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Legal Notice
Town of Pomfret
Inland Wetlands and
Watercourses Commission
At the August 3, 2022, meeting of the Inland Wetland and Watercourses Commission, the following applications were acted upon:
1. William Gould, 102 Angel Road, application to install a 15” concrete culvert under an existing road 33’ west of the stream channel, and a pair of 15” concrete culverts to function as an overflow, reducing the chances of flooding and water going over the road during extreme rain events; APPROVED with conditions.

2. Christopher Hoyt, 257 Orchard Hill Rd. and 269 Kearney Road, new single-family home, combining two parcels into one lot.  Pond to be 8-10’ deep.  APPROVED with conditions.
Dated this 15th day
of August 2022

Lynn L. Krajewski,
Town of Pomfret
Inland Wetlands and
Watercourses Commission

Aug. 17, 2022
