Chapter 7-536, CT General Statutes, for fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022.
Article 3: To see if the Town will consider and adopt the Five-Year Local Capital Improvement Plan for fiscal year 2022–2023 as proposed by the Board of Selectmen.
Article 4: To hear and act upon the report of the Selectmen, Town Treasurer, Treasurer of the Local School Fund, and Board of Education, as published by the Board of Finance, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021.   
Article 5: To see if the Town will accept the following cemetery funds for perpetual care:
 Pomfret Cemetery Corporation:  Charlotte R. Berman, Yard 3, Lot #211, $100.00; Judith LaFreniere, Yard 3 Lots #98 & #99, $200.00; Lincoln & Paula Mayo, Yard 3 Lots #228 & #229, $200.00; Abington Cemetery Association:  Jan & Maryann Szela, Grave #459 deTallyrand Annex, $100.00; Alec Chvirko & Meghan Chvirko Stengel, Grave #460 deTallyrand Annex, $100.00; Susan Vacek, Grave #461 deTallyrand Annex, $100.00; Brian Trask & Aria Czajkowski, Graves #462 & #463 deTallyrand Annex, $200.00; Laurie Audette, Grave #464 deTallyrand Annex, $100.00; Celeste Bernards, Grave #458 deTallyrand Annex, $100.00; Helmut Eisele, Graves #1034 & #1035 deTallyrand Annex, $200.00; and Catherine Vollweiler, Graves #1036 & #1037 deTallyrand Annex, $200.00.
Article 6:  To see if the Town will approve to participate in, and serve as liaison for, the Neighborhood Assistance Act, and as such approve and support the application made by CT Audubon Society for Energy Conservation Modifications at the Pomfret facility as a viable project.  Said application is on file with the Pomfret Town Clerk, 5 Haven Road, Pomfret, CT.
Article 7:  To see if the Town will ratify and accept the following easements granted and to be granted to the Town in connection with the Town of Pomfret/Board of Selectmen Sanitary Sewer Extension Project: 1.) Easement Agreement Re – Sewer System Components from The Rectory School, Incorporated to the Town of Pomfret, dated September 23, 2020, and recorded in Pomfret Land Records, Volume 380, Pages 207-216. 2.) Easement Agreement Re – Sewer System Components from Pomfret School, Inc., to the Town of Pomfret, dated September 23, 2020, and recorded in Pomfret Land Records, Volume 380, Pages 194-206. 3.) Sewer Easement from the State of Connecticut, acting by Robert J. Klee, Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection to the Town of Pomfret, dated August 9, 2018, and recorded in Pomfret Land Records, Volume 375, Page 196-202. 4.) Sewer Line Easement from Sylvia Hankin as Trustee of the Sylvia Hankin Revocable Intervivos Trust, to the Town of Pomfret, dated August 14, 2018, and recorded in Putnam Land Records, Volume 823, Page 200. 5.) An easement to be granted by Joan T. Loos to the Town of Pomfret, as set forth and described in a certain Easement Agreement Re: Sewer System Components, by and between the Town of Pomfret; Joan T. Loos and Loos and Co., Inc., an unsigned copy of which is on file in the Pomfret Town Clerk’s Office.
Article 8: To see if the Town will approve an Ordinance Providing for the Appointment of the Town of Pomfret Town Clerk, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes 9-185, as amended, the office of the Town Clerk shall be filled by appointment by majority vote of the Board of Selectmen, commencing with the term beginning November 2025, or earlier upon a vacancy.  A copy of proposed Ordinance is on file with the Pomfret Town Clerk, 5 Haven Road, Pomfret Center.
Article 9: To see if the Town will approve an Ordinance Providing for the Appointment of the Town of Pomfret Treasurer, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes 9-185, as amended, the office of the Treasurer shall be filled by appointment by majority vote of the Board of Selectmen, commencing with the term beginning November 2025, or earlier upon a vacancy.  A copy of proposed Ordinance is on file with the Pomfret Town Clerk, 5 Haven Road, Pomfret Center.
Article 10: To see if the Town will approve a revision to the Ordinance extending the elected term of office for the Registrar of Voters and Town Treasurer, adopted at a Special Town Meeting dated February 24, 1987, to reference ‘Elected Term of Office for the Registrars of Voters’.  A copy of proposed revision is on file with the Pomfret Town Clerk, 5 Haven Road, Pomfret Center.  
Article  11: To see if the Town will adopt a total appropriation in the amount of $13,868,103 for the 2022-2023 fiscal year budget with $3,160,260 of said amount to be the General Government Appropriation and $10,707,843 of said amount to be the Board of Education Appropriation, the same to be funded by estimated revenues as recommended by the Board of Finance.     
Article 12: To do any other business proper to come before said meeting.
And to act upon the following non-binding questions as recommended by the Pomfret Planning and Zoning Commission:
1.) Should the Town permit/allow the retail sale of recreational Cannabis within the Town?
2.) Should the Town permit/allow the cultivation of Cannabis within the Town?
Dated at Pomfret, Connecticut, this 11th day of May, 2022
Maureen A. Nicholson
Patrick R. McCarthy
Ellsworth E. Chase Jr.
Its Board of Selectmen
Attest:  Cheryl A. Grist, Town Clerk
May 11, 2022
