
The Winner
Sarah Cook recently won the kayak offered by The Last Green Valley Inc. Left to right:  Charlene Cutler, TLGV executive director; Sarah Cook kayak winner, and Brad Cheney, president of CME Associates and Vice Chairman, TLGV Board of Directors. Courtesy photo.

The results of a recent free drawing by The Last Green Valley, Inc. (TLGV) have been announced.  Sarah Cook of Woodstock has won the Perception, Carolina 14-foot recreational kayak valued at $1,000. 
Cook is a senior at Woodstock Academy and entered the drawing at the TLGV display during a fair this fall.
The kayak was purchased by CME Associates, Woodstock, from Danielson Adventure Sports.  It was displayed at the TLGV Information Booth at the Brooklyn and Woodstock fairs where the organization provided information on paddling through the watershed of the National Heritage Corridor.  More than 2,500 people entered the free drawing for the brilliant yellow craft, complete with seat and paddling gear.
“We were thrilled that so many people entered the drawing.  It shows how popular water-based recreation has become,” said Charlene Perkins Cutler, TLGV executive director and CEO.  “We are particularly grateful for the generosity of CME Associates in providing this great kayak for the drawing.”
The Last Green Valley is a National Heritage Corridor – the last stretch of dark night sky in the coastal sprawl between Boston and Washington, D.C.  A dynamic nonprofit organization, TLGV is a steward of that special place, working to celebrate our heritage, conserve our natural resources and respect our working lands. 

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