Category: Past Issues

to be
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
PUTNAM ---  Putnam High School's building is adequate but school officials are looking for more than adequate, with an eye to the future needs of the high school population.
The Putnam school department is looking for bidders to study the feasibility of bringing the current high school, built in 1955, into the 21st century.
School Superintendent William J. Hull said officials, looking toward the future, believe the student count will go up. Currently there are about 325 students at the high school. It's not overcrowded and it's adequate, "but we want more than adequate," Hull said.
Hull said the school system is looking at ways to renovate and upgrade the high school building.
"We're starting the process," he said. The school system is looking for bidders to perform a feasibility study. Bids are due to the school department by Dec. 9.
Hull said the study would cover basics like HVAC, electricity, plumbing, energy efficiency, technology and Americans With Disabilities Act compliance, and more.
Once bids are in, the facilities committee would look them over, interview firms and then make a recommendation to the full Board of Education on which firm should be hired to do the study.
Hull added he anticipates that the study would be performed in the spring.
Hull said the school district would be eligible for some reimbursement from the state for renovations and upgrades.
Building another high school building is not on the table right now, he added.
"We think we have a pretty sound building," Hull said. He said the building has a good set-up and a good flow. "The intent is to renovate," he said.