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By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
HARTFORD --- The Quiet Corner made out pretty well in the most recent Connecticut State Bond Commission meeting July 29.
State Representative Pat Boyd (D – Pomfret) and Sen. Mae Flexer lauded the commission's approval of $1.5 million for upgrades to the regional Quinebaug Valley Emergency Communications System (QVEC).
This initiative will modernize the E-911 network in Connecticut’s “Quiet Corner” and ensure faster dispatch of resources to the scene of an emergency.
This allocation is the second part of a multi-year funding initiative Boyd proposed after meeting with local fire chiefs, police chiefs, and the Volunteer Boards of Tolland County (TN) and Quinebaug Valley (QV) Dispatch organizations three years ago.
Boyd said: “The Quinebaug Valley Emergency Communications System, the primary 911 answering point for northeastern Connecticut continues to grow and improve since it moved out of the State Police Troop D Barracks. This funding, coupled with previous awards, represents the most significant and impactful investment in emergency communications infrastructure in eastern Connecticut."
Flexer said: “The Quinebaug Valley Emergency Communications center is coming up on its 50th anniversary. Its equipment was considered ‘state of the art’ a decade ago when they moved out of Troop D,” said Sen. Flexer. “Especially over the last two and a half years, our first responders have put themselves in harm’s way over and over again. Now it’s time to give back to our superhero first responders who watch over 100,000 people across 500 square miles in eastern Connecticut and ensure they have the best technology supporting their work."
In addition, the Connecticut National Guard Readiness Center slated to be built in Putnam received approval for $556,000 in this round at the commission. The request, made by the Military Department, is under the heading "state matching funds for anticipated federal reimbursable projects."
These funds are requested to award a construction contract based on bids received on May 17 for a new center in Putnam.
This project consists of the construction of a 42,297 square foot National Guard Readiness Center that supports training, administrative and logistical requirements for the Connecticut National Guard. This project will include organizational vehicle parking, back-up emergency generator, fire and alarm systems, site improvements and utilities, and a flammable material facility. This project will be designed to meet industry standards and will be compliant to all local, state and federal building codes.
The total project cost is $31,440,647. Previous funding totals $1.7 million.
The Department of Correction received $464,000 for fire alarm replacement at the Brooklyn Correctional Institute.
The State Department of Environmental and Energy Protection saw approval for $500,000 for an emergency generator at the Quinebaug Fish Hatchery in Plainfield and $550,000 for a new bathhouse at the Salt Rock State Park in Sprague.
