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Ben Gormley sits on the bench at the overlook he built at the Palmer Arboretum in Woodstock. It's his Eagle Scout project. Courtesy photo.

now grace
By Linda Lemmon
Town Crier Editor
WOODSTOCK --- Where once there were brambles and the inclination toward a steep incline, now rests a bench and overlook at the Palmer Arboretum.
The revival of the nearly 100-year-old arboretum off Rt. 169, was furthered by Ben Gormley, 15, of Woodstock. Gormley, in search of a project for his Boy Scout Eagle project, had gone down to the Town Hall, with an offer to help the town with any project. "I asked (at Town Hall) what the town might want help with," said the Woodstock Academy student.
The Palmer Arboretum board called and said they did need help with the creation of a leveled off overlook near the top of the steep entrance to the arboretum proper. Something with a bench for those unable to go all the way down into the arboretum.
Gormely started the project in April/May "and just kept working at it," finishing in July/August.
The easiest part was coming up with the plan, he said. "You'd think shoveling 5 square feet of dirt would sound easy, but it's not," he added.
After designing his plan, he enlisted help including members of his Boy Scout Troop, Troop 27 of Woodstock, and friends and donators. Help also came from arboretum volunteers. He received help from Monahan's in Putnam and others including Tim Morse and Dan Flynn.
It was hard work, he said. The toughest part was leveling the gravel. Very tedious.
"I learned a lot about leadership," he said. Sometimes volunteer Scouts would wander off, not listen. Gormley discovered that giving helpers specific tasks helped moved the project along.
Asked what the best part of the project was, Gormley, filled with pride, did not hesitate: "Getting a letter from the arboretum. They were so thankful and happy I did this."

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