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Strong Girls
group offered
Northeast Opportunities for Wellness (NOW) will host a second year of its ~Strong Like A Girl~ girls’ empowerment group for girls in sixth through eighth grade living or schooling in the 10-town area of northeastern Connecticut.
This program is in partnership with Ginny Moylan, Certified Teen Life Coach and owner of Finding Your Firefly Teen Life Coaching; and Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Lisa Marie Rivera.  
The program is planned to be a month-by-month program with each session being a two-week commitment on the first and third Sunday of each month from noon to 2 p.m.
Girls can register for one, some, or all of the months.
The program will take place in Putnam and information regarding exact location will be provided to families who are registered to attend the program.
Register here:
Throughout each session of this group, girls will learn new skills, to cultivate self-love, care, and respect.
 The goal is to help teens navigate the natural challenges of adolescence while developing the toolbox of skills needed to conquer their own world.
 Each month focuses on a different topic that will be explored in depth.
Girls enrolled in this group will form new and meaningful friendships with one another and new mentorships with the staff throughout the program.
 Topics will include: Goal setting, stress management, health & wellness, self-image, nutrition, and real-life skills and challenges.
